940 research outputs found

    Synchrophasor Assisted Efficient Fault Location Techniques In An Active Distribution Network

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    Reliability of an electrical system can be improved by an efficient fault location identification for the fast repair and remedial actions. This scenario changes when there are large penetrations of distributed generation (DG) which makes the distribution system an active distribution system. An efficient use of synchrophasors in the distribution network is studied with bidirectional power flow, harmonics and low angle difference consideration which are not prevalent in a transmission network. A synchrophasor estimation algorithm for the P class PMU is developed and applied to identify efficient fault location. A fault location technique using two ended synchronized measurement is derived from the principle of transmission line settings to work in a distribution network which is independent of line parameters. The distribution systems have less line length, harmonics and different sized line conductors, which affects the sensitivity of the synchronized measurements, Total Vector Error (TVE) and threshold for angular separation between different points in the network. A new signal processing method based on Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is utilized to work in a distribution network as specified in IEEE C37.118 (2011) standard for synchrophasor. A specific P and M classes of synchrophasor measurements are defined in the standard. A tradeoff between fast acting P class and detailed measurement M class is sought to work specifically in the distribution system settings which is subjected to large amount of penetrations from the renewable energy

    Synchrophasor Based Islanding & Open phase fault Protection in Distribution Systems

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    With the rapid growth of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency initiatives, electric vehicles, energy storage, etc., distribution systems are becoming more complex such that conventional protection, control, and measurement infrastructure – typically concentrated at the main substation, with little to no access to information along the feeder – cannot maintain the reliability of the system without some sort of additional protection, control and measurement functionalities. As an example, a dedicated communication channel for carrying the transfer trip signal from the substation to the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) to prevent islanding operation of alternative resources, has been a requirement for many utilities. In the transformation of the distribution system from a simple radial system to a bidirectional energy flow network, integration of many intelligent devices and applications will also be required. Thus, this situation calls for investment in communication infrastructure, and augmentation of protection, control, and measurement functionalities. The value of power system communication technologies such as synchrophasor measurement technology – which includes the Phasor Measurement Unit (measuring and providing voltage and current phasors in the real time via communication), communication infrastructure, and Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) – is being recognized through large-scale deployments around the world. However, these implementations are predominantly limited to some monitoring-type applications and are being realized primarily in transmission systems and bulk power systems (≥100 kV), where performance requirements are much more stringent compared to distribution systems. So contrary to transmission systems, the current status of synchrophasor measurement technology can be utilized to its full extent in distribution systems, as shown in current research for anti-islanding and open-phase faults in the distribution feeder protection application, where the number of PMUs and performance required is somewhat lower than the bulk of power energy. Thus, the opportunity to invest in the implementation of synchronized measurement technology in distribution system is timely as it can be coordinated with other investments in feeder modernization, distributed generation (DG) integration, and infrastructure enhancements that are underway, including “smart grid” initiatives. In the first use case of this research, the behavior of the major DG types during islanding is studied through accurate transient modeling of utility type distribution systems using PSCAD-EMTDC and MATLAB. The study proposes augmentation of PMU-based solutions to the current passive islanding protection elements, such as voltage and frequency, and improving the non-detection zone of the passive elements by adapting their settings based on normal loading conditions at closest known instant prior to the fault or islanding occurrence. The solution proposes a system architecture that requires one PMU at each PCC bus and in the main substation. The communication aspect is based on the IEC 6850-90-5 report, where the PMU can subscribe directly to the data stream of the remote PMUs such that the need for PDCs in this application is eliminated, yielding better performance. In the second use case, an open-phase fault – a major concern for distribution utilities from safety of public and equipment perspective – has been studied. Clearing the open-phase fault without identifying the type of fault could result in an attempt by the recloser to reenergize the downed wire; conversely, an undetected open-phase fault could initiate ferro-resonance, thereby stressing equipment and increasing the risk to public safety, both urban and rural. This work discusses comprehensive analysis of symmetrical components of various types of open-phase faults in the distribution feeder with the presence of distributed generators (DGs) and proposes the use of phasor measurement data located at substation and PCC to identify the open-phase fault. The proposed algorithm relies on the rate of change of the various current and voltage sequence components. In the study conducted, the utility type feeder and substation are modeled in PSCAD-EMTDC, and different types of open-phase fault and shunt faults are studied to verify the dependability and security of proposed algorithm

