227 research outputs found

    Island for Sale: Is it Legal?

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    For more than ten years already, Indonesian public discourse has been set ablaze by the rumours of Indonesian small islands being sold to foreigners, inviting emotional and, thus, superficial reactions from general public and public authorities alike. This article seeks to offer a conceptual framework to discuss this issue in a more cool-headed manner, thus finding a solution to it. It can be concluded that the problems of small islands are best discussed in the context of coastal areas and small islands (CSI) management, which is the implementation of the Marine Economy policy in order to realize the Archipelagic Outlook. “Island trade,” therefore, is possible under Indonesian law, but more than just transfer of land rights or giving permit to utilize. Instead, it must take into account sustainability, bio-ecoregional as well as participatory considerations

    The Quill -- November 1, 1971

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    Big and Little Feet Provincial Profiles: Prince Edward Island

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    This communiqué provides a summary of the production- and consumption-based greenhouse gas emissions accounts for Prince Edward Island, as well as their associated trade flows. It is part of a series of communiqués profiling the Canadian provinces and territories.1 In simplest terms, a production-based emissions account measures the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions produced in Prince Edward Island. In contrast, a consumptionbased emissions account measures the quantity of greenhouse gas emissions generated during the production process for final goods and services that are consumed in Prince Edward Island through household purchases, investment by firms and government spending. Trade flows refer to the movement of emissions that are produced in Prince Edward Island but which support consumption in a different province, territory or country (and vice versa). For example, emissions associated with the production of Prince Edward Island crops that are exported to Nova Scotia for processing and sale are recorded as a trade flow from Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia. Moving in the opposite direction, emissions associated with the generation of electricity in New Brunswick that is exported to Prince Edward Island for sale to a Prince Edward Island homeowner are recorded as a trade flow from New Brunswick to Prince Edward Island. For further details on these results in a national context, the methodology for generating them and their policy implications, please see the companion papers to this communiqué series: (1) Fellows and Dobson (2017); and (2) Dobson and Fellows (2017). Additionally, the consumption emissions and trade flow data for each of the provinces and territories are available at: http://www.policyschool.ca/embodied-emissions-inputs-outputs-datatables-2004-2011/

    Spartan Daily May 2, 2012

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    Volume 138, Issue 48https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/1047/thumbnail.jp

    "Global since Gold" The Globalisation of Conglomerates: Explaining the Experience from South Africa, 1990 - 2009

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    The internationalisation of enterprises is one of the essential ways to strengthen the competitiveness of firms from developing countries (UNCTAD, 2005c: 3). Strong growth in outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) from developing countries has become the distinguishing feature of the twenty-first century. This OFDI flows from state-owned enterprises, sovereign wealth funds (SWF) as well as private enterprises operating as multinational companies from a home base or as free-standing companies. Multinational corporations have commenced activities since the 1960s by moving operations to resource-rich, low-cost labour and capital markets (Wilkins, 1970; 1974; 1988; Jones, 1994; 2005). The first wave of OFDI during the 1960s and 1970s was motivated by efficiency and market-seeking factors. This wave was dominated by firms from Asia and Latin America. A second wave of OFDI followed in the 1980s, led by strategic assetseeking enterprises from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and South Korea (Dunning et al., 1996; UNCTAD, 2005b: 3s). Since the 1990s China, Brazil, India, Russia (the so-called BRIC countries) Malaysia, Turkey and South Africa are among the countries expected to add significantly to OFDI growth (UNCTAD, 2005c: 4). The flow of investment funds from developed countries was expected, but the reverse trend displayed the emerging capacities in countries and firms outside the core of the international economy, which challenged the dominance of developed countries and companies from developed countries. These developments have prompted several questions: how do developing country firms succeed in entering global markets? Do these firms improve their competitiveness through OFDI? This paper investigates this phenomenon from the experience of South Africa. The emergence of EMNC (Emerging Market Multinational Corporations) prompted extensive analysis and debates about the nature of and motives for EMNCs, but has also led to more in-depth analysis of specific country characteristics and firm-specific reasons for OFDI.overseas foreign direct investment internationalisation business history conglomerates competitiveness industrial protection management strategy

