229 research outputs found

    Women in STEM in Higher Education

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    This open access book addresses challenges related to women in STEM in higher education, presenting research, experiences, studies, and good practices associated with the engagement, access, and retention of women in the STEM disciplines. It also discusses strategies implemented by universities and policymakers to reduce the existing gender gap in these areas. The chapters provide an overview of implementations in different regions of the world and provide numerous examples that can be transferred to other higher education institutions

    Competencies for educators in delivering digital accessibility in higher education

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    The aim of this paper is to critically review the capabilities of the European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu) and the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for in delivering greater accessibility for students with disabilities in a Higher Education landscape undergoing Digital Transformation. These frameworks describe what it means for educators to be digitally competent. However are there other competencies required to deliver Digital Accessibility in education. The particular focus of this paper is the role of the teachers in delivering Digital Accessibility in higher education. What should be expected of them and what are the required competencies to meet these expectations? Is it fair for example to expect teachers to cross boundaries where the effectiveness of general accessibility strategies such as UDL end for particular groups of students for example blind students in STEM subjects and where there is a need for individualised accommodations

    Intellectual Capital, Technological Intensity and Firm Performance: The Case of Emerging Countries

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    While neglecting the importance of technological intensity, most of the prior studies documented the positive contribution of intellectual capital (IC) to corporate financial performance. This study aims at analyzing the relation between IC and corporate financial performance addressing the technological intensity in different sectors from 17 emerging countries. The impact of IC, which is measured by Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC) and its components; Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE), Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), and Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), on corporate financial performance will be evaluated using panel data analysis for the period between 2009-2019. Accordingly, IC and its components are found to be significant drivers of financial performance being higher for sectors that are more technology intensive. Moreover, human and physical capital are the main components, which boost finance performance for all groups irrespective of technological intensity in the emerging market context

    Back to WHAT?:The role of research ethics in pandemic times

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    Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic creates an unprecedented threatening situation worldwide with an urgent need for critical reflection and new knowledge production, but also a need for imminent action despite prevailing knowledge gaps and multilevel uncertainty. With regard to the role of research ethics in these pandemic times some argue in favor of exceptionalism, others, including the authors of this paper, emphasize the urgent need to remain committed to core ethical principles and fundamental human rights obligations all reflected in research regulations and guidelines carefully crafted over time. In this paper we disentangle some of the arguments put forward in the ongoing debate about Covid-19 human challenge studies (CHIs) and the concomitant role of health-related research ethics in pandemic times. We suggest it might be helpful to think through a lens differentiating between risk, strict uncertainty and ignorance. We provide some examples of lessons learned by harm done in the name of research in the past and discuss the relevance of this legacy in the current situation

    Systemic circular economy solutions for fiber reinforced composites

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    This open access book provides an overview of the work undertaken within the FiberEUse project, which developed solutions enhancing the profitability of composite recycling and reuse in value-added products, with a cross-sectorial approach. Glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymers, or composites, are increasingly used as structural materials in many manufacturing sectors like transport, constructions and energy due to their better lightweight and corrosion resistance compared to metals. However, composite recycling is still a challenge since no significant added value in the recycling and reprocessing of composites is demonstrated. FiberEUse developed innovative solutions and business models towards sustainable Circular Economy solutions for post-use composite-made products. Three strategies are presented, namely mechanical recycling of short fibers, thermal recycling of long fibers and modular car parts design for sustainable disassembly and remanufacturing. The validation of the FiberEUse approach within eight industrial demonstrators shows the potentials towards new Circular Economy value-chains for composite materials

    Systemic Circular Economy Solutions for Fiber Reinforced Composites

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    This open access book provides an overview of the work undertaken within the FiberEUse project, which developed solutions enhancing the profitability of composite recycling and reuse in value-added products, with a cross-sectorial approach. Glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymers, or composites, are increasingly used as structural materials in many manufacturing sectors like transport, constructions and energy due to their better lightweight and corrosion resistance compared to metals. However, composite recycling is still a challenge since no significant added value in the recycling and reprocessing of composites is demonstrated. FiberEUse developed innovative solutions and business models towards sustainable Circular Economy solutions for post-use composite-made products. Three strategies are presented, namely mechanical recycling of short fibers, thermal recycling of long fibers and modular car parts design for sustainable disassembly and remanufacturing. The validation of the FiberEUse approach within eight industrial demonstrators shows the potentials towards new Circular Economy value-chains for composite materials
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