    Enhancing reliability in passive anti-islanding protection schemes for distribution systems with distributed generation

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    This thesis introduces a new approach to enhance the reliability of conventional passive anti-islanding protection scheme in distribution systems embedding distributed generation. This approach uses an Islanding-Dedicated System (IDS) per phase which will be logically combined with the conventional scheme, either in blocking or permissive modes. Each phase IDS is designed based on data mining techniques. The use of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) enables to reach higher accuracy and speed among other data mining techniques. The proposed scheme is trained and tested on a practical radial distribution system with six-1.67 MW Doubly-Fed Induction Generators (DFIG-DGs) wind turbines. Various scenarios of DFIG-DG operating conditions with different types of disturbances for critical breakers are simulated. Conventional passive anti-islanding relays incorrectly detected 67.3% of non-islanding scenarios. In other words, the security is as low as 32.3%. The obtained results indicate that the proposed approach can be used to theoretically increase the security to 100%. Therefore, the overall reliability of the system is substantially increased

    Modelling methods for testability analysis of analog integrated circuits based on pole-zero analysis

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    Testability analysis for analog circuits provides valuable information for designers and test engineers. Such information includes a number of testable and nontestable elements of a circuit, ambiguity groups, and nodes to be tested. This information is useful for solving the fault diagnosis problem. In order to verify the functionality of analog circuits, a large number of specifications have to be checked. However, checking all circuit specifications can result in prohibitive testing times on expensive automated test equipment. Therefore, the test engineer has to select a finite subset of specifications to be measured. This subset of specifications must result in reducing the test time and guaranteeing that no faulty chips are shipped. This research develops a novel methodology for testability analysis of linear analog circuits based on pole-zero analysis and on pole-zero sensitivity analysis. Based on this methodology, a new interpretation of ambiguity groups is provided relying on the circuit theory. The testability analysis methodology can be employed as a guideline for constructing fault diagnosis equations and for selecting the test nodes. We have also proposed an algorithm for selecting specifications that need to be measured. The element testability concept will be introduced. This concept provides the degree of difficulty in testing circuit elements. The value of the element testability can easily be obtained using the pole sensitivities. Then, specifications which need to be measured can be selected based on this concept. Consequently, the selected measurements can be utilized for reducing the test time without sacrificing the fault coverage and maximizing the information for fault diagnosis

    Detection and Location of Faults in Wide Area Systems based on Error-Dependent Communication Strategy

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    Transmission system serves as a crucial link between generating stations and consumers. Early detection and accurate location of faults on transmission lines are essential to prevent the occurrence of blackouts. Also real time monitoring of power system states during faults will enhance the situational awareness for power system operators. Wide Area Measurement and Protection Systems (WAMPS) based on Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) are a promising solution for dynamic real time monitoring and protection of power system.;This thesis deals with detection and location of faults on a transmission system based on synchrophasor technology. Performance of WAMPS is largely dependent on the performance of its information and communication technologies infrastructure. Error-dependent communication strategy is employed in this work for communication of real time data from PMU to the centralized controller. As PMUs are expensive, they cannot be placed at every bus. Hence linear state estimator based on synchronized measurements is employed for estimating the state of the entire system. The estimated states of the system are then compared to a certain threshold and if any abnormality is found, fault is detected. Once the faulted bus is detected, two-terminal algorithm is employed to identify the exact location of fault. The proposed methodology is implemented on IEEE 9 bus system developed in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment

    NASA Space Engineering Research Center Symposium on VLSI Design

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    The NASA Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) is proud to offer, at its second symposium on VLSI design, presentations by an outstanding set of individuals from national laboratories and the electronics industry. These featured speakers share insights into next generation advances that will serve as a basis for future VLSI design. Questions of reliability in the space environment along with new directions in CAD and design are addressed by the featured speakers

