1,872 research outputs found

    Isolated Character Forms from Dated Syriac Manuscripts

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    This paper describes a set of hand-isolated character samples selected from securely dated manuscripts written in Syriac between 300 and 1300 C.E., which are being made available for research purposes. The collection can be used for a number of applications, including ground truth for character segmentation and form analysis for paleographical dating. Several applications based upon convolutional neural networks demonstrate the possibilities of the data set

    Chronological Profiling for Paleography

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    This paper approaches manuscript dating from a Bayesian perspective. Prior work on paleographic date recovery has generally sought to predict a single date for a manuscript. Bayesian analysis makes it possible to estimate a probability distribution that varies with respect to time. This in turn enables a number of alternative analyses that may be of more use to practitioners. For example, it may be useful to identify a range of years that will include a document’s creation date with a particular confidence level. The methods are demonstrated on a selection of Syriac documents created prior to 1300 CE

    A study of textual researches in the gospels since Westcott and Hort

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    Discoveries in New Testament texts since nineteen hundred

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University, 194

    The Gospel of Barnabas, the Diatessaron, and Method

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    Biblia Arabica: An Update on the State of Research

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    The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arabic Bible, along with the factors and trends contributing to them. Also we present some of the tools that are currently under development in the Biblia Arabica team, Munich. We provide here a very condensed survey of the transmission of traditions, as well as ways that biblical manuscripts in Arabic have been analysed and classified, covering both Old Testament/ Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Overall, the lack of critical editions for Arabic biblical texts in general reflects not just the overwhelming number of versions and manuscripts, but also the fundamental challenge these translations present on the level of textuality. Standard paradigms of authorship and transmission break down in the face of the complex reuse, revision, and layering of paratexts seen in these texts. It is the careful study of manuscripts, not simply as texts but also as physical objects, which holds promise for reconstructing the practices of producers and consumers of the Arabic Bible. A union catalogue of Arabic Bible manuscripts will gather the paleographic and codicological information necessary for further research. Moreover, it will link manuscripts, translators, and scribes to the online Bibliography of the Arabic Bible, which is intended to be a comprehensive, classified, and searchable reference tool for secondary literature. In conclusion, scholarship of the Arabic Bible now has considerable momentum, but must continue to keep its fundamental resource – that of manuscripts – in the foreground of research

    The Bible in Arabic

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    The aim of this contribution is to review some of the major areas of current research on the Arabic Bible, along with the factors and trends contributing to them. Also we present some of the tools that are currently under development in the Biblia Arabica team, Munich. We provide here a very condensed survey of the transmission of traditions, as well as ways that biblical manuscripts in Arabic have been analysed and classified, covering both Old Testament/ Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Overall, the lack of critical editions for Arabic biblical texts in general reflects not just the overwhelming number of versions and manuscripts, but also the fundamental challenge these translations present on the level of textuality. Standard paradigms of authorship and transmission break down in the face of the complex reuse, revision, and layering of paratexts seen in these texts. It is the careful study of manuscripts, not simply as texts but also as physical objects, which holds promise for reconstructing the practices of producers and consumers of the Arabic Bible. A union catalogue of Arabic Bible manuscripts will gather the paleographic and codicological information necessary for further research. Moreover, it will link manuscripts, translators, and scribes to the online Bibliography of the Arabic Bible, which is intended to be a comprehensive, classified, and searchable reference tool for secondary literature. In conclusion, scholarship of the Arabic Bible now has considerable momentum, but must continue to keep its fundamental resource – that of manuscripts – in the foreground of research

    Un estudio paleográfico de los manuscritos árabes cristianos primitivos

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    The present paper presents an overview of the types of writing that were used by Christian Arabic scribes during the long ninth century. It categories them into three groups consisting of several subcategories and discusses the traits of such categories. It further aims at collecting extant shelf marks of early Christian Arabic manuscripts and research relating to these findings, add to the search for disjecta membra, and contribute to our knowledge of individual scribes and scribal activity relating to the early Christian Arabic manuscript production.El presente trabajo ofrece una visión de conjunto de los tipos de escritura que fueron utilizados por los escribas árabes cristianos a lo largo de siglo IX. Se han dividido en tres grupos, que a su vez se subdividen en diferentes subcategorías, cada una de las cuales son discutidas. Además, tiene como objetivo recopilar marcas existentes en los estantes de manuscritos árabes cristianos primitivos, así como las investigaciones relacionadas con estos hallazgos, que se suma a la búsqueda de los disjecta membra y contribuye a nuestro conocimiento sobre escribas concretos y su actividad copista en la producción manuscrita primitiva árabe cristiana

    A Paleographical Study of Early Christian Arabic Manuscripts

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    The present paper presents an overview of the types of writing that were used by Christian Arabic scribes during the long ninth century. It categories them into three groups consisting of several subcategories and discusses the traits of such categories. It further aims at collecting extant shelf marks of early Christian Arabic manuscripts and research relating to these findings, add to the search for disjecta membra, and contribute to our knowledge of individual scribes and scribal activity in the early Christian Arabic manuscript production