2,181 research outputs found

    Email overload in academia

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    The emergence of email as a viable and inexpensive communication channel has led to its increased presence in the daily lives of professionals. Email has become a ubiquitous tool in a faster paced and more globally connected world. Besides simple notes, professionals now use email to communicate tasks, important personal and organizational announcements, meeting requests, and share documents. As the importance of email has grown, professionals have made the email client a work nerve center. The vast increase in the volume of email and the use of the email client as a multifunctional tool now threatens the productivity gains it once created. Business professionals suffer from email overload which is accompanied by stress and organizational breakdowns. As a result, many organizations have created email free holidays and professionals have declared email bankruptcy. In this thesis the research on email overload is reviewed, analyzed, and extended through a study of email overload in academia. Using surveys and interviews of faculty at a large university, the researcher found that email overload was present in academia. The study also identified participants’ behaviors in performing email triage, managing email and email overload, and the effects of email overload. The researcher was also able to discover characteristics of cyclical email volumes amongst faculty which may have a direct impact on determining methods of email organization and the occurrence of email overload. Additionally, the study identified that faculty have extended their email client ever further by using it as a task and project manager, information manager, workload barometer, and headline aggregator

    The Omnichannel phenomenon: unveiling the role of Channel Integration for consumers and retailers

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    This thesis work is aimed at deepening the knowledge of the phenomenon called "Omnichannel", as the main challenge of modern retailing. Omnichannel is a new retailing configuration, which envisages drastic changes compared to the Multi- and Cross-channel models. Although the Omnichannel phenomenon has been extensively studied in recent years, it is also missing a comprehensive framework. This is also shown by the variety of alternative definitions of "Omnichannel" existing in literature. The three studies presented in this thesis start from this assumption, and come to identify and investigate an element that clearly emerges as the core of Omnichannel: Channel Integration. The first study, an extensive literature review conducted with bibliometric techniques, allowed us to frame the extent of Omnichannel in terms of papers, topics and issues addressed. Furthermore, through the use of co-citation analysis, a clustering technique based on the triangulation of citations, the theoretical foundations of Omnichannel have been identified. 4 research clusters were traced back to: Consumer Behavior, Strategic Management, Channel Management, and Channel Integration. Results also show that Channel Integration is the main element of Omnichannel, capable of creating synergies with other clusters and capturing the perspectives of the consumer and retailer at the same time. The second study qualifies as an extension of these results to the future of Omnichannel, through qualitative research. It was in fact decided to proceed by discussing the topic with a panel of 18 international experts, with proven academic and managerial background. The participants commented on the results emerging from our previous study and expressed themselves on: areas, topics, methodologies and settings of priority development; generation of new theories or application of pre-existing theories; challenges, issues and retailers’ needs in Omnichannel. The results were then coded and analyzed to create a research agenda divided into 5 macro-themes of interest: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) Omnichannel transition issues, d) the human factor in Omnichannel, and e) augmented and intelligent Omnichannel environments. The experts also validated the model in 4 research clusters proposed by our first study and confirmed the central role of Channel Integration. For the third and final study, we therefore decided to investigate the role of Channel Integration in Omnichannel contexts, from the perspective of customer journeys (theme a) emerging from Study 2). We employed quantitative methodologies (MCA, CFA, SEM) to test the effect of touchpoints - which constitute the various steps of customer journeys - on consumers’ perception of Channel Integration, and the effect of the