148 research outputs found

    Slimness of graphs

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    Slimness of a graph measures the local deviation of its metric from a tree metric. In a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a geodesic triangle (x,y,z)\bigtriangleup(x,y,z) with x,y,zVx, y, z\in V is the union P(x,y)P(x,z)P(y,z)P(x,y) \cup P(x,z) \cup P(y,z) of three shortest paths connecting these vertices. A geodesic triangle (x,y,z)\bigtriangleup(x,y,z) is called δ\delta-slim if for any vertex uVu\in V on any side P(x,y)P(x,y) the distance from uu to P(x,z)P(y,z)P(x,z) \cup P(y,z) is at most δ\delta, i.e. each path is contained in the union of the δ\delta-neighborhoods of two others. A graph GG is called δ\delta-slim, if all geodesic triangles in GG are δ\delta-slim. The smallest value δ\delta for which GG is δ\delta-slim is called the slimness of GG. In this paper, using the layering partition technique, we obtain sharp bounds on slimness of such families of graphs as (1) graphs with cluster-diameter Δ(G)\Delta(G) of a layering partition of GG, (2) graphs with tree-length λ\lambda, (3) graphs with tree-breadth ρ\rho, (4) kk-chordal graphs, AT-free graphs and HHD-free graphs. Additionally, we show that the slimness of every 4-chordal graph is at most 2 and characterize those 4-chordal graphs for which the slimness of every of its induced subgraph is at most 1

    Convexity in partial cubes: the hull number

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    We prove that the combinatorial optimization problem of determining the hull number of a partial cube is NP-complete. This makes partial cubes the minimal graph class for which NP-completeness of this problem is known and improves some earlier results in the literature. On the other hand we provide a polynomial-time algorithm to determine the hull number of planar partial cube quadrangulations. Instances of the hull number problem for partial cubes described include poset dimension and hitting sets for interiors of curves in the plane. To obtain the above results, we investigate convexity in partial cubes and characterize these graphs in terms of their lattice of convex subgraphs, improving a theorem of Handa. Furthermore we provide a topological representation theorem for planar partial cubes, generalizing a result of Fukuda and Handa about rank three oriented matroids.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    A Characterization of Uniquely Representable Graphs

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    The betweenness structure of a finite metric space M=(X,d)M = (X, d) is a pair B(M)=(X,βM)\mathcal{B}(M) = (X,\beta_M) where βM\beta_M is the so-called betweenness relation of MM that consists of point triplets (x,y,z)(x, y, z) such that d(x,z)=d(x,y)+d(y,z)d(x, z) = d(x, y) + d(y, z). The underlying graph of a betweenness structure B=(X,β)\mathcal{B} = (X,\beta) is the simple graph G(B)=(X,E)G(\mathcal{B}) = (X, E) where the edges are pairs of distinct points with no third point between them. A connected graph GG is uniquely representable if there exists a unique metric betweenness structure with underlying graph GG. It was implied by previous works that trees are uniquely representable. In this paper, we give a characterization of uniquely representable graphs by showing that they are exactly the block graphs. Further, we prove that two related classes of graphs coincide with the class of block graphs and the class of distance-hereditary graphs, respectively. We show that our results hold not only for metric but also for almost-metric betweenness structures.Comment: 16 pages (without references); 3 figures; major changes: simplified proofs, improved notations and namings, short overview of metric graph theor

    Dense packing on uniform lattices

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    We study the Hard Core Model on the graphs G{\rm {\bf \scriptstyle G}} obtained from Archimedean tilings i.e. configurations in {0,1}G\scriptstyle \{0,1\}^{{\rm {\bf G}}} with the nearest neighbor 1's forbidden. Our particular aim in choosing these graphs is to obtain insight to the geometry of the densest packings in a uniform discrete set-up. We establish density bounds, optimal configurations reaching them in all cases, and introduce a probabilistic cellular automaton that generates the legal configurations. Its rule involves a parameter which can be naturally characterized as packing pressure. It can have a critical value but from packing point of view just as interesting are the noncritical cases. These phenomena are related to the exponential size of the set of densest packings and more specifically whether these packings are maximally symmetric, simple laminated or essentially random packings.Comment: 18 page

    Markov convexity and nonembeddability of the Heisenberg group

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    We compute the Markov convexity invariant of the continuous infinite dimensional Heisenberg group H\mathbb{H}_\infty to show that it is Markov 4-convex and cannot be Markov pp-convex for any p<4p < 4. As Markov convexity is a biLipschitz invariant and Hilbert space is Markov 2-convex, this gives a different proof of the classical theorem of Pansu and Semmes that the Heisenberg group does not admit a biLipschitz embedding into any Euclidean space. The Markov convexity lower bound will follow from exhibiting an explicit embedding of Laakso graphs GnG_n into H\mathbb{H}_\infty that has distortion at most Cn1/4lognC n^{1/4} \sqrt{\log n}. We use this to show that if XX is a Markov pp-convex metric space, then balls of the discrete Heisenberg group H(Z)\mathbb{H}(\mathbb{Z}) of radius nn embed into XX with distortion at least some constant multiple of (logn)1p14loglogn.\frac{(\log n)^{\frac{1}{p}-\frac{1}{4}}}{\sqrt{\log \log n}}. Finally, we show that Markov 4-convexity does not give the optimal distortion for embeddings of binary trees BmB_m into H\mathbb{H}_\infty by showing that the distortion is on the order of logm\sqrt{\log m}.Comment: version to appear in Ann. Inst. Fourie

    Clusters of Cycles

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    A {\it cluster of cycles} (or {\it (r,q)(r,q)-polycycle}) is a simple planar 2--co nnected finite or countable graph GG of girth rr and maximal vertex-degree qq, which admits {\it (r,q)(r,q)-polycyclic realization} on the plane, denote it by P(G)P(G), i.e. such that: (i) all interior vertices are of degree qq, (ii) all interior faces (denote their number by prp_r) are combinatorial rr-gons and (implied by (i), (ii)) (iii) all vertices, edges and interior faces form a cell-complex. An example of (r,q)(r,q)-polycycle is the skeleton of (rq)(r^q), i.e. of the qq-valent partition of the sphere S2S^2, Euclidean plane R2R^2 or hyperbolic plane H2H^2 by regular rr-gons. Call {\it spheric} pairs (r,q)=(3,3),(3,4),(4,3),(3,5),(5,3)(r,q)=(3,3),(3,4),(4,3),(3,5),(5,3); for those five pairs P(rq)P(r^q) is (rq)(r^q) without the exterior face; otherwise P(rq)=(rq)P(r^q)=(r^q). We give here a compact survey of results on (r,q)(r,q)-polycycles.Comment: 21. to in appear in Journal of Geometry and Physic

    Metric characterizations of superreflexivity in terms of word hyperbolic groups and finite graphs

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    We show that superreflexivity can be characterized in terms of bilipschitz embeddability of word hyperbolic groups. We compare characterizations of superreflexivity in terms of diamond graphs and binary trees. We show that there exist sequences of series-parallel graphs of increasing topological complexity which admit uniformly bilipschitz embeddings into a Hilbert space, and thus do not characterize superreflexivity