13 research outputs found

    Immersive models from analogical sketches applied to solimene’s factory

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    An experience for cultural heritage's survey with immersive hybrid (analogical-digital) models, created from in-the-place handmade sketches is presented. The recently developed cube and equirectangular methods will be used, looking for a balanced approach between the spontaneous personal impressions (architectural / sensitive vision), and the support of an objective-deep knowledge of immersive space representation (engineering / mathematical vision). The cube method, or T-cross method, starts from six square sketches (one from each face of a watchercentered ideal cube) that will be disposed in a T-cross grid to build from there an equirectangular image using digital tools. In order to create the immersive model, some metadata must be added ‘tricking’ the computer. The processed image will be considered, from there, like a native spherical photographic panorama. Loading this model in internet, the user will have, not just the possibility to simply navigate into the panorama using the browser or social medias, but to navigate into VR mode as well. On another hand, for the equirectangular method, the work must start directly from the equirectangular perspective structure. Then, a high complex piece of representation is generated, result of the first intuitioned / experiences improved with the application of math-based guidelines. The user, by digitalizing this sketch, can directly pass to metadata addition and share phases. The case study concerns to the “Solimene’s Factory”, work of Paolo Soleri architect and located in Vietri sul Mare, Italy. The building compones the UNESCO’s list of humanity’s cultural heritage. Aligned with an innovative geometrical analysis and documentation work, a fresh vision of the building, using tools up to today in develop for spherical sketches is given. In order to give a contemporary instrument for compless architecture reconstruction to space’s professionals, the main goal is to debug these immersive hybrid model generation methods. To do that, methods will be compared and synthetized by their experimented difficulties, founded solutions, vantages and updated guidelines.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Analogical immersion: discovering spherical sketches between subjectivity and objectivity

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    El uso de la representación gráfica analógica se ha visto reducido frente a la potente representación digital. Sin embargo, los largos años de historia con los que cuenta generan nuevos caminos de evolución. Como resultado, lo autógrafo cala hondo en la complejidad digital y se funde con ella. Las producciones aquí detalladas, que se nutren de arquitectura, ingeniería e informática, oscilan entre la impresión subjetiva y la reinterpretación de conceptos base de la perspectiva. Tienen por objeto compartir y difundir aplicaciones, tanto profesionales como en las aulas. En lo específico, se plantea la búsqueda intuitiva y experimental: el pensamiento gráfico de una representación espacial inmersiva. Esta singular representación plasma en las dos dimensiones de un plano el despliegue característico de una superficie (en particular, la de la esfera y la del cubo) centrada en el observador. Es decir, trabaja con dos de las anamorfosis más frecuentes que la tecnología digital usa para contenidos de realidad virtual. El objetivo es abrir las puertas a nuevos instrumentos híbridos destinados al proyecto y al levantamiento arquitectónico, así como también al arte y las disciplinas gráficas en general.The use of analog graphics has been reduced compared to powerful digital representation. However, the long history of the company generates new paths of evolution. As a result, the autograph goes deep into digital complexity and merges with it. The productions detailed here, which are nurtured by architecture, engineering and information technology, oscillate between subjective impression and the reinterpretation of basic concepts of perspective. They aim to share and disseminate applications, both professional and in the classroom. Specifically, the intuitive and experimental search is proposed: the graphic thought of an immersive spatial representation. This singular representation captures in the two dimensions of a plane the characteristic unfolding of a surface (in particular, that of the sphere and that of the cube) centered on the observer. In other words, it works with two of the most frequent anamorphoses that digital technology uses for virtual reality contents. The aim is to open the doors to new hybrid instruments for design and architectural uplifting, as well as for art and graphic disciplines in general.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism

