179 research outputs found

    M-QAM signal transmission at the photonically generated K-band over thermal-induced turbulent FSO links with different turbulence distributions

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    [EN] We present a theoretical and experimental study on the impact of different thermal-induced free-space turbulence distributions on the M-quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) signal transmission in radio frequency K-band over hybrid optical links of standard single mode fiber (SSMF) and free-space optics (FSO). Frequency multiplication using an external intensity modulator biased at the null transmission point has been employed to photonically generate radio signals at a frequency of 25 GHz, included for the frequency bands for fifth-generation (5G) mobile networks. Moreover, extensive simulations have been performed for 10 Gb/s with 4-, 16-, and 64-QAM over 5 km of SSMF and 500 m long FSO channels under scenarios with different turbulence levels and distributions. Proof-of-concept experiments have been conducted for 20 MHz with 4- and 64-QAM over 5 km of SSMF and 2 m long FSO channels under turbulence conditions. Both theoretical and experimental systems have been analyzed in terms of error vector magnitude (EVM) performance showing feasible transmission over the hybrid links in the received optical power range. Non-uniform turbulence distributions are shown to have a different impact on M-QAM modulation formats, i.e., turbulence distributions with higher strength in the middle of the FSO link reveal a 1.9 dB penalty when using 64-QAM signals compared to a 1.3 dB penalty using 4-QAM signals, whereas higher penalties have been measured when 4-QAM format is transmitted over turbulence distributions with larger magnitude in the second half of the FSO link. The results have been validated by theoretical predictions and lead to practical consequences on future networks' deployment.Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 2017/103); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (FOCAL RTI2018-101658-B-I00); Ministerstvo Prumyslu a Obchodu (FV30427) and within European Cooperation in Science andTechnology (CA16220).Vallejo-Castro, L.; Nguyen, D.; Bohata, J.; Ortega Tamarit, B.; Zvanovec, S. (2020). M-QAM signal transmission at the photonically generated K-band over thermal-induced turbulent FSO links with different turbulence distributions. Applied Optics. 59(16):4997-5005. https://doi.org/10.1364/AO.390103S499750055916Zhang, R., Lu, F., Xu, M., Liu, S., Peng, P.-C., Shen, S., … Chang, G.-K. (2018). An Ultra-Reliable MMW/FSO A-RoF System Based on Coordinated Mapping and Combining Technique for 5G and Beyond Mobile Fronthaul. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(20), 4952-4959. doi:10.1109/jlt.2018.2866767Lee, C. H. (Ed.). (2017). 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A Novel Radio-Over-Fiber System Based on Carrier Suppressed Frequency Eightfold Millimeter Wave Generation. IEEE Photonics Journal, 9(5), 1-6. doi:10.1109/jphot.2017.2731620Khalighi, M. A., & Uysal, M. (2014). Survey on Free Space Optical Communication: A Communication Theory Perspective. IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 16(4), 2231-2258. doi:10.1109/comst.2014.2329501Bloom, S., Korevaar, E., Schuster, J., & Willebrand, H. (2003). Understanding the performance of free-space optics [Invited]. Journal of Optical Networking, 2(6), 178. doi:10.1364/jon.2.000178Anderson, H. R. (2003). Fixed Broadband Wireless System Design. doi:10.1002/0470861290Ghassemlooy, Z., Popoola, W., & Rajbhandari, S. (2019). Optical Wireless Communications. doi:10.1201/9781315151724Borah, D. K., & Voelz, D. G. (2009). Pointing Error Effects on Free-Space Optical Communication Links in the Presence of Atmospheric Turbulence. 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Optics Express, 27(23), 33745. doi:10.1364/oe.27.033745Nguyen, D.-N., Bohata, J., Komanec, M., Zvanovec, S., Ortega, B., & Ghassemlooy, Z. (2019). Seamless 25 GHz Transmission of LTE 4/16/64-QAM Signals Over Hybrid SMF/FSO and Wireless Link. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(24), 6040-6047. doi:10.1109/jlt.2019.2945588Vallejo, L., Komanec, M., Ortega, B., Bohata, J., Nguyen, D.-N., Zvanovec, S., & Almenar, V. (2020). Impact of Thermal-Induced Turbulent Distribution Along FSO Link on Transmission of Photonically Generated mmW Signals in the Frequency Range 26–40 GHz. IEEE Photonics Journal, 12(1), 1-9. doi:10.1109/jphot.2019.2959227Qi, G., Yao, J., Seregelyi, J., Paquet, S., Belisle, C., Zhang, X., … Kashyap, R. (2006). Phase-Noise Analysis of Optically Generated Millimeter-Wave Signals With External Optical Modulation Techniques. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24(12), 4861-4875. doi:10.1109/jlt.2006.884990Ma, J., Yu, J., Yu, C., Xin, X., Zeng, J., & Chen, L. (2007). Fiber Dispersion Influence on Transmission of the Optical Millimeter-Waves Generated Using LN-MZM Intensity Modulation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 25(11), 3244-3256. doi:10.1109/jlt.2007.907794Andrews, L. C., & Phillips, R. L. (2005). Laser Beam Propagation through Random Media. doi:10.1117/3.626196Chen, X., & Yao, J. (2015). A High Spectral Efficiency Coherent Microwave Photonic Link Employing Both Amplitude and Phase Modulation With Digital Phase Noise Cancellation. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 1-1. doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.241945

