16 research outputs found

    Assuming Data Integrity and Empirical Evidence to The Contrary

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    Background: Not all respondents to surveys apply their minds or understand the posed questions, and as such provide answers which lack coherence, and this threatens the integrity of the research. Casual inspection and limited research of the 10-item Big Five Inventory (BFI-10), included in the dataset of the World Values Survey (WVS), suggested that random responses may be common. Objective: To specify the percentage of cases in the BRI-10 which include incoherent or contradictory responses and to test the extent to which the removal of these cases will improve the quality of the dataset. Method: The WVS data on the BFI-10, measuring the Big Five Personality (B5P), in South Africa (N=3 531), was used. Incoherent or contradictory responses were removed. Then the cases from the cleaned-up dataset were analysed for their theoretical validity. Results: Only 1 612 (45.7%) cases were identified as not including incoherent or contradictory responses. The cleaned-up data did not mirror the B5P- structure, as was envisaged. The test for common method bias was negative. Conclusion: In most cases the responses were incoherent. Cleaning up the data did not improve the psychometric properties of the BFI-10. This raises concerns about the quality of the WVS data, the BFI-10, and the universality of B5P-theory. Given these results, it would be unwise to use the BFI-10 in South Africa. Researchers are alerted to do a proper assessment of the psychometric properties of instruments before they use it, particularly in a cross-cultural setting

    Leading Towards Voice and Innovation: The Role of Psychological Contract

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    Background: Empirical evidence generally suggests that psychological contract breach (PCB) leads to negative outcomes. However, some literature argues that, occasionally, PCB leads to positive outcomes. Aim: To empirically determine when these positive outcomes occur, focusing on the role of psychological contract (PC) and leadership style (LS), and outcomes such as employ voice (EV) and innovative work behaviour (IWB). Method: A cross-sectional survey design was adopted, using reputable questionnaires on PC, PCB, EV, IWB, and leadership styles. Correlation analyses were used to test direct links within the model, while regression analyses were used to test for the moderation effects. Results: Data with acceptable psychometric properties were collected from 11 organisations (N=620). The results revealed that PCB does not lead to substantial changes in IWB. PCB correlated positively with prohibitive EV, but did not influence promotive EV, which was a significant driver of IWB. Leadership styles were weak predictors of EV and IWB, and LS only partially moderated the PCB-EV relationship. Conclusion: PCB did not lead to positive outcomes. Neither did LS influencing the relationships between PCB and EV or IWB. Further, LS only partially influenced the relationships between variables, and not in a manner which positively influence IWB

    The role of 'perceptions of information value' in information security compliance behaviour: a study in Brunei Darussalam's public organisations

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    It has been widely accepted that information is an asset and it needs to be protected. Many types of countermeasures were developed and implemented to ensure continuous protection of information where it is deemed necessary. Unfortunately, in many cases, breaches of security are the result of non-compliance behaviours of users or stakeholders of the system. These non-compliance behaviours increase the vulnerability of such system. Organisations are trying to improve their stakeholders compliance behaviour through different ways for example by providing necessary awareness, education and training and to the extent of providing rewards for healthy behaviours and reprimanding and penalising stakeholders for breaches of security. Despite all these efforts, information security breaches are still on the rise and many types of research have been done to understand this issue. It is postulated that an object is protected if it is appreciated. Appreciation of an object might relate to a value perceived by the owner in association with the object. For the similar reason, this thesis investigates the role of perceptions of information value in the context of its security. It is postulated that perceptions of information value could become an alternative way to understand information security compliance behaviour. Utilising a conceptual framework deduced from current literature to structurally analyse a list of research objectives, empirical evidence of the potential role of information perceived value in promoting better compliance behaviour have indeed been discovered. There is evidence that a perception of information value is developed through a systematic process of value assignment or information value assignment process. These processes are significant to the development of stakeholders intention to behave. The finding of this process has provided a platform for the organisation to understand the casual behind the information security behaviours displayed by stakeholders in the organisation. Further evidence has also suggested that the information value assignment is fuelled or influenced by several factors. These factors have provided a unique opportunity for the organisation to manipulate and nurture to have maximum impact on their information value assignment process, resulting in a possible improved intention to behave, thus, subsequently might affect the actual information security compliance behaviour

    Bank Management, Finance and Sustainability

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    This book comprises a collection of empirical and theoretical studies covering a wide range of themes related to bank management, finance and sustainability. Sustainability represents an opportunity for banks as it contributes to improvements in trust in the banking system. However, sustainable business models must be financially viable so that they can have a positive impact on banks’ profitability, stimulating the long-term growth and resilience of the banking industry and overall financial stability.Banks are widely acknowledged as playing a crucial role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as they can promote responsible investments and integrate environmental and social criteria into lending and investment strategies. Financial intermediaries can support projects and activities that create a measurable positive economic, social and environmental impact by providing easier access to capital. Furthermore, they can have an active role in improving the financial awareness, inclusion and resilience of the most vulnerable individuals in society

    ICEIRD 2011

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    Online Onboarding: Corporate Governance Training In The COVID-19 Era

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    Onboarding new directors is critical in the best of circumstances. What should organizations do when training new board members must be completed online? COVID-19 has forced both ordinary and extraordinary business functions to be conducted primarily online, and online onboarding may be necessary or preferred in a number of business contexts. This Article first reviews the best practices in director onboarding and explains the functional goals of those practices. It then explains how to leverage the power of virtual data rooms and virtual conference software to successfully onboard new corporate directors with virtual meetings. These strategies apply to both for-profit and non-profit boards and can be employed to enhance any online meeting or conference where the goals include informing and engaging participants while encouraging them to socialize

    Online Onboarding Corporate Governance Training In The COVID-19

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    [Excerpt] Director onboarding is the process by which an organization facilitates a new director stepping into the role. It is a means by which an incoming director becomes familiar with their new surroundings, the organization, their fellow board members, and other organization leaders. As such, it is an inherently personal experience that has always necessitated face-to-face interaction, whether it takes place in the boardroom and adjacent offices, company retreats, or happy hours. Until 2020, tried-and-true onboarding methods functioned effectively, and there was no reason to reimagine the onboarding process as a potentially virtual procedure. Unfortunately, the novel coronavirus brought about unprecedented and confusing circumstances, and organizations worldwide were forced to shift their entire business platforms online with little or no time to prepare