1,274 research outputs found

    A review of knowledge of the potential impacts of GMOs on organic agriculture

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    The organic movement believes that organic agriculture, by its nature, cannot involve the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This has been incorporated into EU regulations which state that there is no place in organic agriculture for GMOs. The aim in this review is to consider the ways in which the use of GMOs in agriculture in the UK and internationally might impact on organic farming. It does not address the controversy about the rights or wrongs of GMO’s per se. The subjects covered are based on a set of questions raised at the beginning of the study. The review is based primarily on evidence from peer-reviewed literature. The report is based on a number of themes, as follows: • Fate of DNA in soil • Fate of DNA in livestock feed and possible impact of GM feed • Fate of DNA in slurry, manure, compost and mulch • Impact of herbicide tolerant crops • Impact of pest and disease resistant crops • Safety of promoters • DNA transfer in pollen and seeds • Horizontal gene transfer • Impact of scale The report’s Executive Summary includes summaries of the findings on each of these themes

    Structural representations of DNA regulatory substrates can enhance sequence-based algorithms by associating functional sequence variants

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    The nucleotide sequence representation of DNA can be inadequate for resolving protein-DNA binding sites and regulatory substrates, such as those involved in gene expression and horizontal gene transfer. Considering that sequence-like representations are algorithmically very useful, here we fused over 60 currently available DNA physicochemical and conformational variables into compact structural representations that can encode single DNA binding sites to whole regulatory regions. We find that the main structural components reflect key properties of protein-DNA interactions and can be condensed to the amount of information found in a single nucleotide position. The most accurate structural representations compress functional DNA sequence variants by 30% to 50%, as each instance encodes from tens to thousands of sequences. We show that a structural distance function discriminates among groups of DNA substrates more accurately than nucleotide sequence-based metrics. As this opens up a variety of implementation possibilities, we develop and test a distance-based alignment algorithm, demonstrating the potential of using the structural representations to enhance sequence-based algorithms. Due to the bias of most current bioinformatic methods to nucleotide sequence representations, it is possible that considerable performance increases might still be achievable with such solutions.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, conferenc

    Learning the Regulatory Code of Gene Expression

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    Data-driven machine learning is the method of choice for predicting molecular phenotypes from nucleotide sequence, modeling gene expression events including protein-DNA binding, chromatin states as well as mRNA and protein levels. Deep neural networks automatically learn informative sequence representations and interpreting them enables us to improve our understanding of the regulatory code governing gene expression. Here, we review the latest developments that apply shallow or deep learning to quantify molecular phenotypes and decode the cis-regulatory grammar from prokaryotic and eukaryotic sequencing data. Our approach is to build from the ground up, first focusing on the initiating protein-DNA interactions, then specific coding and non-coding regions, and finally on advances that combine multiple parts of the gene and mRNA regulatory structures, achieving unprecedented performance. We thus provide a quantitative view of gene expression regulation from nucleotide sequence, concluding with an information-centric overview of the central dogma of molecular biology

    Novel Sequence-Based Method for Identifying Transcription Factor Binding Sites in Prokaryotic Genomes

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    Computational techniques for microbial genomic sequence analysis are becoming increasingly important. With next–generation sequencing technology and the human microbiome project underway, current sequencing capacity is significantly greater than the speed at which organisms of interest can be experimentally probed. We have developed a method that will primarily use available sequence data in order to determine prokaryotic transcription factor binding specificities. The prototypical prokaryotic transcription factor: TF) contains a helix–turn–helix: HTH) fold and bind DNA as homodimers, leading to their palindromic motif specificities. The connection between the TF and its promoter is based on the autoregulation phenomenon noticed in E. coli. Approximately 55% of the TFs analyzed were estimated to be autoregulated. Our preliminary analysis using RegulonDB indicates that this value increases to 79% if one considers the neighboring operons. Given the TF family of interest, it is necessary to find the relevant TF proteins and their associated genomes. Due to the scale–free network topology of prokaryotic systems, many of the transcriptional regulators regulate only one or a few operons. Within a single genome, there would not be enough sequence–based signal to determine the binding site using standard computational methods. Therefore, multiple bacterial genomes are used to overcome this lack of signal within a single genome. We use a distance–based criteria to define the operon boundaries and their respective promoters. Several TF–DNA crystal structures are then used to determine the residues that interact with the DNA. These key residues are the basis for the TF comparison metric; the assumption being that similar residues should impart similar DNA binding specificities. After defining the sets of TF clusters using this metric, their respective promoters are used as input to a motif finding procedure. This method has currently been tested on the LacI and TetR TF families with successful results. On external validation sets, the specificity of prediction is ∼80%. These results are important in developing methods to define the DNA binding preferences of the TF protein residues, known as the “recognition code”. This “recognition code” would allow computational design and prediction of novel DNA–binding specificities, enabling protein-engineering and synthetic biology applications