    Performance Investigation of MIMO Based CO-OFDM FSO Communication Link for BPSK, QPSK and 16-QAM under the Influence of Reed Solomon Codes

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    The MIMO based CO-OFDM FSO communication system is emerging as a promising approach to meet the future bandwidth requirements for seamless communication. The atmosphere being the propagation medium is a major hindrance in wide-scale acceptability of FSO technology. For seamless and error-free transmission and reception of data, a novel concept of MIMO integrated with RS code is proposed in this paper. The system performance of an RS 64 (RS (255,127)) coded MIMO-based CO-OFDM FSO communication link was investigated using BPSK, QPSK and 16-QAM under the combined effects of geometric losses, path losses and atmospheric attenuations at a hitherto un-investigated data rate of 40 Gbps and a link distance of 5 km. The modified gamma-gamma distribution was used for modeling a moderately turbulent channel. With link length varying over a range of 1 to 5 km, error correction was maximum in 16-QAM as compared to BPSK and QPSK, with 150 to 167 corrected errors. In terms of PAPR, PSK was more apt than QAM, but with a compromise in BER. The geometric losses were reduced with link length due to an increase in error correction capability for all three modulation cases, with the least losses occurring in 16-QAM. At the target bit error rate (BER), the signal to noise ratio (SNR) required for BPSK and QPSK was higher by 3.98 dB and 6.14 dB compared to 16-QAM

    Mode division multiplexing in radio-over-free-space-optical system incorporating orthogonal frequency division multiplexing and photonic crystal fiber equalization

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    Radio over free space optics (Ro-FSO) is a revolutionary technology for seamlessly integrating radio and optical networks without expensive optical fiber cabling. RoFSO technology plays a crucial role in supporting broadband connectivity in rural and remote areas where current broadband infrastructure is not feasible due to geographical and economic inconvenience. Although the capacity of Ro-FSO can be increased by mode division multiplexing (MDM), the transmission distance and capacity is still limited by multipath fading and mode coupling losses due to atmospheric turbulences such as light fog, thin fog and heavy fog. The main intention of this thesis is to design MDM system for Ro-FSO for long and short haul communication. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is proposed for long haul communication to mitigate multipath fading and Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) is proposed for short haul communication to reduce mode coupling losses. The reported results of the proposed scheme for long haul communication show a significant 47% power improvement in deep fades from multipath propagation with the use of OFDM in MDM-Ro-FSO systems as compared to without OFDM. The results of the proposed scheme for short haul communication show 90.6% improvement in power in the dominant mode with the use of PCF in MDM-Ro-FSO as compared to without PCF. The reported results in the thesis show significant improvement in Ro-FSO systems as compared to previous systems in terms of capacity and transmission distance under clear weather conditions as well as under varying levels of fog. The contributions of this thesis are expected to provide seamless broadband services in remote areas

    Optical test bench experiments for 1-Tb/s satellite feeder uplinks

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    Due to expected capacity bottlenecks of exploited microwave technologies, feeder links for data relay or broadband access systems will require the implementation of high capacity optical communication links between space and ground. In this context, it is necessary a detailed investigation of the optical technologies and techniques that could enable the transmission of high data rates at optical frequencies through the Earth’s atmosphere, with regard to all kinds of atmospheric phenomena. In particular, the adverse effects of atmospheric turbulence fading are of special relevance to optical communication systems for ground-to-space uplink applications. Although previous studies and experiments have demonstrated the feasibility of such optical links at low data rate, research is still needed to identify technical solutions and strategies adapted to the specific constraints imposed to these high-speed links in order to ensure the required level of performance. Against this background, various test benches have been developed in order to characterize different modulation and detection techniques for optical communication systems prior to be incorporated in the conceptual design of future 1-Tb/s ground-space optical links. The expected performances of such an experimental demonstration are derived based on simulation models taking into account atmospheric turbulence effects, in order to prove the feasibility of reliable ground-space high date rate optical communication links. Our first simulation studies, considering On-Off Keying (OOK) and Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) modulations, have allowed us to understand the complexity of the link and to optimize both the transmitter and the receiver to achieve acceptable performance levels

