17 research outputs found

    IoT in Arctic Tourism – A Case-study of the Tourist Information Office in Narvik

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    Source at: https://fruct.org/publications/volume-32/acm32/</a

    Which way to cope with COVID-19 challenges? Contributions of the IoT for smart city projects

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    Many activities and sectors have come to a halt due to the COVID-19 crisis. People and workers’ habits and behaviors have changed dramatically, as the use of technologies and connections, virtual reality, and remote support have been enhanced. Businesses and cities have been forced to quickly adapt to the new challenges. Digital technologies have allowed people to have better access to public services due to improved use of resources. Smart cities have significant potential for linking people to work and services as never done before. Additionally, the technological convergence produces data that can enhance interactions and decisions toward the “new normal”. In this paper, the aim is to assess how Portugal is prepared to respond to the accelerated process that this context demands from cities. Portuguese SMEs have developed a good capacity for entrepreneurship and innovation; however, they are still behind in converting the knowledge acquired in sales and exports and there is still limited collaboration at the public-private level. The acceleration of smart cities through the Internet of Things (IoT) may encourage changes in these issues. A more assertive alignment between the emergent technologies and the digitization goals of companies is required. This paper opens a discussion around major needs and trends of IoT (and related technologies) since the pandemic has leveraged them. The relationship between innovation and city smartness is approached to assess main contributing and limiting variables (through the European Innovation Scoreboard), to clarify future directions toward smarter services. The tourism sector, as the largest export economic activity in the country, is addressed in this matter. An analytical framework (using, for example, Power BI and Azure IoT Hub) around this approach can choose and support the most suitable areas of development in the country.UIDB/04020/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Colombian tourism: proposal App to foster smart tourism in the Country

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    El crecimiento del Internet, los servicios de redes sociales (SNS) y la utilización de la tecnología de la información (TI) se están extendiendo en la industria del turismo. Ya que la información tiene un alto valor en esta área, la población y el turismo colombiano están en aumento, así esto es necesario para mejorar la administración de los recursos, esto implica transformar las ciudades convencionales en ciudades inteligentes con la implementación de tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC) y el uso de IoT, lo cual permite la interconexión de las cosas con el internet. El turismo inteligente es explicado como un enfoque holístico que proporciona información turística, servicios relacionados con viajes, tales como alimentos, transporte, destino, reserva de hotel, guía de viaje, convenientemente a los turistas a través de los diferentes dispositivos y tecnologías de información (TI). En nuestra investigación, nos enfocamos en el turismo colombiano y de una revisión de literatura sobre el tema, proponemos una forma de promocionarla, tomando diferentes herramientas desde algunas ciudades inteligentes que permiten avanzar en el sector.The growth of Internet, Social Network Services (SNS) and the utilization of Information Technology (IT) is spreading in tourism industry. Since information has high value in this area, the Colombian population and tourism are increasing, thus it is required to improve the resources’ administration, this involves transforming conventional cities into smart cities with the implementation of information and communication technologies (ICT) and the use of IoT which allows the interconnection of things with the internet. The smart tourism is explained as a holistic approach that provide tour information, service related to travel, such as destination, food, transportation, hotel reservation, travel guide, conveniently to tourists through IT devices. In our research, we focus on the Colombian Tourism and from a literature review about the topic, we propose a way for promoting it, taking different tools from some smart cities that allow to advance in the sector

    Multi-Source Data Sensing in Mobile Personalized Healthcare Systems: Semantic Linking and Data Mining

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    The paper introduces an approach to collecting and mining health-related information on the patient based on sensed data from various medical devices as well as from other digitallyenabled sources. The regularly sensed data are semantically linked thus creating an additional information space-semantic layer. On the latter, a linked knowledge-rich structure-semantic network-is maintained and used to construct mobile services. The use of various medical devices and other data sources makes it possible to remotely monitor patients' vital physiological parameters and other important health-related events. It includes sensing the context of the physical environment, which is then coupled with the health state of the patient. Several patients and interested people can be virtually integrated into a group. Consequently, social methods can be used for enhancing the treatment adherence and for motivating the healthcare goals. As such, the healthcare services would have became more focused on the patients and their needs. Ultimately, the mobile healthcare moves towards the vision of At-Home Laboratory (AHL) that diminishes the necessity to visit the hospital and to directly use its facility

    Towards a personal at-home lab for motion video tracking in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Many digital healthcare services now employ the opportunities of mobile and smart Internet technologies. The Internet is used to deliver such services as medical consultations, diagnosis, and prescriptions. The services are constructed and delivered in the ubiquitous style - anywhere, anytime, and using surrounding devices of our everyday life. In this paper, we discuss the opportunities of motion video tracking in at-home settings for a patient. Parkinson's disease (PD) serves as a case study. First, we define the problem of motion video tracking in PD patients. Then, we consider Internet-enabled methods for motion video tracking, which are essentially restricted with professional settings of a medical environment. Finally, we propose to create a personal at-home lab based on such cheap home-based cameras as any smartphone has. Our early experiment shows that such cameras provide reliable capture quality for the practical use in PD patient motion video tracking

    Towards a mobile system for hypertensive outpatients' treatment adherence improvement

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    Covering more than a third of the population, arterial hypertension is a debilitating disease resulting in the adverse effect on the physical and emotional state of the patient and, hence, exerting the negative influence on the patient health- related quality of life. Treatment of hypertension involves the use of specific drug therapy along with a modification of a lifestyle and a diet over a long-term period. This, in turn, leads to the low adherence to the treatment among the ambulatory patients and, as a consequence, increases the chances of the hypertension-related complications, including the risk of sudden cardiac death. To address the problem of low adherence, we have previously proposed the mobile personal monitoring and assisting system constructed on the principles of smart spaces. The system relies on joint processing of both objective and subjective health measures accumulated in semantic ontology-driven storage enabling the construction of the personalized assisting services. In this paper, we extend the approach putting into consideration behaviour activities and interventions. Moreover, we propose the adherence assessment method based on the variety of user engagement measures, which also can be divided into subjective questionnaire-based measures, and objective metrics based on behaviour analysis and mobile app analytics

    iPatient in medical information systems and future of internet of health

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    The results of Study "iHealthCare Optimization", provided by Dell EMC External Research and Academic Alliances, are presented. Big Data analytics of Medical information system qMS records was implemented using cluster analysis in Python. Software for cluster analysis was created by Andrey Mazelis (Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service). There are two directions of cluster analysis: Series treatment (number of investigation procedures for each patient) and Series time (waiting time for investigation procedures for each patient). Two models of patients management (Model A and Model B) were found, that can be used for better planning of care management. Models approach provides the new capability to implement Health Care Standard in mode aaS, using feedback after Big Data analytics. Around 80-90% of patients with Essential hypertension can get treatment in Day Hospital without hospitalization