    Programming microbes to treat superbug infection

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    Superbug infection is one of the greatest public health threat with grave implications across all levels of society. Towards a new solution to combat infection by multi-drug resistant bacteria, this thesis presents an engineering framework and genetic tools applied to repurpose commensal bacteria into “micro-robots” for the treatment of superbug infection. Specifically, a prototype of designer probiotic was developed using the human commensal bacteria Escherichia coli. The engineered commensal was reprogrammed with user-specified functions to sense superbug, produced pathogen-specific killing molecules and released the killing molecules via a lytic mechanism. The engineered commensal was effective in suppressing ~99% of planktonic Pseudomonas and preventing ~ 90% of biofilm formation. To enhance the sensing capabilities of engineered commensal, genetic interfaces comprising orthogonal AND & OR logic devices were developed to mediate the integration and interpretation of binary input signals. Finally, AND, OR and NOT logic gates were networked to generate a myriad of cellular logic operations including half adder and half subtractor. The creation of half adder logic represents a significant advancement of engineering human commensal to be biological equivalent of microprocessor chips in programmable computer with the ability to process input signals into diversified actions. Importantly, this thesis provides exemplary case studies to the attenuation of cellular and genetic context dependent effects through principles elucidated herein, thereby advancing our capability to engineer commensal bacteria.Open Acces

    Taking into account nucleosomes for predicting gene expression

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    The eukaryotic genome is organized in a chain of nucleosomes that consist of 145-147. bp of DNA wrapped around a histone octamer protein core. Binding of transcription factors (TF) to nucleosomal DNA is frequently impeded, which makes it a challenging task to calculate TF occupancy at a given regulatory genomic site for predicting gene expression. Here, we review methods to calculate TF binding to DNA in the presence of nucleosomes. The main theoretical problems are (i) the computation speed that is becoming a bottleneck when partial unwrapping of DNA from the nucleosome is considered, (ii) the perturbation of the binding equilibrium by the activity of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers, which translocate nucleosomes along the DNA, and (iii) the model parameterization from high-throughput sequencing data and fluorescence microscopy experiments in living cells. We discuss strategies that address these issues to efficiently compute transcription factor binding in chromatin. Š 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Genomic data mining for the computational prediction of small non-coding RNA genes

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    The objective of this research is to develop a novel computational prediction algorithm for non-coding RNA (ncRNA) genes using features computable for any genomic sequence without the need for comparative analysis. Existing comparative-based methods require the knowledge of closely related organisms in order to search for sequence and structural similarities. This approach imposes constraints on the type of ncRNAs, the organism, and the regions where the ncRNAs can be found. We have developed a novel approach for ncRNA gene prediction without the limitations of current comparative-based methods. Our work has established a ncRNA database required for subsequent feature and genomic analysis. Furthermore, we have identified significant features from folding-, structural-, and ensemble-based statistics for use in ncRNA prediction. We have also examined higher-order gene structures, namely operons, to discover potential insights into how ncRNAs are transcribed. Being able to automatically identify ncRNAs on a genome-wide scale is immensely powerful for incorporating it into a pipeline for large-scale genome annotation. This work will contribute to a more comprehensive annotation of ncRNA genes in microbial genomes to meet the demands of functional and regulatory genomic studies.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Dr. G. Tong Zhou; Committee Member: Dr. Arthur Koblasz; Committee Member: Dr. Eberhard Voit; Committee Member: Dr. Xiaoli Ma; Committee Member: Dr. Ying X

    Control Theory for Synthetic Biology: Recent Advances in System Characterization, Control Design, and Controller Implementation for Synthetic Biology

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    Living organisms are differentiated by their genetic material-millions to billions of DNA bases encoding thousands of genes. These genes are translated into a vast array of proteins, many of which have functions that are still unknown. Previously, it was believed that simply knowing the genetic sequence of an organism would be the key to unlocking all understanding. However, as DNA sequencing technology has become affordable, it has become clear that living cells are governed by complex, multilayered networks of gene regulation that cannot be deduced from sequence alone. Synthetic biology as a field might best be characterized as a learn-by-building approach, in which scientists attempt to engineer molecular pathways that do not exist in nature. In doing so, they test the limits of both natural and engineered organisms
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