    Photonic Millimeter Wave Signal Generation and Transmission Over Hybrid Links in 5G Communication Networks

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    [ES] El estándar de quinta generación (5G) es la clave potencial para satisfacer el aumento exponencial en la demanda de nuevas aplicaciones, servicios y usuarios. La tecnología 5G ofrecerá una latencia extremadamente baja de 1 ms, una velocidad máxima de datos de 10 Gbit/s, una alta densidad de conexión de hasta 106 dispositivos/km2 y permitirá una alta movilidad de los dispositivos de hasta 500 km/h. En esta Tesis se proponen varias soluciones basadas en tecnologías habilitadoras para el despliegue de redes 5G. La arquitectura de la red de acceso de radio en la nube (C-RAN) se emplea junto con las técnicas de Fotónica de Microondas como una solución prometedora para generar y transmitir señales de ondas milimétricas (mmW) en la próxima generación de comunicaciones móviles. La tecnología radio sobre fibra (RoF) ha demostrado ser una buena opción para enfrentarse al desafío de la distribución inalámbrica mmW debido a la gran distancia de transmisión, el gran ancho de banda y la inmunidad a las interferencias electromagnéticas, entre algunas de las principales ventajas. Además, esta tecnología se puede ampliar con comunicaciones ópticas de espacio libre (FSO) en sistemas de radio sobre FSO (RoFSO) en las redes inalámbricas. En esta Tesis, las señales mmW se generan fotónicamente mediante modulación externa de doble banda lateral con supresión de portadora (CS-DSB) y se distribuyen a través de enlaces fronthaul híbridos RoF/FSO. Además, la generación múltiple de señales permite la distribución reconfigurable en canales multiplexados por división de longitud de onda (WDM) desde una oficina central hasta las estaciones base, y se ha evaluado el impacto de las turbulencias producidas en los canales FSO sobre las señales mmW generadas fotónicamente en términos de fluctuaciones de potencia y ruido de fase de la señal. Se propone la técnica de modulación directa de un láser (DML) como solución principal para la transmisión de datos a través de enlaces ópticos híbridos que emplean un esquema de multiplicación de frecuencias ópticas, es decir, CS-DSB, para la generación de señales de mmW. En concreto, se evalúan teórica y experimentalmente los esquemas de generación fotónica local y remoto de señales mmW y se comparan para su implementación práctica en la red frontal de la C-RAN y, además, se estudia experimentalmente el impacto de la distorsión armónica y de la intermodulación en la transmisión de datos. Igualmente, con el fin de obtener la capacidad que ofrece el DML en términos de ancho de banda, también se presenta una evaluación teórica y experimental del efecto de la dispersión de la fibra y el chirp sobre diferentes anchos de banda de señales de M-modulación de amplitud en cuadratura (QAM). No obstante, la Tesis también incluye otro enfoque para la transmisión de datos basado en el uso de otro modulador externo. En este caso, la demostración experimental de la generación de señales ópticas empleando CS-DSB y la transmisión de señales a través de fibra híbrida y red frontal FSO se completa con un enlace de antena que permite transmitir señales 5G 64/256-QAM. La investigación realizada con los sistemas CS-DSB y DSB también permiten comparar la robustez frente al desvanecimiento inducido por la dispersión cromática de la fibra. Además, se ha realizado una evaluación experimental impacto las turbulencias producidas en los canales FSO sobre las señales mmW generadas fotónicamente con diferentes distribuciones térmicas y se ha cuantificado la degradación de la señal de datos de acuerdo con las condiciones de la turbulencia. Como demostradores finales, esta Tesis incluye un sistema de transmisión full-dúplex que emplea señales 5G en enlace descendente (DL) a 39 GHz y en enlace ascendente (UL) a 37 GHz; y la transmisión de señales OFDM LTE de 60 GHz (DL) y 25 GHz (UL) sobre una infraestructura heterogénea de frontal óptico que consiste en fibra óptica de 10 km, un canal FSO de 100 m y un enlace de radio inalámbrico de 2 m.