2,059 research outputs found

    Improving Hoeffding Trees

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    Modern information technology allows information to be collected at a far greater rate than ever before. So fast, in fact, that the main problem is making sense of it all. Machine learning offers promise of a solution, but the field mainly focusses on achieving high accuracy when data supply is limited. While this has created sophisticated classification algorithms, many do not cope with increasing data set sizes. When the data set sizes get to a point where they could be considered to represent a continuous supply, or data stream, then incremental classification algorithms are required. In this setting, the effectiveness of an algorithm cannot simply be assessed by accuracy alone. Consideration needs to be given to the memory available to the algorithm and the speed at which data is processed in terms of both the time taken to predict the class of a new data sample and the time taken to include this sample in an incrementally updated classification model. The Hoeffding tree algorithm is a state-of-the-art method for inducing decision trees from data streams. The aim of this thesis is to improve this algorithm. To measure improvement, a comprehensive framework for evaluating the performance of data stream algorithms is developed. Within the framework memory size is fixed in order to simulate realistic application scenarios. In order to simulate continuous operation, classes of synthetic data are generated providing an evaluation on a large scale. Improvements to many aspects of the Hoeffding tree algorithm are demonstrated. First, a number of methods for handling continuous numeric features are compared. Second, tree prediction strategy is investigated to evaluate the utility of various methods. Finally, the possibility of improving accuracy using ensemble methods is explored. The experimental results provide meaningful comparisons of accuracy and processing speeds between different modifications of the Hoeffding tree algorithm under various memory limits. The study on numeric attributes demonstrates that sacrificing accuracy for space at the local level often results in improved global accuracy. The prediction strategy shown to perform best adaptively chooses between standard majority class and Naive Bayes prediction in the leaves. The ensemble method investigation shows that combining trees can be worthwhile, but only when sufficient memory is available, and improvement is less likely than in traditional machine learning. In particular, issues are encountered when applying the popular boosting method to streams

    k-Nearest Neighbour Classifiers: 2nd Edition (with Python examples)

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    Perhaps the most straightforward classifier in the arsenal or machine learning techniques is the Nearest Neighbour Classifier -- classification is achieved by identifying the nearest neighbours to a query example and using those neighbours to determine the class of the query. This approach to classification is of particular importance because issues of poor run-time performance is not such a problem these days with the computational power that is available. This paper presents an overview of techniques for Nearest Neighbour classification focusing on; mechanisms for assessing similarity (distance), computational issues in identifying nearest neighbours and mechanisms for reducing the dimension of the data. This paper is the second edition of a paper previously published as a technical report. Sections on similarity measures for time-series, retrieval speed-up and intrinsic dimensionality have been added. An Appendix is included providing access to Python code for the key methods.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figures: An updated edition of an older tutorial on kN

    Using machine learning techniques to automate sky survey catalog generation

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    We describe the application of machine classification techniques to the development of an automated tool for the reduction of a large scientific data set. The 2nd Palomar Observatory Sky Survey provides comprehensive photographic coverage of the northern celestial hemisphere. The photographic plates are being digitized into images containing on the order of 10(exp 7) galaxies and 10(exp 8) stars. Since the size of this data set precludes manual analysis and classification of objects, our approach is to develop a software system which integrates independently developed techniques for image processing and data classification. Image processing routines are applied to identify and measure features of sky objects. Selected features are used to determine the classification of each object. GID3* and O-BTree, two inductive learning techniques, are used to automatically learn classification decision trees from examples. We describe the techniques used, the details of our specific application, and the initial encouraging results which indicate that our approach is well-suited to the problem. The benefits of the approach are increased data reduction throughput, consistency of classification, and the automated derivation of classification rules that will form an objective, examinable basis for classifying sky objects. Furthermore, astronomers will be freed from the tedium of an intensely visual task to pursue more challenging analysis and interpretation problems given automatically cataloged data

    Some Enhancements of Decision Tree Bagging

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    Equation Discovery in Databases from Engineering

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    As the quantity of electronically generated engineering data grows rapidly, building computer systems to analyze data automatically and intelligently becomes increasingly important to engineers. The overall process of extracting useable knowledge from electronically stored data is called knowledge discovery in databases. The part of the process where patterns are extracted or models are built is referred to as data mining. This dissertation proposes a data mining method that combines machine learning and regression to help engineers in acquiring knowledge which is preferably expressed as equations. A learning algorithm based on the method has been implemented in the computer system EDDE (Equation Discovery in Databases from Engineering). In addition, to obtain useful models that are understandable to engineers, knowledge specific to the particular problem area is incorporated into EDDE to guide the discovery process. The role of this domain knowledge is investigated. The system EDDE is extensively tested on both synthetic data sets and actual engineering data sets. The tests on synthetic data show that EDDE has some important features, such as not being sensitive to the nwnber of variables in data sets. When compared to other methods (regression tree CART, instances based IBL, multivariate linear regression, model tree MS, neural nets, and combinations of these methods), EDDE generates a smaller size model with lower prediction error. EDDE thus swnmarizes the data more concisely and describes the data better

    Understanding Random Forests: From Theory to Practice

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    Data analysis and machine learning have become an integrative part of the modern scientific methodology, offering automated procedures for the prediction of a phenomenon based on past observations, unraveling underlying patterns in data and providing insights about the problem. Yet, caution should avoid using machine learning as a black-box tool, but rather consider it as a methodology, with a rational thought process that is entirely dependent on the problem under study. In particular, the use of algorithms should ideally require a reasonable understanding of their mechanisms, properties and limitations, in order to better apprehend and interpret their results. Accordingly, the goal of this thesis is to provide an in-depth analysis of random forests, consistently calling into question each and every part of the algorithm, in order to shed new light on its learning capabilities, inner workings and interpretability. The first part of this work studies the induction of decision trees and the construction of ensembles of randomized trees, motivating their design and purpose whenever possible. Our contributions follow with an original complexity analysis of random forests, showing their good computational performance and scalability, along with an in-depth discussion of their implementation details, as contributed within Scikit-Learn. In the second part of this work, we analyse and discuss the interpretability of random forests in the eyes of variable importance measures. The core of our contributions rests in the theoretical characterization of the Mean Decrease of Impurity variable importance measure, from which we prove and derive some of its properties in the case of multiway totally randomized trees and in asymptotic conditions. In consequence of this work, our analysis demonstrates that variable importances [...].Comment: PhD thesis. Source code available at https://github.com/glouppe/phd-thesi