6,710 research outputs found

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    Modelling and control of hybrid electric vehicles (a comprehensive review)

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    The gradual decline in global oil reserves and presence of ever so stringent emissions rules around the world, have created an urgent need for the production of automobiles with improved fuel economy. HEVs (hybrid electric vehicles) have proved a viable option to guarantying improved fuel economy and reduced emissions.The fuel consumption benefits which can be realised when utilising HEV architecture are dependent on how much braking energy is regenerated, and how well the regenerated energy is utilized. The challenge in developing an HEV control strategy lies in the satisfaction of often conflicting control constraints involving fuel consumption, emissions and driveability without over-depleting the battery state of charge at the end of the defined driving cycle.To this effect, a number of power management strategies have been proposed in literature. This paper presents a comprehensive review of these literatures, focusing primarily on contributions in the aspect of parallel hybrid electric vehicle modelling and control. As part of this treatise, exploitable research gaps are also identified. This paper prides itself as a comprehensive reference for researchers in the field of hybrid electric vehicle development, control and optimization

    Advanced Path Planning and Collision Avoidance Algorithms for UAVs

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    The thesis aims to investigate and develop innovative tools to provide autonomous flight capability to a fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. Particularly it contributes to research on path optimization, tra jectory tracking and collision avoidance with two algorithms designed respectively for path planning and navigation. The complete system generates the shortest path from start to target avoiding known obstacles represented on a map, then drives the aircraft to track the optimum path avoiding unpredicted ob jects sensed in flight. The path planning algorithm, named Kinematic A*, is developed on the basis of graph search algorithms like A* or Theta* and is meant to bridge the gap between path-search logics of these methods and aircraft kinematic constraints. On the other hand the navigation algorithm faces concurring tasks of tra jectory tracking and collision avoidance with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. When A* is applied to path planning of unmanned aircrafts any aircraft kinematics is taken into account, then practicability of the path is not guaranteed. Kinematic A* (KA*) generates feasible paths through graph-search logics and basic vehicle characteristics. It includes a simple aircraft kinematic-model to evaluate moving cost between nodes of tridimensional graphs. Movements are constrained with minimum turning radius and maximum rate of climb. Furtermore, separation from obstacles is imposed, defining a volume around the path free from obstacles (tube-type boundaries). Navigation is safe when the tracking error does not exceed this volume. The path-tracking task aims to link kinematic information related to desired aircraft positions with dynamic behaviors to generate commands that minimize the error between reference and real tra jectory. On the other hand avoid obstacles in flight is one of the most challenging tasks for autonomous aircrafts and many elements must be taken into account in order to implement an effective collision avoidance maneuver. Second part of the thesis describes a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) application to cope with collision avoidance and path tracking tasks. First contribution is the development of a navigation system able to match concurring problems: track the optimal path provided with KA* and avoid unpredicted obstacles detected with sensors. Second Contribution is the Sense & Avoid (S&A) technique exploiting spherical camera and visual servoing control logics

    An Investigation on Disease Diagnosis and Prediction by Using Modified K-Mean clustering and Combined CNN and ELM Classification Techniques

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    Data analysis is important for managing a lot of knowledge in the healthcare industry. The older medical study favored prediction over processing and assimilating a massive volume of hospital data. The precise research of health data becomes advantageous for early disease identification and patient treatment as a result of the tremendous knowledge expansion in the biological and healthcare fields. But when there are gaps in the medical data, the accuracy suffers. The use of K-means algorithm is modest and efficient to perform. It is appropriate for processing vast quantities of continuous, high-dimensional numerical data. However, the number of clusters in the given dataset must be predetermined for this technique, and choosing the right K is frequently challenging. The cluster centers chosen in the first phase have an impact on the clustering results as well. To overcome this drawback in k-means to modify the initialization and centroid steps in classification technique with combining (Convolutional neural network) CNN and ELM (extreme learning machine) technique is used. To increase this work, disease risk prediction using repository dataset is proposed. We use different types of machine learning algorithm for predicting disease using structured data. The prediction accuracy of using proposed hybrid model is 99.8% which is more than SVM (support vector machine), KNN (k-nearest neighbors), AB (AdaBoost algorithm) and CKN-CNN (consensus K-nearest neighbor algorithm and convolution neural network)

    Research on economic planning and operation of electric vehicle charging stations

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    Appropriately planning and scheduling strategies can improve the enthusiasm of Electric vehicles (EVs), reduce charging losses, and support the power grid system. Thus, this dissertation studies the planning and operating of the EV charging station. First, an EV charging station planning strategy considering the overall social cost is proposed. Then, to reduce the charging cost and guarantee the charging demand, an optimal charging scheduling method is proposed. Additionally, by considering the uncertainty of charging demand, a data-driven intelligent EV charging scheduling algorithm is proposed. Finally, a collaborative optimal routing and scheduling method is proposed

    Multi-train trajectory optimisation to maximise rail network energy efficiency under travel-time constraints

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    Optimising the trajectories of multiple interacting trains to maximise energy efficiency is a difficult, but highly desirable, problem to solve. A bespoke genetic algorithm has been developed for the multi-train trajectory optimisation problem and used to seek a near-optimal set of control point distances for multiple trains, such that a weighted sum of the time and energy objectives is minimised. Genetic operators tailored to the problem are developed including a new mutation operation and the insertion and deletion pairs of control points during the reproduction process. Compared with published results, the new GA was shown to increase the quality of solutions found by an average of 27.6% and increase consistency by a factor of 28. This allows more precise control over the relative priority given to achieving time targets or increasing energy efficiency