18 research outputs found

    Continuance Intention on Mobile Social Networking Service: Examine the Effects of Habit and Gratifications

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    By integrating the uses and gratifications theory and habit theory, this study develops a theoretical model to explore factors affecting continuance intention of mobile social networking service. 218 valid data were collected in China. The empirical results show that, cognitive need and affective need have significant impacts on continuance intention. In addition, habit is significantly determined by affective need, tension-release need and prior use, which further significantly influences continuance intention

    Understanding Proximity Mobile Payment Adoption through Technology Acceptance Model and Organisational Semiotics: An Exploratory Study

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    Mobile technologies, in particular, smartphones are reshaping individual and organisational behaviour at different levels and pace. This research focuses on the multi-cultural use and acceptance of proximity mobile payment (m-payment) which is more prevalent in some countries than other countries. Previous analysis of m-payment adoption extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to include external factors of use and acceptance identified through Organisational Semiotics (OS). This paper presents the development of constructs and measurements based on the identified requirements for m-payment adoption. It also presents the exploratory study results to validate the salient factors. This study furthers m-payment research by addressing the technical and social aspects via TAM and OS, as well as identifying empirical factors to increase m-payment adoption in multi-cultural context

    Older Adults in Households and e-Government services in Saudi Arabia, Hail City: : A digital Divide Study of Adoption, Use and Diffusion.

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    Jyoti Choudrie, and Adel Alfalah, 'Older Adults in Households and e-Government services in Saudi Arabia, Hail City: A digital Divide Study of Adoption, Use and Diffusion', in Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS) 2016: IT Governance for Future Society, ISBN: 9789860491029. Published by AIS Electronic Library, http://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2016/.The subjects of ICTs adoption and e-Government services have been widely investigated by researchers. It is an indication of the significant roles that can be brought to individuals and societies by ICTs and e-Government. Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of governmental services being delivered to citizens (G2C) is the ultimate goal. However, many groups within societies are considered to be benefiting less from e-Government, as they are less receptive to ICTs. This has created a phenomenon known as digital divide. Amongst these groups are the older adults; therefore, this study attempts to detect and explain the challenges existing for elderly when using e-Government services in a developing country of the Middle East, in this case Saudi Arabia. The study uses a quantitative approach in which survey questionnaires will be distributed to householdsā€™ residents (50 years old and above) in Hail city. The study will make a positive contribution to the existing literature on e-Government adoption, older adults and related body of knowledge. It will also produce relevant data that can be of assistance to Government policy makers and to the ICT industry

    Older Adults in Households and e-Government services in Saudi Arabia, Hail City: A digital Divide Study of Adoption, Use and Diffusion.

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    The subjects of ICTs adoption and e-Government services have been widely investigated by researchers. It is an indication of the significant roles that can be brought to individuals and societies by ICTs and e-Government. Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness of governmental services being delivered to citizens (G2C) is the ultimate goal. However, many groups within societies are considered to be benefiting less from e-Government, as they are less receptive to ICTs. This has created a phenomenon known as digital divide. Amongst these groups are the older adults; therefore, this study attempts to detect and explain the challenges existing for elderly when using e-Government services in a developing country of the Middle East, in this case Saudi Arabia. The study uses a quantitative approach in which survey questionnaires will be distributed to householdsā€™ residents (50 years old and above) in Hail city. The study will make a positive contribution to the existing literature on e-Government adoption, older adults and related body of knowledge. It will also produce relevant data that can be of assistance to Government policy makers and to the ICT industry

    Exploring Consumer Mobile Payment Adoption: A Multi-Country Study

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    The increasing popularity of mobile technologies is reshaping human activities including financial transactions. This research focuses on the use and acceptance of NFC-enabled proximity mobile payment (m-payment). This research builds on previous research highlighting the various factors influencing the use and acceptance of m-payment through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Diffusion of Innovation of (DoI). The results indicate a statistically significant relationship between compatibility, personal innovativeness, and behavioural intention to use m-payment. The findings of this study confirm the influence of external factors, i.e., compatibility and personal innovativeness, determines the end-usersā€™ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of m-payment which subsequently determines their attitude towards using m-payment and the intention to use m-payment

    Data Mining Techniques with Electronic Customer Relationship Management for Telecommunication Company

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    Organizations must improve decisional quality, and the continuous usage of data mining techniques is a crucial issue for management. This issue mostly involves an individual's motivation to engage in the behavior. This could perhaps be characterized in terms of the working regimen. technology utilization and employee activity are the two main difficulties that this dilemma revolves around. This study aims to address the aspect associated with data mining and E-CRM in the telecom industry. The methods that are used in the current study,  analysis studies of the data mining techniques are applied to E-CRM that has been identified. Moreover, PHP with the update of the DeLone and McLean methods has been used in the current study. The results show the significance in affecting the continuance used intention of data mining techniques. User satisfaction, technology, and data mining are critical predictors of employment intentions

    An extension of the technology acceptance model for business intelligence systems: project management maturity perspective

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    Business intelligence systems (BISs) refer to wide range of technologies and applications useful for retrieving and analyzing the large amount of information with the goal to generate knowledge useful for making effective business decision. In order to investigate adoption of BISs in companies, we propose a model based on the technology acceptance model (TAM) that is expanded by variables representing the concept of a project management maturity (PMM). The survey on the sample of USA companies has been conducted with the chief information officer (CIO) as the main informant. Structural equations model has been developed in order to test the research model. Results indicate that TAM expanded with the notion of PMM is useful in increasing understanding of BISs adoption in companies

