10 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Portofolio Elektronik Melalui Teknologi Self Video on Demand On-Line (Svodoo) Sebagai Penguatan Aspek Sosial dan Emosional Bagi Calon Guru Di Lingkungan LPTK

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    Abstrak: Calon guru di lingkungan LPTK memerlukan perhatian khusus dalam metode assessment-nya. Tanggung jawab utama untuk perubahan guru bertumpu pada program persiapan bagi calon guru di pendidikan tinggi (Lombardi dan Hunka , 2001). Calon guru di LPTK memiliki keberagaman dimensi yang komplek. Sehingga memerlukan konten pembelajaran sosial dan emosional yang mampu mengakuisisi seluruh potensi calon guru dengan efektif dalam rangka memberikan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan yang diperlukan untuk mengenali dan mengelola emosi, mengembangkan kepedulian orang lain, membuat bertanggung jawab keputusan, membangun hubungan, dan penanganan situasi akademik yang memiliki sikap positif.. Penerapan teknologi SVODO dalam belajar dan pembelajaran dapat dikategorikan sebagai media portofolio yang simpel dan realistis. Model Pengembangan Davidson dan Rasmussen (2007) dipilih berdasarkan kesesuaian terhadap kebutuhan karateristik pengembangan sistem pengelolaan pembelajaran secara On-line.Abstract: Teacher candidates in the LPTK require special attention in their assessment methods. Primary responsibility for teacher change rests on the preparation program for prospective teachers in higher education (Lombardi and Hunka, 2001). Prospective teachers in the LPTK have a variety of complex dimensions. So it requires social and emotional learning content that is able to effectively acquire all the potential of prospective teachers in order to provide the knowledge, attitudes and skills needed to recognize and manage emotions, develop concern for others, make responsible decisions, build relationships, and handle academic situations. who have a positive attitude. The application of SVODO technology in learning and learning can be categorized as a simple and realistic media portfolio. Davidson and Rasmussen's (2007) Development Model was chosen based on its suitability to the characteristics of developing an On-line learning management system.

    Facilitating students' learning by using video in liberal studies lesson in Hong Kong

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    Among various kinds of teaching tool use in Liberal Studies, video become the most common and popular teaching tool for teachers in facilitating students’ learning. It is found that using video helps to arouse student interests, stimulate class interaction and enhance their motivation in learning. This study explores the practical ways in making use of video to maximize students’ learning in the subject of Liberal Studies. The findings also reveal several supplementary instructional strategies in assisting teacher to bring out the educational value of video inside classroom. In the process, possible challenges when integrating videos into the curriculum for teachers are addressed in this inquiry. Model of integrating video into Liberal Studies curriculum will be introduced and discussed in this dissertation.published_or_final_versionEducationBachelorBachelor of Education in Liberal Studie

    Uurimuslik õpe veebipõhises õpikeskkonnas: uurimusliku õppe protsesside teoreetiline raamistik

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Uurimuslik õpe on tänapäeva hariduses, eriti loodusainete õpetamisel, väga tähtsal kohal. Sellest annavad tunnistust nii mitmed üle-euroopalised dokumendid kui ka Eestis 2011. aastal vastu võetud uus õppekava, mis seab uurimusliku õppe kesksele kohale. Uurimuslik õpe on meetod, mis võimaldab õpilasel olla teadlase rollis – lahendada probleeme ning uurida erinevaid nähtusi. Õppimine käib teadlase tööle omaste tegevuste kaudu: sõnastatakse hüpoteese, planeeritakse katseid ning pakutakse lahendusi uuritavatele probleemidele. Uusi teadmisi ei ammutata enam õpetaja dikteerimisel, vaid õpilane ise võtab endale vastutuse teadmiste omandamisel. Nii on ka suurem tõenäosus, et uus teadmine on õpilase jaoks mõistetavam ning püsib ka paremini meeles. Seejuures on ka õpetajal oma roll – ta on suunaja, abistaja ning tagasisidestaja. Uurimuslikku õpet võib läbi viia nii tava- kui virtuaalses klassiruumis. Virtuaalne klassiruum võimaldab teha katseid, mis tavaoludes oleksid võimatud. Üheks näiteks on kõnealuse doktoritöö käigus välja arendatud uurimuslik õpikeskkond „Noor teadlane“ (http://bio.edu.ee/teadlane), mis on mõeldud eelkõige 6.–9. klassi õpilastele bioloogia õppimiseks. Selles on viis uurimuslikku ülesannet, milles otsitakse vastuseid näiteks küsimusele „Miks lihased väsivad erinevalt?“. Igas ülesandes teevad õpilased läbi teadustööle omased etapid: määratlevad probleemi, sõnastavad uurimisküsimuse ja hüpoteesi, planeerivad ja viivad läbi katse, analüüsivad katsetulemusi ning teevad selle põhjal järeldused. Doktoritöö tulemusena koostati uurimusliku õppe mudel, mis aitab paremini mõista, kuidas uurimuslikud protsessid omavahel seostuvad, ning võimaldab seeläbi uute uurimuslike õppematerjalide koostamisel seda arvestada. Lisaks selgus, et rakendades kompleksset uurimusliku õppe keskkonda, on võimalik arendada õpilaste uurimuslikke oskusi ja ainealaseid teadmisi. Leiti, et uurimuslike oskuste arengut mõjutavad ka oskuste omavahelised seosed ning uurimuslikud üldteadmised.Inquiry-based learning has an important role in today’s science education. This is confirmed by many European-level documents and recent curriculum reforms in Estonia, where inquiry-based learning is an umbrella term for science related subjects. Inquiry-based learning is a learning method where students take on the role of a scientist, mirroring activities employed by scientists—formulate hypotheses, carry out investigations and collect evidence to propose explanations about the investigated phenomena. Teachers no longer are the primary source of knowledge. Students take their own responsibility for obtaining new knowledge. The teacher’s role is to enable the construction process as a facilitator and to provide resources. Inquiry-based learning is applicable in regular or virtual classrooms. The latter enable conducting experiments impossible in a regular classroom (e.g., experiments that are dangerous). One example of such virtual classrooms is the inquiry-based learning environment Young Researcher (http://bio.edu.ee/teadlane), which is designed for students from the 6th to the 9th grade for learning biology. There are five inquiry-based tasks that need to be solved (e.g., “Why do muscles wear down differently?”). The entire learning process is structured according to inquiry learning stages: problem identification; research question and hypothesis formulation; planning and carrying out an experiment; analysis and interpretation of data; and drawing conclusions. As a result of the doctoral study, a theoretical model of inquiry-based learning was constructed that serves as a conceptual structure for showing how inquiry processes are related to each other. Additionally, it was revealed that applying a comprehensive inquiry-based learning environment improves students’ inquiry skills and general inquiry knowledge; also, it was found that the development of inquiry skills is influenced by the interactions between such skills, as well as by general inquiry knowledge

