3,452 research outputs found


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    with the growing demands in security systems, iris recognition continues to be a significant solution for biometrics-based identification systems. There are several techniques for Iris Recognition such as Phase Based Technique, Non Filter-based Technique, Based on Wavelet Transform, Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition and many more. In this paper, we have developed a block weightage based iris recognition technique using Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) taking into consideration the drawbacks of the baseline technique. EMD is an adaptive multiresolution decomposition technique that is used for extracting the features from each block of the iris image. For matching the features of iris images with the test image, we make use of block weightage method that is designed in accordance with the irrelevant pixels contained in the blocks. For experimental evaluation, we have used the CASIA iris image database and the results clearly demonstrated that applying EMD in each block of normalized iris images makes it possible to achieve better accuracy in iris recognition than the baseline technique

    Empirical mode decomposition-based facial pose estimation inside video sequences

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    We describe a new pose-estimation algorithm via integration of the strength in both empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and mutual information. While mutual information is exploited to measure the similarity between facial images to estimate poses, EMD is exploited to decompose input facial images into a number of intrinsic mode function (IMF) components, which redistribute the effect of noise, expression changes, and illumination variations as such that, when the input facial image is described by the selected IMF components, all the negative effects can be minimized. Extensive experiments were carried out in comparisons to existing representative techniques, and the results show that the proposed algorithm achieves better pose-estimation performances with robustness to noise corruption, illumination variation, and facial expressions

    Infrared face recognition: a comprehensive review of methodologies and databases

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    Automatic face recognition is an area with immense practical potential which includes a wide range of commercial and law enforcement applications. Hence it is unsurprising that it continues to be one of the most active research areas of computer vision. Even after over three decades of intense research, the state-of-the-art in face recognition continues to improve, benefitting from advances in a range of different research fields such as image processing, pattern recognition, computer graphics, and physiology. Systems based on visible spectrum images, the most researched face recognition modality, have reached a significant level of maturity with some practical success. However, they continue to face challenges in the presence of illumination, pose and expression changes, as well as facial disguises, all of which can significantly decrease recognition accuracy. Amongst various approaches which have been proposed in an attempt to overcome these limitations, the use of infrared (IR) imaging has emerged as a particularly promising research direction. This paper presents a comprehensive and timely review of the literature on this subject. Our key contributions are: (i) a summary of the inherent properties of infrared imaging which makes this modality promising in the context of face recognition, (ii) a systematic review of the most influential approaches, with a focus on emerging common trends as well as key differences between alternative methodologies, (iii) a description of the main databases of infrared facial images available to the researcher, and lastly (iv) a discussion of the most promising avenues for future research.Comment: Pattern Recognition, 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1306.160

    Handwritten Arabic character recognition: which feature extraction method?

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    Recognition of Arabic handwriting characters is a difficult task due to similar appearance of some different characters. However, the selection of the method for feature extraction remains the most important step for achieving high recognition accuracy. The purpose of this paper is to compare the effectiveness of Discrete Cosine Transform and Discrete Wavelet transform to capture discriminative features of Arabic handwritten characters. A new database containing 5600 characters covering all shapes of Arabic handwriting characters has also developed for the purpose of the analysis. The coefficients of both techniques have been used for classification based on a Artificial Neural Network implementation. The results have been analysed and the finding have demonstrated that a Discrete Cosine Transform based feature extraction yields a superior recognition than its counterpart

    Performances of proposed normalization algorithm for iris recognition

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    Iris recognition has very high recognition accuracy in comparison with many other biometric features. The iris pattern is not the same even right and left eye of the same person. It is different and unique. This paper proposes an algorithm to recognize people based on iris images. The algorithm consists of three stages. In the first stage, the segmentation process is using circular Hough transforms to find the region of interest (ROI) of given eye images. After that, a proposed normalization algorithm is to generate the polar images than to enhance the polar images using a modified Daugman’s Rubber sheet model. The last step of the proposed algorithm is to divide the enhance the polar image to be 16 divisions of the iris region. The normalized image is 16 small constant dimensions. The Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrices (GLCM) technique calculates and extracts the normalized image’s texture feature. Here, the features extracted are contrast, correlation, energy, and homogeneity of the iris. In the last stage, a classification technique, discriminant analysis (DA), is employed for analysis of the proposed normalization algorithm. We have compared the proposed normalization algorithm to the other nine normalization algorithms. The DA technique produces an excellent classification performance with 100% accuracy. We also compare our results with previous results and find out that the proposed iris recognition algorithm is an effective system to detect and recognize person digitally, thus it can be used for security in the building, airports, and other automation in many applications
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