40,945 research outputs found

    Teens, Social Media, and Privacy

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    Teens share a wide range of information about themselves on social media sites; indeed the sites themselves are designed to encourage the sharing of information and the expansion of networks. However, few teens embrace a fully public approach to social media. Instead, they take an array of steps to restrict and prune their profiles, and their patterns of reputation management on social media vary greatly according to their gender and network size

    Teens, social media, and privacy

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    This report finds that teens are sharing more information about themselves on social media sites than they have in the past, but they are also taking a variety of technical and non-technical steps to manage the privacy of that information. Despite taking these privacy-protective actions, teen social media users do not express a high level of concern about third-parties (such as businesses or advertisers) accessing their data; just 9% say they are “very” concerned. Key findings include: Teens are sharing more information about themselves on their social media profiles than they did when we last surveyed in 2006: 91% post a photo of themselves, up from 79% in 2006. 71% post their school name, up from 49%. 71% post the city or town where they live, up from 61%. 53% post their email address, up from 29%. 20% post their cell phone number, up from 2%. 60% of teen Facebook users set their Facebook profiles to private (friends only), and most report high levels of confidence in their ability to manage their settings. 56% of teen Facebook users say it’s “not difficult at all” to manage the privacy controls on their Facebook profile. 33% Facebook-using teens say it’s “not too difficult.” 8% of teen Facebook users say that managing their privacy controls is “somewhat difficult,” while less than 1% describe the process as “very difficult.” Authored by Mary Madden, Amanda Lenhart, Sandra Cortesi, Urs Gasser, Maeve Duggan, and Aaron Smith

    The Meanings of Communion: Anglican Identities, the Sexuality Debates, and Christian Relationality

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    Recent discussions of the international Anglican Communion have been dominated by notions of a \'crisis\' and \'schism\' resulting from conflicts over issues of homosexuality. Existing accounts of the Communion have often tended to emphasise the perspectives of those most vocal in the debates (particularly bishops, senior clergy, and pressure groups) or to engage in primarily theological analysis. This article examines the nature of the purported \'crisis\' from the perspectives of Anglicans in local parishes in three different national contexts: England, South Africa, and the US. Unusually for writing on the Communion, attention is simultaneously given to parishes that have clear pro-gay stances, those that largely oppose the acceptance of homosexual practice, and those with more ambivalent positions. In doing so, the article offers new insights for the growing body of literature on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Christians, as well as wider discussions about the contested nature of contemporary Anglican and other Christian identities. Key themes include the divergent ways in which respondents felt (and did not feel) connections to the spatially distant \'others\' with whom they are in Communion; the complex relationships and discordances between parish, denominational, and Communion-level identities; and competing visions of the role of the Communion in producing unity or preserving diversity amongst Anglicans.Anglican Communion; Sexuality; Christianity; Religious Identities

    Young people's views regarding participation in mental health and wellbeing research through social media

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    Social media is a central component in the lives of many young people, and provides innovative potential to conduct research among this population. Ethical issues around online research have been subject to much debate, yet young people have seldom been consulted to provide a youth perspective and voice. Eight (8) focus groups involving 48 Grade 9 Western Australian secondary school students aged 13-14 years were held in 2012, to investigate how young people perceive the feasibility and acceptability of social media when used as a research tool to investigate various issues relevant to their mental health and wellbeing. Whilst young people recognise many benefits of researchers using social media in this way, such as its relevance, innovation and accessibility, there were salient issues of privacy, consent, and practicality that require careful negotiation. There is a need for continued exploration and scientific debate of the moral and ethical implications of using social media for research, to help ensure this is employed in an appropriate and effective way that is respectful of and sensitive to the needs and views of young peoplepeer-reviewe

    How Do Online Social Networks Drive Internal Communication and Improve Employee Engagement?

