5 research outputs found

    Isotropic reconstruction of 3D fluorescence microscopy images using convolutional neural networks

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    Fluorescence microscopy images usually show severe anisotropy in axial versus lateral resolution. This hampers downstream processing, i.e. the automatic extraction of quantitative biological data. While deconvolution methods and other techniques to address this problem exist, they are either time consuming to apply or limited in their ability to remove anisotropy. We propose a method to recover isotropic resolution from readily acquired anisotropic data. We achieve this using a convolutional neural network that is trained end-to-end from the same anisotropic body of data we later apply the network to. The network effectively learns to restore the full isotropic resolution by restoring the image under a trained, sample specific image prior. We apply our method to 33 synthetic and 33 real datasets and show that our results improve on results from deconvolution and state-of-the-art super-resolution techniques. Finally, we demonstrate that a standard 3D segmentation pipeline performs on the output of our network with comparable accuracy as on the full isotropic data

    Computational Framework For Neuro-Optics Simulation And Deep Learning Denoising

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    The application of machine learning techniques in microscopic image restoration has shown superior performance. However, the development of such techniques has been hindered by the demand for large datasets and the lack of ground truth. To address these challenges, this study introduces a computer simulation model that accurately captures the neural anatomic volume, fluorescence light transportation within the tissue volume, and the photon collection process of microscopic imaging sensors. The primary goal of this simulation is to generate realistic image data for training and validating machine learning models. One notable aspect of this study is the incorporation of a machine learning denoiser into the simulation, which accelerates the computational efficiency of the entire process. By reducing noise levels in the generated images, the denoiser significantly enhances the simulation\u27s performance, allowing for faster and more accurate modeling and analysis of microscopy images. This approach addresses the limitations of data availability and ground truth annotation, offering a practical and efficient solution for microscopic image restoration. The integration of a machine learning denoiser within the simulation significantly accelerates the overall simulation process, while improving the quality of the generated images. This advancement opens new possibilities for training and validating machine learning models in microscopic image restoration, overcoming the challenges of large datasets and the lack of ground truth

    The Adaptive Particle Representation (APR) for Simple and Efficient Adaptive Resolution Processing, Storage and Simulations

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    This thesis presents the Adaptive Particle Representation (APR), a novel adaptive data representation that can be used for general data processing, storage, and simulations. The APR is motivated, and designed, as a replacement representation for pixel images to address computational and memory bottlenecks in processing pipelines for studying spatiotemporal processes in biology using Light-sheet Fluo- rescence Microscopy (LSFM) data. The APR is an adaptive function representation that represents a function in a spatially adaptive way using a set of Particle Cells V and function values stored at particle collocation points P∗. The Particle Cells partition space, and implicitly define a piecewise constant Implied Resolution Function R∗(y) and particle sampling locations. As an adaptive data representation, the APR can be used to provide both computational and memory benefits by aligning the number of Particle Cells and particles with the spatial scales of the function. The APR allows reconstruction of a function value at any location y using any positive weighted combination of particles within a distance of R∗(y). The Particle Cells V are selected such that the error between the reconstruction and the original function, when weighted by a function σ(y), is below a user-set relative error threshold E. We call this the Reconstruction Condition and σ(y) the Local Intensity Scale. σ(y) is motivated by local gain controls in the human visual system, and for LSFM data can be used to account for contrast variations across an image. The APR is formed by satisfying an additional condition on R∗(y); we call the Resolution Bound. The Resolution Bound relates the R∗(y) to a local maximum of the absolute value function derivatives within a distance R∗(y) or y. Given restric- tions on σ(y), satisfaction of the Resolution Bound also guarantees satisfaction of the Reconstruction Condition. In this thesis, we present algorithms and approaches that find the optimal Implied Resolution Function to general problems in the form of the Resolution Bound using Particle Cells using an algorithm we call the Pulling Scheme. Here, optimal means the largest R∗(y) at each location. The Pulling Scheme has worst-case linear complexity in the number of pixels when used to rep- resent images. The approach is general in that the same algorithm can be used for general (α,m)-Reconstruction Conditions, where α denotes the function derivative and m the minimum order of the reconstruction. Further, it can also be combined with anisotropic neighborhoods to provide adaptation in both space and time. The APR can be used with both noise-free and noisy data. For noisy data, the Reconstruction Condition can no longer be guaranteed, but numerical results show an optimal range of relative error E that provides a maximum increase in PSNR over the noisy input data. Further, if it is assumed the Implied Resolution Func- tion satisfies the Resolution Bound, then the APR converges to a biased estimate (constant factor of E), at the optimal statistical rate. The APR continues a long tradition of adaptive data representations and rep- resents a unique trade off between the level of adaptation of the representation and simplicity. Both regarding the APRs structure and its use for processing. Here, we numerically evaluate the adaptation and processing of the APR for use with LSFM data. This is done using both synthetic and LSFM exemplar data. It is concluded from these results that the APR has the correct properties to provide a replacement of pixel images and address bottlenecks in processing for LSFM data. Removal of the bottleneck would be achieved by adapting to spatial, temporal and intensity scale variations in the data. Further, we propose the simple structure of the general APR could provide benefit in areas such as the numerical solution of differential equations, adaptive regression methods, and surface representation for computer graphics