    Constraint-driven RF test stimulus generation and built-in test

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    With the explosive growth in wireless applications, the last decade witnessed an ever-increasing test challenge for radio frequency (RF) circuits. While the design community has pushed the envelope far into the future, by expanding CMOS process to be used with high-frequency wireless devices, test methodology has not advanced at the same pace. Consequently, testing such devices has become a major bottleneck in high-volume production, further driven by the growing need for tighter quality control. RF devices undergo testing during the prototype phase and during high-volume manufacturing (HVM). The benchtop test equipment used throughout prototyping is very precise yet specialized for a subset of functionalities. HVM calls for a different kind of test paradigm that emphasizes throughput and sufficiency, during which the projected performance parameters are measured one by one for each device by automated test equipment (ATE) and compared against defined limits called specifications. The set of tests required for each product differs greatly in terms of the equipment required and the time taken to test individual devices. Together with signal integrity, precision, and repeatability concerns, the initial cost of RF ATE is prohibitively high. As more functionality and protocols are integrated into a single RF device, the required number of specifications to be tested also increases, adding to the overall cost of testing, both in terms of the initial and recurring operating costs. In addition to the cost problem, RF testing proposes another challenge when these components are integrated into package-level system solutions. In systems-on-packages (SOP), the test problems resulting from signal integrity, input/output bandwidth (IO), and limited controllability and observability have initiated a paradigm shift in high-speed analog testing, favoring alternative approaches such as built-in tests (BIT) where the test functionality is brought into the package. This scheme can make use of a low-cost external tester connected through a low-bandwidth link in order to perform demanding response evaluations, as well as make use of the analog-to-digital converters and the digital signal processors available in the package to facilitate testing. Although research on analog built-in test has demonstrated hardware solutions for single specifications, the paradigm shift calls for a rather general approach in which a single methodology can be applied across different devices, and multiple specifications can be verified through a single test hardware unit, minimizing the area overhead. Specification-based alternate test methodology provides a suitable and flexible platform for handling the challenges addressed above. In this thesis, a framework that integrates ATE and system constraints into test stimulus generation and test response extraction is presented for the efficient production testing of high-performance RF devices using specification-based alternate tests. The main components of the presented framework are as follows: Constraint-driven RF alternate test stimulus generation: An automated test stimulus generation algorithm for RF devices that are evaluated by a specification-based alternate test solution is developed. The high-level models of the test signal path define constraints in the search space of the optimized test stimulus. These models are generated in enough detail such that they inherently define limitations of the low-cost ATE and the I/O restrictions of the device under test (DUT), yet they are simple enough that the non-linear optimization problem can be solved empirically in a reasonable amount of time. Feature extractors for BIT: A methodology for the built-in testing of RF devices integrated into SOPs is developed using additional hardware components. These hardware components correlate the high-bandwidth test response to low bandwidth signatures while extracting the test-critical features of the DUT. Supervised learning is used to map these extracted features, which otherwise are too complicated to decipher by plain mathematical analysis, into the specifications under test. Defect-based alternate testing of RF circuits: A methodology for the efficient testing of RF devices with low-cost defect-based alternate tests is developed. The signature of the DUT is probabilistically compared with a class of defect-free device signatures to explore possible corners under acceptable levels of process parameter variations. Such a defect filter applies discrimination rules generated by a supervised classifier and eliminates the need for a library of possible catastrophic defects.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Chatterjee, Abhijit; Committee Member: Durgin, Greg; Committee Member: Keezer, David; Committee Member: Milor, Linda; Committee Member: Sitaraman, Sures

    Distributed simulation of power systems using real time digital simulator

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    The simulation of power system behavior, especially transient behavior, helps us in the analysis and planning of various power systems. However, power systems are usually highly complex and geographically distributed. Therefore system partitioning can be used to allow for sharing resources in simulation. In this work, distributed simulations of power system models have been developed using an electromagnetic transient simulator, namely Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS). The goal is to demonstrate and assess the feasibility of both non-real-time and real-time simulations using the RTDS in a geographically distributed scenario. Different protocols and options used in the communication between power systems have been studied and analyzed. In this work, a test bed has been developed for data transfer between a power system simulated in RTDS at Mississippi State University and the power system simulated in RTDS at Texas A&M University. Different protocols, available for the interface and communication in the RTDS, have been studied and applied in this work. Finally, a locally distributed wide area control test bed was developed and simulated