55,180 research outputs found

    Change blindness: eradication of gestalt strategies

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    Arrays of eight, texture-defined rectangles were used as stimuli in a one-shot change blindness (CB) task where there was a 50% chance that one rectangle would change orientation between two successive presentations separated by an interval. CB was eliminated by cueing the target rectangle in the first stimulus, reduced by cueing in the interval and unaffected by cueing in the second presentation. This supports the idea that a representation was formed that persisted through the interval before being 'overwritten' by the second presentation (Landman et al, 2003 Vision Research 43149–164]. Another possibility is that participants used some kind of grouping or Gestalt strategy. To test this we changed the spatial position of the rectangles in the second presentation by shifting them along imaginary spokes (by ±1 degree) emanating from the central fixation point. There was no significant difference seen in performance between this and the standard task [F(1,4)=2.565, p=0.185]. This may suggest two things: (i) Gestalt grouping is not used as a strategy in these tasks, and (ii) it gives further weight to the argument that objects may be stored and retrieved from a pre-attentional store during this task

    Multisensory Integration Sites Identified by Perception of Spatial Wavelet Filtered Visual Speech Gesture Information

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    Perception of speech is improved when presentation of the audio signal is accompanied by concordant visual speech gesture information. This enhancement is most prevalent when the audio signal is degraded. One potential means by which the brain affords perceptual enhancement is thought to be through the integration of concordant information from multiple sensory channels in a common site of convergence, multisensory integration (MSI) sites. Some studies have identified potential sites in the superior temporal gyrus/sulcus (STG/S) that are responsive to multisensory information from the auditory speech signal and visual speech movement. One limitation of these studies is that they do not control for activity resulting from attentional modulation cued by such things as visual information signaling the onsets and offsets of the acoustic speech signal, as well as activity resulting from MSI of properties of the auditory speech signal with aspects of gross visual motion that are not specific to place of articulation information. This fMRI experiment uses spatial wavelet bandpass filtered Japanese sentences presented with background multispeaker audio noise to discern brain activity reflecting MSI induced by auditory and visual correspondence of place of articulation information that controls for activity resulting from the above-mentioned factors. The experiment consists of a low-frequency (LF) filtered condition containing gross visual motion of the lips, jaw, and head without specific place of articulation information, a midfrequency (MF) filtered condition containing place of articulation information, and an unfiltered (UF) condition. Sites of MSI selectively induced by auditory and visual correspondence of place of articulation information were determined by the presence of activity for both the MF and UF conditions relative to the LF condition. Based on these criteria, sites of MSI were found predominantly in the left middle temporal gyrus (MTG), and the left STG/S (including the auditory cortex). By controlling for additional factors that could also induce greater activity resulting from visual motion information, this study identifies potential MSI sites that we believe are involved with improved speech perception intelligibility

    Temporal Multivariate Pattern Analysis (tMVPA): a single trial approach exploring the temporal dynamics of the BOLD signal

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    fMRI provides spatial resolution that is unmatched by non-invasive neuroimaging techniques. Its temporal dynamics however are typically neglected due to the sluggishness of the hemodynamic signal. We present temporal multivariate pattern analysis (tMVPA), a method for investigating the temporal evolution of neural representations in fMRI data, computed on single-trial BOLD time-courses, leveraging both spatial and temporal components of the fMRI signal. We implemented an expanding sliding window approach that allows identifying the time-window of an effect. We demonstrate that tMVPA can successfully detect condition-specific multivariate modulations over time, in the absence of mean BOLD amplitude differences. Using Monte-Carlo simulations and synthetic data, we quantified family-wise error rate (FWER) and statistical power. Both at the group and single-subject levels, FWER was either at or significantly below 5%. We reached the desired power with 18 subjects and 12 trials for the group level, and with 14 trials in the single-subject scenario. We compare the tMVPA statistical evaluation to that of a linear support vector machine (SVM). SVM outperformed tMVPA with large N and trial numbers. Conversely, tMVPA, leveraging on single trials analyses, outperformed SVM in low N and trials and in a single-subject scenario. Recent evidence suggesting that the BOLD signal carries finer-grained temporal information than previously thought, advocates the need for analytical tools, such as tMVPA, tailored to investigate BOLD temporal dynamics. The comparable performance between tMVPA and SVM, a powerful and reliable tool for fMRI, supports the validity of our technique

    Cerebral correlates and statistical criteria of cross-modal face and voice integration

