7,214 research outputs found

    Akadēmiskā personāla angļu valodas komunikatīvās kompetences modelis

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    Promocijas darba „Akadēmiskā personāla angļu valodas komunikatīvās kompetences modelis” aktualitāti nosaka nepieciešamība augstskolām nodrošināt studiju procesa internacionalizāciju, kas nav iespējams bez akadēmiskā personāla angļu valodas zināšanām un prasmēm pasniegšanai multikulturālā vidē. Darbā ir apkopotas teorētiskās atziņas un veikts empīrisks pētījums par mutvārdu akadēmisko diskursu, lekcijas žanru, komunikatīvo valodas kompetenci, izmantojot kvalitatīvas un kvantitatīvas pētniecības metodes. Darbā tiek secināts, ka spēja lasīt veiksmīgas lekcijas angļu valodā ārvalstu studentiem lielā mērā ir atkarīga no akadēmiskā personāla angļu valodas komunikatīvās valodas kompetences, kas ietver visas sešas komunikatīvās valodas kompetences sastāvdaļas, kuras apskatītas šajā promocijas darbā. Atslēgvārdi: augstākā izglītība, lekcijas žanrs, mutvārdu akadēmiskais diskurss, angļu valodas komunikatīvās kompetences modelisThe novelty of the Doctoral thesis „Communicative English Language Competency Framework for the Academic Personnel” stems from the necessity of the academic personnel to ensure the internationalisation of the study process in the academia, which is impossible without the appropriate level of English language competency and skills necessary for working in the intercultural environment. The author summarized the theoretical findings and conducted an empirical research on spoken academic discourse, genre of an academic lecture, communicative language competences, using quantitative and qualitative research methods. It was concluded that a content lecture in English targeting the intentional audience is realized successfully when all six components of the communicative English language competence, described by the author, are coherent and are activated by the academic personnel. Keywords: tertiary education, lecture genre, spoken academic discourse, communicative English language competency framewor

    Hollins Student Life (1939 Apr 13)

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    Table of Contents: Anderson and Martin Return from Conference—Hollins Girls to Display Horsemanship at V.M.I.—Carnegie Fund Aids College—ADA Stunts Provide Puns and Fun for Kellerites—Dr. Faith Fairfield Gordon Begins Lecture Series Here: Outlines Four Stages of Emotional Growth in Her First Lecture—Dowell Publishes Thesis on History of Criminal Syndicalism Legislation—Famed Musician Visits Campus for Two Days Sandor Vas Shows Delicacy of Interpretation in Recital House—Work of Music Clubs is Described by Mrs. Ober—Student Body Elects Officers: Hodges, Martin, and Whitaker Assume Duties Under New Constitution—Helen Walsh is Elected to Head 1940 “Spinster”—Hand In Turner Hall Pledges—Hollins Student Life Staff—Student Forum—Riding Ring is Scene of Many Horse Show Trials and Tremors—Under the Dome—Hollins Representatives Will Attend Youth Meetings—Visit to Roanoke City Jail Leads Student to Question Its Purpose: Most Inmates Doing Time for Offenses Against Liquor Law—Exhibit Shows Way a Painting Grows in the Mind of the Artist—Potentialities of Art as a Vocation Are Discussed—Society—Goodale’s Bandeleros Sing for Turner Hall Fund—Rochester Gives Honor Students Responsibility—Alumnae Notes—Gertrude Stimpson Plays Senior Piano Recital—Janet Harris, Soprano, Gives Program Monday—Two from Hollins Attend I.R.C. Meet—Casually Smart—Famous Russian [Vladimir Gsovski] Will Lecture on Soviet Policies—Vacation in Bermuda is Tops According to Report of Ann Bell—Economic Plight of South is Subject of Forum Talks—Sport Slants—Advice to the Movie-Goer—Young Trees Planted to Give Shade to Future Generations at Hollins—Discussion of Journalism Given by Mr. Riegel—Chesterfield Continues With Famous Names—Marriage Education Given in Many Collegeshttps://digitalcommons.hollins.edu/newspapers/1133/thumbnail.jp

    The Cowl - v.16- n.10 - Feb 03, 1954

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 16, Number 10 - Feb 3, 1954, 1951. 6 pages

    The Cowl - v.32 - n.14 - Feb 6, 1980

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 32 – February 6, 1980. 12 pages

    Barnes Hospital Bulletin

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    The Cowl - v.32 - n.16 - Feb 27, 1980

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 32 – February 27, 1980. 12 pages

    The Cowl - v.32 - n.9 - Nov 28, 1979

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    The Cowl - student newspaper of Providence College. Volume 32 - No. 9 - November 28, 197

    v. 65, no. 14, January 30, 1997

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    Menorah Review (No. 53, Fall, 2001)

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    Uriah Levy and Monticello -- Prejudice and the Military -- The Feminist\u27s Corner -- Derrida Remembers Levinas -- Tu B\u27Shvat -- Jerusalem and Tel Aviv -- Noteworthy Books -- Understanding the Holocaus