latter on patronage intention towards the retailer. Through the Categorization Theory, we proposed that the touchpoints capable of activating a Channel Integration perception are different depending on the sector and on the type of consumer (first-time and repeat customer). The research, conducted on two panels of Italian consumers in the grocery and fashion sectors – 1.031 and 759 participants, respectively –, led to the identification of substantial differences related to context and target, and confirmed a positive effect of Channel Integration perception on customer loyalty through patronage intention. The work therefore has, overall, both theoretical and managerial implications.Il presente lavoro di tesi è volto ad approfondire la conoscenza del fenomeno denominato Omnicanalità, quale principale sfida del retailing moderno. Si tratta di una nuova configurazione di retailing, che prevede cambiamenti drastici rispetto ai modelli di Multi- e Cross-canalità che l’hanno preceduta. Nonostante si tratti di un fenomeno ampiamente studiato negli ultimi anni, abbiamo rilevato una sostanziale difficoltà nel suo inquadramento, che si evince anche dalla molteplicità di definizioni alternative di “Omnicanalità” esistenti in letteratura. I tre studi che costituiscono questa tesi partono da questo presupposto, arrivando ad individuare e investigare l’elemento che emerge chiaramente come il fulcro dell’Omnicanalità. Il primo studio, una estesa literature review condotta con tecniche bibliometriche, ci ha permesso di inquadrare l’Omnicanalità in termini di studi condotti in letteratura e tematiche affrontate. Inoltre, mediante la co-citation analysis, una tecnica di clustering basata sulla triangolazione delle citazioni, sono state ricostruite le basi teoriche dell’Omnicanalità. Attraverso l’interpretazione dei contributi fondamentali così individuati, sono stati identificati 4 cluster di ricerca: Consumer Behavior, Management Strategico, Channel Management, e Channel Integration. Dall’analisi emerge anche come la Channel Integration sia l’elemento centrale dell’Omnicanalità, in grado sia di creare sinergie con gli altri cluster sia di catturare al contempo le prospettive del consumatore e del retailer. Il secondo studio si qualifica come un’estensione di tali risultati al futuro dell’Omnicanalità, attraverso un’analisi di tipo qualitativo. Si è infatti deciso di procedere discutendo il tema con un panel di 18 esperti internazionali, dalla comprovata esperienza sia accademica che professionale. I partecipanti hanno commentato i risultati emergenti dallo studio precedente e si sono espressi in merito a: aree, temi, metodologie e contesti prioritari per lo studio dell’Omnicanalità; sfide, problematiche e necessità di ricerca in tale ambito. I risultati sono stati codificati e analizzati per produrre una research agenda articolata in 5 macro-tematiche di interesse: a) Omnichannel customer journeys, b) Omnichannel customer experiences, c) problematiche di transizione verso l’Omnicanalità, d) il fattore umano nell’Omnicanalità, ed e) la gestione di ambienti Omnicanale tecnologicamente avanzati ed intelligenti. Gli esperti hanno inoltre validato il modello in 4 research clusters da noi proposto e confermato la centralità della Channel Integration. Per il terzo ed ultimo studio, si è pertanto deciso di investigare ulteriormente il tema della Channel Integration in contesti Omnicanale, secondo la prospettiva delle customer journeys (punto a) emerso dal secondo studio). Attraverso metodologie quantitative (MCA, CFA, SEM), si testa l’effetto dei touchpoints – che costituiscono i vari step delle customer journeys – sulla percezione di Channel Integration maturata dal consumatore, e l’effetto di questa sulla patronage intention verso il retailer. Attraverso la Categorization Theory, si propone che i touchpoint in grado di attivare una percezione di Channel Integration siano diversi a seconda del contesto settoriale – sulla base di differenti categorie di prodotto – e della tipologia di consumatore (first-time e repeat customer). La ricerca, condotta su due panel di consumatori italiani nei settori grocery e fashion – con 1.031 e 759 partecipanti, rispettivamente –, ha portato all’individuazione ed alla discussione di tali touchpoint, evidenziando differenze sostanziali tra i touchpoint che determinano la channel integration tra settori e tra target, e ha confermato un effetto positivo della percezione di Channel Integration sulla customer loyalty attraverso la patronage intention. Il lavoro presenta pertanto implicazioni sia teoriche che manageriali

    Re-examining and re-conceptualising enterprise search and discovery capability: towards a model for the factors and generative mechanisms for search task outcomes.