[CA] L'estàndard de quinta generació (5G) és la clau potencial per a satisfer l'augment exponencial en la demanda de noves aplicacions, serveis i usuaris. La tecnologia 5G oferirà una latència extremadament baixa d'1 ms, una velocitat màxima de dades de 10 Gbit/s, una alta densitat de connexió de fins a 106 dispositius/km2 i permetrà una alta mobilitat dels dispositius de fins a 500 km/h. En aquesta tesi es proposen diverses solucions basades en tecnologies habilitadores per al desplegament de xarxes 5G. L'arquitectura de la xarxa d'accés de ràdio en el núvol (CRAN) s'empra junt amb les tècniques de Fotònica de Microones com una solució prometedora per a generar i transmetre senyals d'ones mil·limètriques (mmW) en la pròxima generació de comunicacions mòbils. La tecnologia ràdio sobre fibra ( RoF) ha demostrat ser una bona opció per a enfrontar-se al desafiament de la distribució sense fil mmW a causa de la gran distància de transmissió, el gran ample de banda i la immunitat a les interferències electromagnètiques, entre alguns dels principals avantatges. A més, aquesta tecnologia es pot ampliar amb comunicacions òptiques d'espai lliure (FSO) en sistemes de ràdio sobre FSO (RoFSO) en les xarxes sense fil. En aquesta Tesi, els senyals mmW es generen fotònicament per mitjà de modulació externa de doble banda lateral amb supressió de portadora (CS-DSB) i es distribueixen a través d'enllaços frontals híbrids RoF/FSO.. A més, la generació múltiple de senyals permet la distribució reconfigurable en canals multiplexats per divisió de longitud d'ona ( WDM) des d'una oficina central fins a les estacions base, i s'ha avaluat l'impacte de les turbulències produïdes en els canals FSO sobre els senyals mmW generades fotònicament en termes de fluctuacions de potència i soroll de fase del senyal. Aquest treball proposa la tècnica de modulació directa d'un làser (DML) com solució principal per a la transmissió de dades a través d'enllaços òptics híbrids que fan servir un esquema de multiplicació de freqüències òptiques, és a dir, CS-DSB, per a la generació de senyals de mmW. En concret, s'avalua teòric i experimentalment els esquemes de generació fotònica local i remota de senyals mmW i es comparen per a la seua implementació pràctica a la xarxa frontal de la C-RAN i a més, s'estudia experimentalment l'impacte de la distorsió harmònica i de la intermodulació en la transmissió de dades. Igualment, amb el fi d'obtindre la capacitat que ofereix el DML en termes d'amplada de banda, també es presenta una avaluació teòrica i experimental de l'efecte de la dispersió de la fibra i el chirp sobre diferents amples de banda de senyals de M-modulació d'amplitud en quadratura (QAM). No obstant això, la Tesis també inclou altre enfocament per a la transmissió de dades basat amb l¿ús d'altre modulador extern. En aquest cas, la demostració experimental de la generació de senyals òptics emprant CS-DSB i la transmissió de senyals a través de fibra híbrida i xarxa frontal FSO es completa com un enllaç d'antena que permet transmetre senyals 5G 64/256-QAM. La investigació realitzada amb els sistemes CS-DSB i DSB també permet comparar la seua robustesa davant l¿esvaïment induït per la dispersió cromàtica. A més, s'ha avaluat experimentalment l'impacte de les turbulències produïdes en els canals FSO sobre els senyals mmW generades fotònicament amb diferents distribucions tèrmiques i s'ha quantificat la degradació del senyal de dades d'acord amb les condicions de la turbulència. Com a demostradors finals, aquesta Tesi inclou un sistema de transmissió full-dúplex que empra senyals 5G en enllaç descendent (DL) a 39 GHz i en enllaç ascendent (UL) a 37 GHz; i la transmissió de senyals OFDM LTE de 60 GHz (DL) i 25 GHz (UL) sobre una infraestructura heterogènia de frontal òptic que consisteix en fibra òptica de 10 km, un canal FSO de 100 m i un enllaç de ràdio sense fil de 2 m.