    京都産業大学における教員のICT利用実態 : アンケート調査と結果分析

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    Investigating Inquiry-based Learning: Teachers Perspectives at a K-12 School

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    Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is receiving a lot of attention and consideration as a modern instructional method. Teaching strategies that actively involve students in the learning process through inquiry instructions are more likely to increase conceptual understanding than of strategies that rely on more passive techniques. The purpose of this study is to better understand how a selected group of five teachers perceive and practice inquiry-based learning (IBL) as an instructional method in their classrooms across all disciplines at one K-12 school. This study employed a case study methodology to better understand teachers perceptions, practices, and technology integration, while using IBL in a metropolitan classroom setting. Data was accumulated through semi-structured, open-ended interviews and classroom observations. A qualitative case study approach was used to collect and interpret the teachers individual experiences. The following research questions guided this study: How do a selected group of teachers perceive, plan, implement, and integrate technology while utilizing Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) as an instructional strategy in their classrooms? This case study revealed four major themes: teachers understood and implemented IBL in different ways; teachers recognized that IBL is helpful for better knowledge construction; teachers expressed that planning an open inquiry learning environment is extraordinarily challenging, and technology is beneficial for an inquiry learning environment despite its own challenges. Finally, teachers liked IBL for its many learning benefits and acknowledged that it is difficult to plan an open-inquiry learning environment. Each of the teachers implemented IBL slightly differently though they all followed a comprehensive and complete learning cycle

    An Exploratory Study of the Impact of a Meaningful, Mastery Project Based Learning Curriculum Structure Based on Self-Determination Theory and Agentic Engagement on Motivation, Engagement and Outcomes in a SEND Secondary School in England

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    This study looks to address the challenges of engagement in learning for those with additional needs in the UK in the 21st century. In doing so, the model’s aim is to improve access to roles of social value and address the 6% employment rate through better educational outcomes and future opportunities. The meaningful, mastery project-based learning (MMPBL) curriculum model was designed to best facilitate the psychological needs of Ryan and Deci (2000) Self Determination Theory (SDT) and enhance engagement, enhancing student agency. It was tested on Key Stage 4 students (n51) in a secondary special education needs or disability (SEND) school. They chose one of six MMPBL projects and dedicated 350hours towards ‘mastery’ of their strengths. The mixed-method methodology sought to explore what impact, if any, the MMPBL would have compared to the previous ‘typical’ delivery of the national curriculum. Secondary data was drawn from typical academic outcomes and stakeholder voice through focus groups and surveys, using coded analysis of the presence of motivational components and observations of engagement. As an exploratory piece of research, the study was also left open to spontaneous data. The results showed an increase in the presence of competence, relatedness and autonomy, but also built conceptual and applied learning into education. The model led to a positive spiral in outcomes, including engagement (behaviourally- 83% reduction in negative behaviour incidents and +4.16% attendance), improved academic outcomes (cognitively- increasing 0.4 qualifications per student and quality, 0.5 in level), improving autonomy in transition choices (those who went on to subject specific college courses increased by 32% and 2 students gained employment). Stakeholders highlighted a positive impact on culture, perceptions (including identity), development and connecting networks locally and globally (entrepreneurially supporting 29 causes). The research will benefit practitioners, policy makers and academic research as it is the first whole curriculum based on SDT and agentic engagement in SEND. Future studies look to explore if sustainable projects can be built into post-19 social entrepreneurship in SEND


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    Nowadays, character education becomes a major concern in Indonesia. Character development has been done by various strategy, but the results is yet to be seen. Character development should beginin elementary school in order that the children's charactercould formed early so that it could be developed until they are mature. One of the efforts of character building is integrating the local wisdom in learning. One of them is the Javanese culture. Javanese culture has a variety of rules called the "unggah-ungguh" that always give good models to the public community, especially to the Javanese. Along with the times, the Javanese culture that upholds ethics began to degraded and replaced by foreign cultures that came later. The parents’ roles in instilling the Javanese culture to their children also decreased gradually. This paper will examine the Javanese culture’s roles toward the character building in elementary schools’ students. Descriptive method supported by a depth review of the literature and the previous studies is used in this paper as a method. Based on the results of these reviews, we obtain some information about the types and mechanisms of Javanese culture in character building of students, especially elementary school students