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    Many organizations are trying to re-create the Google experience, to find and exploit their own corporate information. However, there is evidence that finding information in the workplace using search engine technology has remained difficult, with socio-technical elements largely neglected in the literature. Explication of the factors and generative mechanisms (ultimate causes) to effective search task outcomes (user satisfaction, search task performance and serendipitous encountering) may provide a first step in making improvements. A transdisciplinary (holistic) lens was applied to Enterprise Search and Discovery capability, combining critical realism and activity theory with complexity theories to one of the worlds largest corporations. Data collection included an in-situ exploratory search experiment with 26 participants, focus groups with 53 participants and interviews with 87 business professionals. Thousands of user feedback comments and search transactions were analysed. Transferability of findings was assessed through interviews with eight industry informants and ten organizations from a range of industries. A wide range of informational needs were identified for search filters, including a need to be intrigued. Search term word co-occurrence algorithms facilitated serendipity to a greater extent than existing methods deployed in the organization surveyed. No association was found between user satisfaction (or self assessed search expertise) with search task performance and overall performance was poor, although most participants had been satisfied with their performance. Eighteen factors were identified that influence search task outcomes ranging from user and task factors, informational and technological artefacts, through to a wide range of organizational norms. Modality Theory (Cybersearch culture, Simplicity and Loss Aversion bias) was developed to explain the study observations. This proposes that at all organizational levels there are tendencies for reductionist (unimodal) mind-sets towards search capability leading to fixes that fail. The factors and mechanisms were identified in other industry organizations suggesting some theory generalizability. This is the first socio-technical analysis of Enterprise Search and Discovery capability. The findings challenge existing orthodoxy, such as the criticality of search literacy (agency) which has been neglected in the practitioner literature in favour of structure. The resulting multifactorial causal model and strategic framework for improvement present opportunities to update existing academic models in the IR, LIS and IS literature, such as the DeLone and McLean model for information system success. There are encouraging signs that Modality Theory may enable a reconfiguration of organizational mind-sets that could transform search task outcomes and ultimately business performance

    The Role of Building Regulation as a Policy Instrument for Accelerating the Transition to a Low Carbon Built Environment

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    Appreciating the pivotal role of the building sector is crucial to an effective response to climate change. Implementation of policies for mitigating greenhouse emissions from the world’s buildings invariably relies on regulatory, economic or informational instruments. In fact a comprehensive strategy utilizing all three approaches is required; although regulatory measures - building energy codes - are demonstrably most effective. Successful building energy policy must draw upon Behavioural Economics to achieve desired changes in stakeholder behaviour

    A bottom-up assessment approach to improve safety culture on board ships

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    From Common Operational Picture to Common Situational Understanding : A Framework for Information Sharing in Multi-Organizational Emergency Management

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    Complex emergencies such as natural disasters are increasing in frequency and scope, in all regions of the world. These emergencies have devastating impacts on people, property, and the environment. Responding to these events and reducing their impact requires that emergency management organizations (EMOs) collaborate in their operations. Complex emergencies require extraordinary efforts from EMOs and often should be handled beyond ordinary routines and structures. Such operations involving multiple stakeholders are typically characterized by inadequate information sharing, decision-making problems, limited situational awareness (SA), and lack of common situational understanding. Despite a high volume of research on these challenges, evaluations from complex disasters and large-scale exercises document that there are still several unsolved issues related to information sharing and the development of common situational understanding. Examples here include fulfillment of heterogeneous information needs, employment of different communication tools and processes with limited interoperability, and information overload resulting from a lack of mechanisms for filtering irrelevant information. Multi-organizational emergency management is an established area of research focusing on how to successfully collaborate and share information for developing common situational understanding. However, the level of complexity and situational dependencies between the involved EMOs create challenges for researchers. An important element for efficient collaboration and information sharing is building and maintaining a common operational picture (COP). Sharing important information is a key element in emergency management involving several EMOs, and both static and dynamic information must be accessible to perform tasks effectively during emergency response. To be proactive and mitigate the emergency impacts requires up-to-date information, both factual information via the COP and the ability to share interpretations and implications through using a communication system for rapid verbal negotiation. The overall research objective is to investigate how stakeholders perceive and develop SA and COP, and to explore and understand key requirements for stakeholders to develop a common situational understanding in complex multi-organizational emergency management.publishedVersio

    The information behaviour of Nigerian digital entrepreneurs: idea generation in start-up businesses.