    Using Adobe Illustrator for mechanical engineering design

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    Thesis (S.B.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 23-24).Sketching by hand is important in the creative process because it promotes reinterpretation through ambiguity. Adobe Illustrator is a valuable tool for an engineer to make professional-looking presentation drawings. The project conducted as this thesis was to create a website tutorial to teach students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology enrolled in 2.009, the senior capstone product design course, the basics of Illustrator. A study was conducted on two subjects to judge the effectiveness of the website tutorial project at teaching how to use Illustrator. The subjects had no previous experience with the program. Both of these subjects were able to learn the basics of Illustrator and create a simple logo design in under two hours. They reported that the tutorial gave them enough knowledge of the program to then experiment on their own to continue learning Illustrator. While this tutorial is not meant to teach all aspects of the program, it has been shown to be effective at teaching people with no Illustrator background how to create a simple but useful design that could function in the scope of 2.009.by Kim Zalatan.S.B

    A Hand Motion Based Tool For Conceptual Model Making In Architecture

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2011Tasarımın erken veya kavramsal aşamalarında maketle çalışmak, nesne-beden ilişkisini düşünmeye ve üç boyutlu değerlendirmeye olanak sağlar; görme, dokunma ve hareketleri de içeren mekan algısını devreye sokarak tasarım sürecini zenginleştirir. Mimari tasarımın erken aşamalarının sayısal ortama taşınması, tasarım ve üretim süreçlerinin hızlanıp bütünleşmesiyle giderek yaygınlaşırken, elle çalışmanın getirdiği kazanımların yeni ortamlarda nasıl sürdürülebileceği sorusu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Günümüz teknolojileri el hareketlerinin sayısal ortama aktarılarak işlenebileceğine işaret ederken, sayısal ortamdaki kavramsal tasarım süreçlerinin bu boyutuyla genişletilebilmesi konusunda önemli kaynaklar sağlamaktadır. Üç boyutlu algının görsel algıya destek olarak yaratıcılığı tetiklediğini gösteren çalışmalar, maket yapmanın tasarım süreçlerini güçlendirerek tasarımcıyı desteklediği konusundaki varsayımımıza kaynaklık etmektedir. Çalışmamızda maket yapmanın sağladığı bu desteğin farklı ortamlarda sürdürülebilir olması hedeflenmiş, maket yaparken kullanılan el hareketlerinin sayısal ortama aktarılarak sayısal tasarım süreçlerinde kullanılması konu edilmiştir. Çalışmanın birinci aşamasında kavramsal maket yapma süreçleri gözlemlenerek bu süreçlerde uygulanan başlıca eylemler analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda maket yaparken kullanılan el hareketleri temel karakteristiklerine dayalı olarak sınıflandırılarak sayısal ortamda işlenebilecek bir hareket tanıma şeması oluşturulmuştur. El hareketlerinin birbirleriyle karşılaştıralabilecek temel özelliklerine göre sınıflandırılmasının ardından, bu özelliklerin sayısal ortama tercümesi konusunda öneriler sunulmuştur. El hareketlerinin sayısal ortama aktarılması ve tanınması için varolan teknolojiler ve yöntemler tartışılarak, sayısal ortamda maket yapmak için gerekli şartları sağlayacak bir tasarım ortamı geliştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın son aşamasında sayısal nesnelerin el hareketleriyle deformasyonuna yönelik algoritmalar geliştirilerek tasarım ortamının çerçevesi çizilmiştir. Araştırmamız sonucu ortaya koyduğumuz tasarım aracı bir CAD yazılımı kullanılarak bir dizi deney vasıtasıyla sınanmış ve deney sonuçları tartışılmıştır.Using sketch models in the early phases of architectural design process enables designers to think about the body-object relations and three dimensional evaluation, enrichening the design environment by providing a spatial perception including visual, haptic and kinesthetic interactions. Spreading through the acceleration and unification of the production processes, the digitization of the conceptual phases of architectural design brings about the question of how the benefits of working with hands can be transferred to the digital realm. Today’s technology points out that hand motions can be transfered into and processed in the digital platform and can provide a base for extending the digital design process with this aspect. Many researches show that the three dimensional perception supports the visual perception and strengthens the creativity. Depending on this fact, we assume that the physical model making supports design processes. In our research, we aim to sustain this support in different design environments and study the transfer of the hand motions used in the physical model making processes and use in the digital design environments. We show the results from the observations taken from the conceptual model making processes and analyze the actions involved in these processes as the first step of the research. Depending on this observations we classify the actions according to the main characteristics of the hand motions and propose a recognition schema to be processed in the digital platform. Following the analysis and the classification of the hand motions used in the model making process we aim on translating these hand motions into the digital platform. We discuss the technologies and methods used for hand motion capturing and recognition, and develop a design environment utilizing the hand motions used in the model making processes. We finalize our approache by presenting a set of algorithms for the object deformations conducted with the hand motions. Finally, we test the design environment and discuss the results.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    The challenges in computer supported conceptual engineering design

