18,064 research outputs found

    Ontologi Ilmu Pengetahuan

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    Ontology is a science that examines what is the nature of science or scientific knowledge which is popularly known by many people as science, what is the nature of rational truth or deductive truth and empirical reality that cannot be separated from science's perception of what and how. The ontology of science limits itself to scientific studies that humans can think about rationally and can observe through the five human senses. Meanwhile, the study of objects of study that are within the limits of pre-experience (such as human creation) and post-experience (such as heaven and hell) becomes an ontology of other knowledge outside of science. In language, ontology comes from the Greek word origin is "Ontos" and "Logos". Ontos is "that which exists" while Logos is "knowledge". Simply put, ontology is the science that talks about what exists. In terms, ontology is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of life about an existence which includes the existence of everything that exists and that may exist. And do not mix up the truth with falsehood and (do not) hide the truth while you know it. (QS. Al-Baqarah Verse 42) Ontology basically talks about the nature of "existing" science, the nature of knowledge objects, and the nature of the subject-object relationship of science. How science is viewed ontologically, the discussion is that ontology examines, analyzes knowledge based on whether knowledge really exists or does not exist. For example in Islamic Education Management, ontologically the discussion is focused on Islamic Education Management does it really exist or not, not only the study program but actually the knowledge taught in it is actually no different from Education Management in general

    The Need and Requirements to a Strategy Ontology

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    The importance of strategy and strategy construct is not a new phenomenon. However as strategy work becomes less tangible, concerns with understanding, describing, and managing strategies develops into an increasingly complex subject. Current strategy concepts are dispersed and lack integration. Moreover, the enablement of modelling practices around strategy concepts considering the entire strategy lifecycle are also missing. Consequently, this paper focuses on issues with strategy in theory and practice, why a strategy ontology is needed and how this can be developed

    Reconciling Religion and Philosophy: Nasir-i Khusraw's (d. 1088) Jami' al-hikmatayn

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    Nāṣir-i Khusraw (d. 481/1088), the renowned Ismāʿīlī philosopher, poet, travel writer, and missionary (dāʿī), took on the formidable challenge of showing the essential harmony between philosophy and Ismāʿīlī doctrine in his Jāmiʿ al-ḥikmatayn (The Reconciliation of Philosophy and Religion). After introducing his life and works, this chapter explores this text’s central themes and examines the manner in which Nāṣir attempts to achieve this reconciliation. Fundamental to Nāṣir’s method is a form of spiritual hermeneutics, or taʾwīl, through which he demonstrates that the truths of philosophy serve as iconic representations of the spiritual truths contained in the Ismāʿīlī interpretation of Islam, thereby restoring philosophy to its original state of union with revealed, prophetic wisdom

    Natural Law Theory and its Relatives

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    How Critical is Realism?

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    The author explores the role of critical realism as the dominant epistemology in the science-and-religion dialogue. He presents the historical and philosophical peculiarities of this approach that have lead to its preeminence. Asking whether \"science and religion \" would benefit from greater epistemological variety, he presents a possible alternative to critical realism: enactionism, as articulated by Francisco Varela, Evan Thompson, and Eleanor Rosch in their book The Embodied Mind. Enactionism is not proposed as the replacement for critical realism, but the author wonders how science and religion would look given an enactionist epistemology

    Islam Between Inclusion and Exclusion: A (Decolonial) Frame Problem

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    In this chapter, the 'Frame Problem' in AI is mobilized as a trope in order to engage the 'question' concerning the inclusion and/or exclusion of Islam (and Muslims) from European – and, more broadly, 'Western' – society. Adopting a decolonial perspective, wherein body-political, geo-political and theo-political concerns are centered, the meaning and applicability of categorical dichotomies such as 'religion' and 'politics' and their relationship to the historical entanglement of 'religion' and 'race' in the formation of the modern world are interrogated in the context of understanding the nature of the relationship between Islam and Europe/'the West'. It is argued that the tendency within Western liberal democratic discourses to (1) frame the problem of Islamophobia and 'the Muslim question' in terms of misrepresentation – that is, misinformation, disinformation and 'distortion' of the flow of information – and (2) frame the issue of "Islam and Europe/'the West'" in terms of inclusion and/or exclusion of the members of a 'religious' minority into a post-modern, post- Christian/'secular' polity circumvents disclosure of the violent historically-constituted structural background or 'horizon' against which such 'options' are generated. The essay concludes by sketching some possible decolonial responses to this critical and existentially-problematic state of affairs


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