    Vpliv organizacijskih dejavnikov na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij informacijske reŔitve CRM

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    Background and Purpose: Information solutions for analytical customer relationship management CRM (aCRM IS) that include the use of analytical tools are becoming increasingly important, due organizationsā€™ need for knowledge of their customers and the ability to manage big data. The objective of the research is, therefore, to determine how the organizationsā€™ orientations (process, innovation, and technology) as critical organizational factors affect the attitude towards the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Design/Methodology/Approach: To measure the orientation of the organization (process, innovation, and technology), we redesigned the existing scale, which was validated using exploratory factor analysis. In the next phase, we created a model by which we examined the impact of the organizationā€™s stance in relation to the use of the analytical tools of aCRM IS, where we used multiple regression analysis. The model was verified on a sample of Slovenian Organizations (n=105), which use the analytical tools of aCRM IS for analyzing the data they have on their customers and business partners. Results: In the study we found that all critical factors of the organization, specifically process, technology, and innovation orientation, have a positive impact on the attitudes towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. Innovation orientation is particularly important and has the strongest influence on the attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. We found that innovation orientation on new ideas, methods, and approaches has the strongest effect, followed by the impact of innovation orientation on acceptance of novelty. Conclusion: The more innovation-, technology-, and process-oriented organizations are, the more positive their attitude towards using the analytical tools of aCRM IS. The study is particularly important for organizations that are introducing an aCRM IS into their business system.Ozadje in namen: Informacijska reÅ”itev analitičnega upravljanja s strankami (aCRM IR) zajema med drugim uporabo analitičnih orodij, ki zaradi potrebe organizacij po znanju strank in upravljanju masivnih podatkov, pridobivajo na vse večji veljavi. Zato je bil cilj raziskave ugotoviti, kako naravnanost organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnoloÅ”ka) kot kritični organizacijski dejavnik vpliva na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Zasnova/metodologija/pristop: Za merjenje naravnanosti organizacije (procesna, inovativna in tehnoloÅ”ka) smo preoblikovali obstoječe merilne lestvice, ki smo jih validirali s pomočjo eksploratorne faktorske analize. V naslednji fazi smo oblikovali model, s katerim smo preverjali vpliv naravnanosti organizacije na odnos do uporabe a analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, pri čemer smo uporabili multiplo regresijsko analizo. Model smo preverjali na vzorcu slovenskih organizacij (n=105), ki za analiziranje podatkov o strankah in poslovnih partnerjih uporabljajo analitična orodja. Rezultati: V Å”tudiji smo ugotovili, da imajo vsi trije vidiki naravnanosti organizacije, procesna, tehnoloÅ”ka in inovativna naravnanost, pozitivni vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR v organizaciji. Å e zlasti je pomembna inovativna naravnanost organizacije, ki ima najmočnejÅ”i vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Inovativno naravnost je dvodimenzionalni konstrukt. Ugotovili smo, da ima inovativna naravnanost na nove ideje, metode in pristope največji vpliv na odnos do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR, sledi pa inovativna naravnanost na sprejem novosti v organizaciji. Zaključek: Bolj kot so organizacije inovativno, tehnoloÅ”ko in procesno naravnane, bolj pozitivni odnos imajo v povprečju do uporabe analitičnih orodij aCRM IR. Å tudija je Å”e posebej pomembna za organizacije, ki vpeljujejo aCRM IR v poslovni sistem

    Towards a Decomposed Expectation Confirmation Model of IT Continuance: The Role of Usability

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    We propose a decomposed expectation confirmation model of IT continuance by 1) decomposing user expectation and confirmation into two dimensions of usefulness and usability, 2) conceptualizing the role of usability in IT continuance research, and 3) exploring changes in user perceptions of usability and usefulness over time and their impacts on user satisfaction and continuance intention. We tested the proposed research model using longitudinal data that we collected in two points in time six months apart from 125 users of the LinkedIn professional social networking site (pSNS). The results show that 1) perceived usability, usability confirmation, perceived usefulness, and usefulness confirmation determined user satisfaction with pSNS and 2) perceived usability along with satisfaction predicted continuance intention, whereas perceived usefulness had no effect. This study contributes IT continuance research by 1) proposing and empirically validating a decomposed model of IT continuance and 2) by bringing in usability as a core construct of interest for IT continuance research

    Understanding proximity mobile payment adoption through technology acceptance model and organisational semiotics: an exploratory study

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    Mobile technologies, in particular, smartphones are reshaping individual and organisational behaviour at different levels and pace. This research focuses on the multi-cultural use and acceptance of proximity mobile payment (m-payment) which is more prevalent in some countries than other countries. Previous analysis of m-payment adoption extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to include external factors of use and acceptance identified through Organisational Semiotics (OS). This paper presents the development of constructs and measurements based on the identified requirements for m-payment adoption. It also presents the exploratory study results to validate the salient factors. This study furthers m-payment research by addressing the technical and social aspects via TAM and OS, as well as identifying empirical factors to increase m-payment adoption in multi-cultural context