    Teaching vocabulary to learners with special needs

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    Diese Diplomarbeit besteht aus einem theoretischen und einem empirischen Teil, welcher eine Fallstudie beinhaltet, die mit einer legasthenischen Lernenden über einen Zeitraum von ungefähr vier Monaten intensiven Lernens durchgeführt wurde. Der theoretische Teil fokussiert das Lehren und Lernen von (englischem)Vokabular im allgemeinen und konzentriert sich auf verschiedene Techniken und Strategien der Präsentation, des Wiederholens und des Testens von Wortschatz. Diese Techniken und Strategien haben zum Ziel, den Lernenden den Zugang zu und das Erinnern von Vokabular zu erleichtern und die Merkfähigkeit zu fördern bzw. zu maximieren. Des weiteren werden im theoretischen Teil, zusätzlich zur Diskussion eines weiten Spektrums von erinnerungsfördernden Techniken, die LehrerInnen in den unterschiedlichen Phasen der Wortschatzarbeit anwenden können, die zugrundeliegenden Theorien und Prinzipien, auf welchen diese Techniken und Strategien gegründet sind sowie die Gründe, warum diese einen essentiellen Part im Lehren und Lernen von Wortschatz darstellen sollten, dargelegt. Darüber hinaus beschäftigt sich der theoretische Teil dieser Arbeit mit der Verwendung einer Vielzahl von Wortschatzwiederholungs- und Wortschatzüberprüfungsaktivitäten und enthält Unterrichtsmaterialien, die im Lehrprojekt verwendet wurden. Der erste Teil des empirischen Teils beschäftigt sich mit drei vom Autor dieser Arbeit aufgestellten Hauptprinzipien effektiver Wortschatzarbeit, gemäß welcher das Lehrprojekt ausgeführt wurde, und liefert außerdem eine kurze Beschreibung der Schwierigkeiten bezüglich des Fremdsprachenerwerbs der Lernenden sowie eine kurze Präsentation der didaktischen Einheiten und des Wortschatzes, mit dem im Unterrichtsprojekt gearbeitet wurde. Der zweite Teil enthält Auszüge und Beispiele des tatsächlichen Unterrichtsprojekts, um die möglichen Auswirkungen der Anwendung der oben genannten Hauptprinzipien auf die Merkfähigkeit der Lernenden zu illustrieren. Bezüglich der dem Unterrichtsprojekt entnommenen Beispiele und Überprüfungen (oder Tests), die dazu dienen die praktische Anwendung der Techniken und deren Auswirkungen darzustellen, muss erwähnt werden, dass der Autor während des Unterrichtsprojektes detaillierte Aufzeichnungen gemacht hat und eine Vielzahl von Tests erstellt hat, um den Lernprozess bzw. den Lernfortschritt der Lernenden zu dokumentieren. Schließlich werden die im Lehrprojekt erhaltenen Daten und Ergebnisse besprochen und reflektiert und mögliche Auswirkungen auf das Lehren und Lernen von Fremdsprachen werden herausgearbeitet.This thesis consists of a theoretical part and an empirical part that includes a case study carried out with a dyslexic learner over a period of approximately four months of intensive study. The theoretical part focuses on vocabulary teaching and learning in general, and on various techniques and strategies of vocabulary presentation, recycling and testing aimed at facilitating and enhancing the learner's accessibility to and retention of lexis. Moreover, besides discussing a wide range of techniques of retention enhancement teachers may apply at the various stages of vocabulary work, the theory part also includes the underlying theories and basic principles which these techniques and strategies are founded on and the reasons why they should form an integral part of vocabulary teaching and learning. Furthermore, the theoretical part also discusses the usage of a large number of vocabulary recycling and testing activities and therefore contains materials used in the teaching project. The first part of the empirical part is concerned with the three main principles of effective vocabulary teaching and learning (proposed by the author of this thesis) according to which the teaching project was carried out and provides a brief description of the learner's difficulties regarding second language acquisition and of the didactic units and the lexis dealt with in the teaching project. The second part includes examples taken from the actual teaching in order to illustrate the impact on the learner's retention of lexis the application of the three main principles might have had. Regarding the examples and tests taken from the teaching project in order to illustrate the actual usage of the techniques and their effects, it has to be mentioned that the author has made use of detailed field notes and designed a variety of tests in order to record the learner's learning process and progress, respectively. Finally, the data and findings will be discussed and reflected on, and possible implications on language teaching and learning will be highlighted

    An analysis of second life in foreign language learning and teaching: exploring its potential