[EN] The fifth generation (5G) standard is the potential key to meet the exponentially increasing demand of the emerging applications, services and mobile end users. 5G technology will offer an extremely low latency of 1 ms, peak data rate of 10 Gbit/s, high contention density up to 106 devices/km2 and enable high mobility up to 500 km/h. This Thesis proposes several solutions based on enabling technologies for deploying 5G networks. Cloud-radio access network (C-RAN) architecture is employed in conjunction with microwave photonics techniques as a promising solution to generate and transmit millimeter wave (mmW) signals in the next generation of mobile communications. Radio over fiber (RoF) has been demonstrated as a good option to face the challenge of mmW wireless distribution, due to long transmission distance, large bandwidth and immunity to electromagnetic interference, as some of the main advantages. Moreover, this technology can be extended with free-space optical (FSO) communications in Radio over FSO systems (RoFSO) as wireless networks. In this Thesis, mmW signals are photonically generated by carrier suppressed double sideband (CS-DSB) external modulation and distributed over hybrid RoF/FSO fronthaul links. Moreover, multiple generated signals allow reconfigurable distribution in wavelength-division multiplexed (WDM) channels from a central office to the base stations, and the impact of turbulent FSO channels on photonically generated mmW signals has been evaluated in terms of power signal fluctuations and phase noise. A directly modulated laser (DML) is proposed as a major solution for signal transmission over hybrid optical links employing optical frequency multiplication scheme, i.e. CS-DSB, for mmW signal generation. Moreover, local and remote photonic mmW signal generation schemes are theoretically and experimentally evaluated and compared for practical deployment in C-RAN fronthaul network while the impact of harmonic and intermodulation distortion on data transmission is also experimentally studied. Furthermore, for the sake of obtaining the DML usability in terms of bandwidth, theoretical and experimental evaluation of the effect of fiber dispersion and chirp over different M-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals bandwidth is also presented. Another data transmission approach based on the cascade of two external modulators is also employed in the Thesis. In this case, the experimental demonstration of optical signal generation employing CS-DSB and signal transmission over hybrid fiber and FSO fronthaul network is completed with a seamless antenna link leading to successful transmission of 64/256-QAM 5G signals. The CS-DSB and DSB schemes are also investigated for the sake of comparison in terms of robustness against fiber chromatic dispersion-induced fading. Furthermore, experimental evaluation of the impact of turbulent FSO links on photonically generated mmW signals with different thermal distributions has been performed and data signal degradation has been quantified according to the turbulence conditions. As final demonstrators, the Thesis includes a full-duplex transmission system employing 39 GHz downlink (DL) and 37 GHz uplink (UL) 5G signals over hybrid links; and 60 GHz (DL) and 25 GHz (UL) OFDM LTE signal transmission over an heterogeneous optical fronthaul infrastructure consisting of 10 km optical fiber, 100 m FSO channel and 2 m wireless radio link.I would like to acknowledge the financial support given by Research Excellence Award Programme GVA PROMETEO 2017/103 Future Microwave Photonics and European Network for High Performance Integrated Microwave Photonics (EUIMWP) CA16220.Vallejo Castro, L. (2022). Photonic Millimeter Wave Signal Generation and Transmission Over Hybrid Links in 5G Communication Networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19025

