12 research outputs found

    Revisiting path-type covering and partitioning problems

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    This is a survey article which is at the initial stage. The author will appreciate to receive your comments and contributions to improve the quality of the article. The author's contact address is [email protected] problems belong to the foundation of graph theory. There are several types of covering problems in graph theory such as covering the vertex set by stars (domination problem), covering the vertex set by cliques (clique covering problem), covering the vertex set by independent sets (coloring problem), and covering the vertex set by paths or cycles. A similar concept which is partitioning problem is also equally important. Lately research in graph theory has produced unprecedented growth because of its various application in engineering and science. The covering and partitioning problem by paths itself have produced a sizable volume of literatures. The research on these problems is expanding in multiple directions and the volume of research papers is exploding. It is the time to simplify and unify the literature on different types of the covering and partitioning problems. The problems considered in this article are path cover problem, induced path cover problem, isometric path cover problem, path partition problem, induced path partition problem and isometric path partition problem. The objective of this article is to summarize the recent developments on these problems, classify their literatures and correlate the inter-relationship among the related concepts

    On Graphs Coverable by k Shortest Paths

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    We show that if the edges or vertices of an undirected graph G can be covered by k shortest paths, then the pathwidth of G is upper-bounded by a function of k. As a corollary, we prove that the problem Isometric Path Cover with Terminals (which, given a graph G and a set of k pairs of vertices called terminals, asks whether G can be covered by k shortest paths, each joining a pair of terminals) is FPT with respect to the number of terminals. The same holds for the similar problem Strong Geodetic Set with Terminals (which, given a graph G and a set of k terminals, asks whether there exist binom(k,2) shortest paths, each joining a distinct pair of terminals such that these paths cover G). Moreover, this implies that the related problems Isometric Path Cover and Strong Geodetic Set (defined similarly but where the set of terminals is not part of the input) are in XP with respect to parameter k

    Complexity and Algorithms for ISOMETRIC PATH COVER on Chordal Graphs and Beyond

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    A path is isometric if it is a shortest path between its endpoints. In this article, we consider the graph covering problem Isometric Path Cover, where we want to cover all the vertices of the graph using a minimum-size set of isometric paths. Although this problem has been considered from a structural point of view (in particular, regarding applications to pursuit-evasion games), it is little studied from the algorithmic perspective. We consider Isometric Path Cover on chordal graphs, and show that the problem is NP-hard for this class. On the positive side, for chordal graphs, we design a 4-approximation algorithm and an FPT algorithm for the parameter solution size. The approximation algorithm is based on a reduction to the classic path covering problem on a suitable directed acyclic graph obtained from a breadth first search traversal of the graph. The approximation ratio of our algorithm is 3 for interval graphs and 2 for proper interval graphs. Moreover, we extend the analysis of our approximation algorithm to k-chordal graphs (graphs whose induced cycles have length at most k) by showing that it has an approximation ratio of k+7 for such graphs, and to graphs of treelength at most ?, where the approximation ratio is at most 6?+2

    Parameterizing Path Partitions

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    We study the algorithmic complexity of partitioning the vertex set of a given (di)graph into a small number of paths. The Path Partition problem (PP) has been studied extensively, as it includes Hamiltonian Path as a special case. The natural variants where the paths are required to be either \emph{induced} (Induced Path Partition, IPP) or \emph{shortest} (Shortest Path Partition, SPP), have received much less attention. Both problems are known to be NP-complete on undirected graphs; we strengthen this by showing that they remain so even on planar bipartite directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), and that SPP remains \NP-hard on undirected bipartite graphs. When parameterized by the natural parameter ``number of paths'', both SPP and IPP are shown to be W{1}-hard on DAGs. We also show that SPP is in \XP both for DAGs and undirected graphs for the same parameter, as well as for other special subclasses of directed graphs (IPP is known to be NP-hard on undirected graphs, even for two paths). On the positive side, we show that for undirected graphs, both problems are in FPT, parameterized by neighborhood diversity. We also give an explicit algorithm for the vertex cover parameterization of PP. When considering the dual parameterization (graph order minus number of paths), all three variants, IPP, SPP and PP, are shown to be in FPT for undirected graphs. We also lift the mentioned neighborhood diversity and dual parameterization results to directed graphs; here, we need to define a proper novel notion of directed neighborhood diversity. As we also show, most of our results also transfer to the case of covering by edge-disjoint paths, and purely covering.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures. A short version appeared in the proceedings of the CIAC 2023 conferenc

    Covering and Partitioning of Split, Chain and Cographs with Isometric Paths

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 248, ISAAC 2022, Complete Volum