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    Perception of faces and voices plays a prominent role in human social interaction, making multisensory integration of cross-modal speech a topic of great interest in cognitive neuroscience. How to define po- tential sites of multisensory integration using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is currently under debate, with three statistical criteria frequently used (e.g., super-additive, max and mean criteria). In the present fMRI study, 20 participants were scanned in a block design under three stimulus conditions: dynamic unimodal face, unimodal voice and bimodal face–voice. Using this single dataset, we examine all these statistical criteria in an attempt to define loci of face–voice integration. While the super-additive and mean criteria essentially revealed regions in which one of the unimodal responses was a deactivation, the max criterion appeared stringent and only highlighted the left hippocampus as a potential site of face– voice integration. Psychophysiological interaction analysis showed that connectivity between occipital and temporal cortices increased during bimodal compared to unimodal conditions. We concluded that, when investigating multisensory integration with fMRI, all these criteria should be used in conjunction with ma- nipulation of stimulus signal-to-noise ratio and/or cross-modal congruency

    An introduction to time-resolved decoding analysis for M/EEG

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    The human brain is constantly processing and integrating information in order to make decisions and interact with the world, for tasks from recognizing a familiar face to playing a game of tennis. These complex cognitive processes require communication between large populations of neurons. The non-invasive neuroimaging methods of electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) provide population measures of neural activity with millisecond precision that allow us to study the temporal dynamics of cognitive processes. However, multi-sensor M/EEG data is inherently high dimensional, making it difficult to parse important signal from noise. Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) or "decoding" methods offer vast potential for understanding high-dimensional M/EEG neural data. MVPA can be used to distinguish between different conditions and map the time courses of various neural processes, from basic sensory processing to high-level cognitive processes. In this chapter, we discuss the practical aspects of performing decoding analyses on M/EEG data as well as the limitations of the method, and then we discuss some applications for understanding representational dynamics in the human brain

    The scene superiority effect: object recognition in the context of natural scenes

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    Four experiments investigate the effect of background scene semantics on object recognition. Although past research has found that semantically consistent scene backgrounds can facilitate recognition of a target object, these claims have been challenged as the result of post-perceptual response bias rather than the perceptual processes of object recognition itself. The current study takes advantage of a paradigm from linguistic processing known as the Word Superiority Effect. Humans can better discriminate letters (e.g., D vs. K) in the context of a word (WORD vs. WORK) than in a non-word context (e.g., WROD vs. WROK) even when the context is non-predictive of the target identity. We apply this paradigm to objects in natural scenes, having subjects discriminate between objects in the context of scenes. Because the target objects were equally semantically consistent with any given scene and could appear in either semantically consistent or inconsistent contexts with equal probability, response bias could not lead to an apparent improvement in object recognition. The current study found a benefit to object recognition from semantically consistent backgrounds, and the effect appeared to be modulated by awareness of background scene semantics

    Investigating the Neural Basis of Audiovisual Speech Perception with Intracranial Recordings in Humans

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    Speech is inherently multisensory, containing auditory information from the voice and visual information from the mouth movements of the talker. Hearing the voice is usually sufficient to understand speech, however in noisy environments or when audition is impaired due to aging or disabilities, seeing mouth movements greatly improves speech perception. Although behavioral studies have well established this perceptual benefit, it is still not clear how the brain processes visual information from mouth movements to improve speech perception. To clarify this issue, I studied the neural activity recorded from the brain surfaces of human subjects using intracranial electrodes, a technique known as electrocorticography (ECoG). First, I studied responses to noisy speech in the auditory cortex, specifically in the superior temporal gyrus (STG). Previous studies identified the anterior parts of the STG as unisensory, responding only to auditory stimulus. On the other hand, posterior parts of the STG are known to be multisensory, responding to both auditory and visual stimuli, which makes it a key region for audiovisual speech perception. I examined how these different parts of the STG respond to clear versus noisy speech. I found that noisy speech decreased the amplitude and increased the across-trial variability of the response in the anterior STG. However, possibly due to its multisensory composition, posterior STG was not as sensitive to auditory noise as the anterior STG and responded similarly to clear and noisy speech. I also found that these two response patterns in the STG were separated by a sharp boundary demarcated by the posterior-most portion of the Heschl’s gyrus. Second, I studied responses to silent speech in the visual cortex. Previous studies demonstrated that visual cortex shows response enhancement when the auditory component of speech is noisy or absent, however it was not clear which regions of the visual cortex specifically show this response enhancement and whether this response enhancement is a result of top-down modulation from a higher region. To test this, I first mapped the receptive fields of different regions in the visual cortex and then measured their responses to visual (silent) and audiovisual speech stimuli. I found that visual regions that have central receptive fields show greater response enhancement to visual speech, possibly because these regions receive more visual information from mouth movements. I found similar response enhancement to visual speech in frontal cortex, specifically in the inferior frontal gyrus, premotor and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices, which have been implicated in speech reading in previous studies. I showed that these frontal regions display strong functional connectivity with visual regions that have central receptive fields during speech perception