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    Though a wealth of research on information behaviour has been undertaken in a variety of contexts over the years, less has been done on entrepreneurship. In particular, there is a lack of literature around the ideation or business idea generation component in the early stages of business formation. This study seeks to address the theoretical and empirical gap within this research stream, bringing together information, innovation and creativity theory as lenses through which to explore the phenomenon. Twenty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted with business founders. Participants operated in a variety of segments of the digital technology spectrum, such as financial technology, digital art/non-fungible tokens, cryptocurrency, telecommunication, digital surveillance and e-commerce. Critical Realism (CR) and Grounded Theory (GT) were used as theoretical and practical data techniques, using abduction in the theoretical redescription of concepts (codes) identified in the empirical data, and retroduction to identify the necessary contextual conditions for a particular causal mechanism to take effect and result in the observed empirical trends. Results show several societal and personal factors play a role in shaping the information behaviour of digital entrepreneurs. These factors include but are not limited to poverty, marginalising, parenting (especially maternal) and mentors. Digital entrepreneurs traverse through various information landscapes - predominantly the Internet - and employ a composite approach to navigate these environments, depending on their information needs at any given time. Marginalised entrepreneurs - especially immigrants and women - show sophisticated information behaviour strategies in equalising socio-economic adversities. The current research indicates that language, social and economic status can present significant barriers for individuals seeking information, and they can add additional layers of complexity to the already existing barriers

    Exploring Financial Management Practices of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Nigeria

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    Most owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria are inadequately prepared to perform the financial management tasks required for business sustainability. This case study, guided by institutional theory, was conducted to explore how SME owners can be prepared to implement financial management effectively for business sustainability in Edo state, Nigeria. The research question addressed the understanding of experienced SME owners regarding how they can develop necessary financial management skills for sustaining a business in Edo state. Data were collected using semistructured interview, and field notes from 15 SME owners in Edo state who had prior knowledge of, experience with, and education on financial management and had been managing an SME for at least 3 years. Through Yin\u27s 5-step data analysis process, member checking, and triangulation, the themes that emerged were strategic accounting practice, knowledge of financial planning, hiring an accountant, record keeping, obtaining accounting education, and embracing technology and financial management software. The study findings have the potential to contribute to positive social change by indicating how SMEs can be more effective in generating employment, ensuring sustainability, and improving the standard of living

    Let’s augment the future together!:Augmented reality troubleshooting support for IT/OT rolling stock failures

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    The railway industry is moving to a socio-technological system that relies on computer-controlled and human-machine interfaces. Opportunities arise for creating new services and commercial business cases by using technological innovations and traffic management systems. The convergence of Information Technology (IT) with Operational Technology (OT) is critical for cost-effective and reliable railway operations. However, this convergence introduces complexities, leading to more intricate rolling stock system failures. Hence, operators necessitate assistance in their troubleshooting and maintenance strategy to simplify the decision-making and action-taking processes. Augmented Reality (AR) emerges as a pivotal tool for troubleshooting within this context. AR enhances the operator’s ability to visualize, contextualize, and understand complex data by overlaying real-time and virtual information onto physical objects. AR supports the identification of IT/OT rolling stock system failures, offers troubleshooting directions, and streamlines maintenance procedures, ultimately enhancing decision-making and action-taking processes. This thesis investigates how AR can support operators in navigating troubleshooting and maintenance challenges posed by IT/OT rolling stock system failures in the railway industry
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