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    Computer Aided Engineering Design (CAED) supports the engineering design process during the detail design, but it is not commonly used in the conceptual design stage. This article explores through literature why this is and how the engineering design research community is responding through the development of new conceptual CAED systems and HCI (Human Computer Interface) prototypes. First the requirements and challenges for future conceptual CAED and HCI solutions to better support conceptual design are explored and categorised. Then the prototypes developed in both areas, since 2000, are discussed. Characteristics already considered and those required for future development of CAED systems and HCIs are proposed and discussed, one of the key ones being experience. The prototypes reviewed offer innovative solutions, but only address selected requirements of conceptual design, and are thus unlikely to not provide a solution which would fit the wider needs of the engineering design industry. More importantly, while the majority of prototypes show promising results they are of low maturity and require further development

    Implementación de la realidad virtual en la ingeniería

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    Virtual reality is a technology that is constantly developing and growing. It is adapting to the needs of the users, improving the interactions between computers and users. Currently, it has various applications in daily life, not only used for the video game industry and the military industry, but also in education and medicine, among others. If we focus on the education sector, it is a sector that must be in continuous development, going hand in hand with technological advances, both to allow better preparation of students when it comes to moving on to working life, and to seek greater interest from them, offering a more dynamic education focused on the gamification of content. In this project, a solution for the development of the students' capacity is presented. One of the basic aptitudes to be able to begin to make plans, since it allows the subject to imagine the object to delineate, being able to know its geometry simply visualizing a plan of this one and vice versa

    The role and influence of the Architect in industrialized building

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    An emerging trend within the construction industry is the expectation of the customer to experience and sense the product, maybe even in a customized manner. The latter trend would extend the necessity of incorporating not only function and aesthetics, but also perception and sensation. To meet this trend while at the same time improve the productivity the use of information technology such as BIM and technical platforms has increased in construction projects. Nevertheless, in spite of large investments, the construction industry has not managed to increase the effectiveness and productivity as much as other industries. Evident is that successful use of information technology depend on the integration and collaboration of various experts in a continuous and dynamic process. Such multidisciplinary team may be organized within a single organization or between business partners. The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the use of BIM and technical platforms from an architectural perspective. This is done by evaluate the influence and impact of BIM and technical platform on the architects’ role and work process, evaluate how BIM and technical platforms affects the collaboration and communication between architects and other actors within the project and evaluate how architects use BIM and technical platforms to attain architectural values, style and design quality. Thirteen interviews with participants in the design phase of two Skanska Xchange projects and five interviews with experts in information technology have been conducted. The results show that a multidisciplinary development organization, initial education, former experience and how much a participant is encouraged to share professional knowledge are factors that have a large effect on the success of the end result of the construction project. In addition the technical platform limits the choice of solutions possible, provides other requirements than traditional projects and changes the roles in the design phase. The risk of relying too much on technology may contribute to decreased quality due to less questioning. Since a building is created and designed to experience and live in, participants in every phase of the construction project have to attain an active role to assure that the end result has a high quality of living. The influence and professional knowledge of each participant is equally important in the design phase. A straight forward and simple structured communication plan would minimize misunderstandings and provide each participant with clear responsibilities. In addition, a work plan for each role explaining how the technical platform system and BIM should be used, why and what the expected outcome is, would facilitate the understanding of the Skanska Xchange manual. Keywords: Building Information Modeling, technical platform, architect, multidisciplinary, construction industry, industrialized building


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