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    XVIII Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la Facultat de Ciències Humanes i Socials (Any 2013)The use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in language learning and teaching has greatly increased in the last decade. Among the different technological tools used in the learning process, virtual worlds have gained popularity among educators and students (e.g. Warburton, 2009; Wang & Burton, 2012; Zhang, 2012; Duncan et al., 2012). This article explores the different possibilities the virtual world Second Life (SL) offers in the language learning process. SL is an online virtual world where residents all over the globe can interact through their avatars by which they can collaborate and learn in an experimental way. This paper offers a theoretical approach about the potential of SL in foreign language education. Firstly, it explores the use of this platform in education, explaining its origins, evolution and current changes. Secondly, it will focus on the advantages and disadvantages of the use of this virtual world for learning languages, paying special attention to the different learning environments, the students’ motivation, and the educational activities amongst others. This paper will conclude with a section of pedagogical implications in which an activity will be proposed to show the different implications of SL in a foreign language classroom. Students will have to work on four different activities that will be based on one of the main four language skills that are established by the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR): writing, speaking, listening and reading. After explaining the activity, special attention will be paid to the strengths and weaknesses of this specific task

    The discourse of competitiveness and the dis-embedding of the national economy

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    In the 1950s–1970s inward foreign direct investments (IFDI) were widely seen as a menace, threatening to undermine national economic development. Two decades later such concerns had virtually disappeared. Rather than as a problem, IFDI were now portrayed as a solution – even symbols of national economic success. To better understand the ideational dynamics underlying this remarkable transformation in perceptions of IFDI, this research traces the evolution of economic discourses in the United Kingdom over the post-war period. Deviating from conventional accounts in constructivist IPE, the investigation indicates that the rise of first-generation neoliberal discourses in the 1980s played only a secondary role in these processes. Instead, the discursive re-shaping of IFDI was primarily driven by the rise of the narrative of national competitiveness in the early 1990s – a discourse inspired by managerial rather than neoclassical economic theory. Building a framework that prioritizes (multinational) firms over national economies, the rise of this second-generation neoliberal narrative played a critical role in promoting now taken-for-granted imaginaries of the global economy as an economic ‘race’ between nations-as-platforms-of-production. The findings highlight the ideational underbelly of the rise of the competition state and how it re-shaped dominant social representations of IFDI

    A Study of the Vernacular Beach Cottage Typologies of Sullivan\u27s Island, South Carolina and Documentary Drawings of the Nathaniel Barnwell House for the Historic American Building Survey

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    Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina is a coastal barrier island located to the northeast of Charleston Harbor. Utilized as a health retreat and vacation destination from the early 1810s to the 1930s by the wealthy of Charleston, the island now exists as a full-time residential community. The island’s residential structures consisted mainly of simple one to two story wood structures, many with substantial and distinctive porch designs. While there have been surveys completed of the location and histories of structures on the island, until now, there has not been a study of the particular architectural typologies or their prevalence on the island. Only % of the houses on the island today are historic, with % of those structures being altered significantly enough to have lost their historic integrity. Because of this , the first major part of this project is an analysis of the Sanborn fire insurance maps that exist for the island from 1893 to 1938. This section gives information on the prevalence of different forms during the historic period, as opposed to what only remains today. Using these maps, historic photos, and a photographic study from 1987, basic profiles and sketches of the major typologies were prepared and their historic prevalence discussed. The location of these residences on Sullivan’s Island includes inherent risk of loss because of threats from weather and new construction development. For this reason, the second major part of the project includes documentary drawings of an excellent example of a Sullivan’s Island beach cottage typology. Drawings of this cottage located at 1023 Middle Street will then be submitted to the Historic American Building Survey to be available to the general public for reference and further research. These drawings are intended to be a permanent record of an important architectural style in the history of Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina

    Listening for the past: A composer's ear-lead approach to exploring island culture past and present in the Outer Hebrides

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    Abstract The landscapes of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland are littered with the visual remnants of a turbulent past but can past events be said to leave sonic as well as visual traces? This article discusses three aspects of a practice-based research project. The first is the author's exploration of these islands and their history through sound in order to try to find elusive sonic traces of the past. The second concerns the issues and problems of finding and recording sound in the Outer Hebrides. The third is the artistic challenge of communicating something about history and memory, related to the Outer Hebrides, through the medium of composed sound using a mixture of monologues, field recordings and interviews collected during a number of trips to the islands as well as material from oral history archives. This article refers specifically to two finished compositions, 'Tweed' and 'On the Machair', which are both freely available to listen to online. 'Tweed' is available as part of ‘Playing with Words: an audio compilation’ at: http://www.gruenrekorder.de - and 'On the Machair' is available as part of Autumn Leaves at: http://www.gruenrekorder.de/?page_id=21