7 research outputs found

    Computable embeddings for pairs of linear orders

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    We study computable embeddings for pairs of structures, i.e. for classes containing precisely two non-isomorphic structures. Surprisingly, even for some pairs of simple linear orders, computable embeddings induce a non-trivial degree structure. Our main result shows that {ω⋅k,ω⋆⋅k}\{\omega \cdot k,\omega^\star \cdot k\} is computably embeddable in {ω⋅t,ω⋆⋅t}\{\omega \cdot t, \omega^\star \cdot t\} iff kk divides tt.Comment: 20 page

    Computable Procedures for Fields

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    This tutorial will introduce listeners to many questions that can be asked about computable processes on fields, and will present the answers that are known, sometimes with proofs. This is not original work. The questions in greatest focus here include decision procedures for the existence of roots of polynomials in specific fields, for the irreducibility of polynomials over those fields, and for transcendence of specific elements over the prime subfield. Several of these questions are related to the construction of algebraic closures, making Rabin\u27s Theorem prominent

    A topological approach to undefinability in algebraic extensions of Q\mathbb{Q}

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    For any subset Z⊆QZ \subseteq \mathbb{Q}, consider the set SZS_Z of subfields L⊆Q‾L\subseteq \overline{\mathbb{Q}} which contain a co-infinite subset C⊆LC \subseteq L that is universally definable in LL such that C∩Q=ZC \cap \mathbb{Q}=Z. Placing a natural topology on the set Sub(Q‾)\text{Sub}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}) of subfields of Q‾\overline{\mathbb{Q}}, we show that if ZZ is not thin in Q\mathbb{Q}, then SZS_Z is meager in Sub(Q‾)\text{Sub}(\overline{\mathbb{Q}}). Here, thin and meager both mean "small", in terms of arithmetic geometry and topology, respectively. For example, this implies that only a meager set of fields LL have the property that the ring of algebraic integers OL\mathcal{O}_L is universally definable in LL. The main tools are Hilbert's Irreducibility Theorem and a new normal form theorem for existential definitions. The normal form theorem, which may be of independent interest, says roughly that every ∃\exists-definable subset of an algebraic extension of Q\mathbb Q is a finite union of single points and projections of hypersurfaces defined by absolutely irreducible polynomials.Comment: 24 pages. Introduction has been rewritte