    Experimental Characterisation and Modelling of Atmospheric Fog and Turbulence in FSO

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    Free space optical (FSO) communication uses visible or infrared (IR) wavelengths to broadcast high-speed data wirelessly through the atmospheric channel. The performance of FSO communications is mainly dependent on the unpredictable atmospheric channel such as fog, smoke and temperature dependent turbulence. However, as the real outdoor atmosphere (ROA) is time varying and heterogeneous in nature as well as depending on the magnitude and intensity of different weather conditions, carrying out a proper link assessment under specific weather conditions becomes a challenging task. Investigation and modelling the ROA under diverse atmospheric conditions is still a great challenge in FSO communications. Hence a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber is designed and built to produce controlled atmosphere as necessary to mimic the ROA as closely as possible. The experimental results indicate that the fog attenuation is wavelength dependent for all visibility V ranges, which contradicts the Kim model for V < 0.5 km. The obtained result validates that Kim model needs to be revised for V < 0.5 km in order to correctly predict the wavelength dependent fog attenuation. Also, there are no experimental data and empirical model available for FSO links in diverse smoke conditions, which are common in urban areas. Therefore, a new empirical model is proposed to evaluate the wavelength dependent fog and smoke attenuation by reconsidering the q value as a function of wavelength rather than visibility. The BER performance of an FSO system is theoretically and experimentally evaluated for OOK- NRZ, OOK-RZ and 4-PPM formats for Ethernet line data-rates from light to dense fog conditions. A BER of 10-6 (Q-factor ≈ 4.7) is achieved at dense fog (transmittance, T = 0.33) condition using 4-PPM than OOK-NRZ and OOK-RZ modulation schemes due to its high peak-to-average power ratio albeit at the expense of doubling the bandwidth. The effects of fog on OOK-NRZ, 4-PAM and BPSK are also experimentally investigated. In comparison to 4-PAM and OOK-NRZ signals, the BPSK modulation signalling format is more robust against the effects of fog. Moreover, the effects of using different average transmitted optical communication powers Popton the T and the received Q-factor using the OOK-NRZ modulation scheme are also investigated for light and dense fog conditions. The results show that for an FSO system operating at a Q-factor of 4.7 (for BER = 10-6), the required Q-factor is achieved at T of 48% under the thick fog condition by increasing Popt to 1.07 dBm, whereas the values of T are 55% and ~70% for the transmit power of 0.56 dBm and -0.7 dBm, respectively. The experimental characterisation and investigation of the atmospheric turbulence effect on the Ethernet and Fast-Ethernet FSO link is reported using different modulation schemes. The experiment is carried out in a controlled laboratory environment where turbulence is generated in a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber. The atmospheric chamber is calibrated to mimic an outdoor turbulence conditions and the measured data are verified against the theoretical predictions. The experiment also demonstrates methods to control the turbulence levels and determine the equivalence between the indoor and outdoor FSO links. The results show that the connectivity of Ethernet and Fast-Ethernet links are highly sensitive to atmospheric turbulence. The results also show that the BPSK and OOK-NRZ modulation signalling formats are more robust against the weak atmospheric turbulence conditions than PAM signal

    Hybrid Free-Space Optical and Visible Light Communication Link

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    V součastnosti bezdrátové optické komunikace (optical wireless communication, OWC) získávají širokou pozornost jako vhodný doplněk ke komunikačním přenosům v rádiovém pásmu. OWC nabízejí několik výhod včetně větší šířky přenosového pásma, neregulovaného frekvenčního pásma či odolnosti vůči elektromagnetickému rušení. Tato práce se zabývá návrhem OWC systémů pro připojení koncových uživatelů. Samotná realizace spojení může být provedena za pomoci různých variant bezdrátových technologií, například pomocí OWC, kombinací různých OWC technologií nebo hybridním rádio-optickým spojem. Za účelem propojení tzv. poslední míle je analyzován optický bezvláknový spoj (free space optics, FSO). Tato práce se dále zabývá analýzou přenosových vlastností celo-optického více skokového spoje s důrazem na vliv atmosférických podmínek. V dnešní době mnoho uživatelů tráví čas ve vnitřních prostorech kanceláří či doma, kde komunikace ve viditelném spektru (visible light communication, VLC) poskytuje lepší přenosové parametry pokrytí než úzce směrové FSO. V rámci této práce byla odvozena a experimentálně ověřena závislost pro bitovou chybovost přesměrovaného (relaying) spoje ve VLC. Pro propojení poskytovatele datavých služeb s koncovým uživatelem může být výhodné zkombinovat více přenosových technologií. Proto je navržen a analyzovám systém pro překonání tzv. problému poslední míle a posledního metru kombinující hybridní FSO a VLC technologie.The field of optical wireless communications (OWC) has recently attracted significant attention as a complementary technology to radio frequency (RF). OWC systems offer several advantages including higher bandwidth, an unregulated spectrum, resistance to electromagnetic interference and a high order of reusability. The thesis focuses on the deployment and analyses of end-user interconnections using the OWC systems. Interconnection can be established by many wireless technologies, for instance, by a single OWC technology, a combination of OWC technologies, or by hybrid OWC/RF links. In order to establish last mile outdoor interconnection, a free-space optical (FSO) has to be investigated. In this thesis, the performance of all-optical multi-hop scenarios is analyzed under atmospheric conditions. However, nowadays, many end users spend much time in indoor environments where visible light communication (VLC) technology can provide better transmission parameters and, significantly, better coverage. An analytical description of bit error rate for relaying VLC schemes is derived and experimentally verified. Nonetheless, for the last mile, interconnection of a provider and end users (joint outdoor and indoor connection) can be advantageous when combining multiple technologies. Therefore, a hybrid FSO/VLC system is proposed and analyzed for the interconnection of the last mile and last meter bottleneck