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    The definition of a social network is taking traditional or in person networking activities online. It focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. Given the popularity of social network sites, it is obvious that more and more companies are interested in using them to enhance company’s strategy. Many large organizations had been looking for ways to extract business values from social technologies, and some of them had already run their own social network site on their own servers, what we will refer to as an internal social network. Our research, focusing on looking at the practices of real companies’ internal social network, may reveal some insights or give some inspirations

    Women's Interfaith Initiatives in the United States Post 9/11

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    In this post 9/11 era, women's interfaith initiatives offer an exciting alternative to the standard model for interfaith engagement, which often presumes male (clergy) leadership. For one thing, academic and professional authorities on interfaith relations are replaced with real-life experts: women who live and breathe the challenges of religious coexistence in times of crisis. Secondly, formal dialogue is replaced with storytelling. Personal testimonies, reflections, and engagement in difficult dialogues are not limited to theological arenas of overlap and divergence, but instead focus on the day to day experiences where conflicts of identity, more often than ideology, are commonplace.What follows is a sketch of the multi-religious women's networks of the Pluralism Project at Harvard University, as well as a snapshot of women's initiatives that have developed in various parts of the United States over the past five years. The intention is to explore this new model of women's interfaith initiatives, with the idea that it is complementary to traditional models, and as such will be critical to multi-religious societies in the years to come. In the spirit of honoring these efforts, let me begin with a story

    Why Youth (heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life

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    Part of the Volume on Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Social network sites like MySpace and Facebook serve as "networked publics." As with unmediated publics like parks and malls, youth use networked publics to gather, socialize with their peers, and make sense of and help build the culture around them. This article examines American youth engagement in networked publics and considers how properties unique to such mediated environments (e.g., persistence, searchability, replicability, and invisible audiences) affect the ways in which youth interact with one another. Ethnographic data is used to analyze how youth recognize these structural properties and find innovative ways of making these systems serve their purposes. Issues like privacy and impression management are explored through the practices of teens and youth participation in social network sites is situated in a historical discussion of youth's freedom and mobility in the United States

    Challenge and potential of future agricultural development in Jordan:role of education and entrepreneurship

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    The paper examines the status of agriculture development in Jordan, current challenges and potential of future development. Aim of the study is to find out the role of education and entrepreneurship in fostering agriculture development in Jordan through: introducing new technologies into the sector; applying modern and global marketing perspective, and youth entrepreneurship empowerment. This study is based on theoretical approach based on secondary research, and primary research includes two surveys were carried out at this study. Like various studies this study confirmed that water scarcity is the main challenge facing agriculture development in Jordan, and the sector is less developed than other sectors in the country. Nevertheless, this study added that youth entrepreneurship low participation in the sector is not only due to financial shortage and youth insufficient knowledge, but it's due to their low attitude to working in agriculture too. Therefore, it is suggested that there is a need for significant paradigm shift in the education system to meet the needs of the market. Also utilizing the role of R&D to enhance the management of water resources and emphasize desalination and wastewater reuse, and change youth's attitude to working in agriculture. Add to the aforementioned that there is a need to provide more financial and technical support to attract and help youth entrepreneurs to invest in the sector

    Exploring the ethical imagination: conversation as practice versus committee as gatekeeper

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    This conversation (from which some excerpts are reproduced below) was part of the preparatory work for my (Sabi) doctorate in education in which I focus on ethical decision-making in qualitative research in health care settings. Les and I hope that readers who share our concerns about how qualitative studies are reviewed may contribute to this dialogue so that, as a community of researchers, we can start to think and speak differently about ethics and ethical decision-making in qualitative research. Thinking and speaking differently, we hope, may bring about changes in the review processes to make them more congruent with the values of our work and reflect more faithfully the tensions and dilemmas we, and our students, face in our practice

    Separately Together:Working Reflexively as a Team

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    Discussions of reflexivity tend to ignore issues of practice, and those addressing practice are likely to presume a sole researcher. In this paper, we respond to the need for attention to reflexive practice in qualitative research teams. Drawing on our experience of working 'separately together', we identify reflexivity as an embedded feature of team-based research. We discuss how reflexivity can be used as a collective interpretive resource in the construction of the research subject/object, and we highlight reflexive possibilities unique to team-based research. We include in the article a presentation of the orientations and research practices that supported our reflexive teamwork
