32 research outputs found

    Model Kepercayaan Konsumen pada Situs E-Commerce

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    The world trading system has now grown to online commerce (electronic commerce) because a lot of people who buy goods through e-commerce. This can be evidenced by a study Consumer Web Watch reported that 86% of Internet users have switched make purchases traditional to online purchases, because that\u27s important to know what factors are forming a model of consumer confidence in e-commerce, then it is necessary a prediction to determine any factors that shape consumer confidence in e-commerce. Methods in meta analysis of studies in the form of meta data with the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) used for identifying, assessing and analyzing primary research to investigate research questions in the search for variables that influence consumer confidence in e-commerce

    Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan Penggunaan dan Kepuasan Berbelanja Online terhadap Minat Membeli Kembali Konsumen (Studi pada Pengguna Shopee di Indonesia)

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    This study aims to examine the effect of trust, ease of use, and consumer shopping satisfaction on the repurchase intention of Shopee users in Indonesia. The data analysis technique in this study was the Structural Equation Model (SEM) using Amos software version 26. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method with 200 respondents. Data collection was carried out by distributing online questionnaires using the Google form. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive influence of trust, ease of use, and consumer shopping satisfaction on repurchasing intention. Ease of use also has a positive and significant influence on consumer trust and shopping satisfaction at Shopee e-commerce

    How do Patients with Chronic Diseases Make Usage Decisions Regarding Mobile Health Monitoring Services?

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    The increasing population of patients with chronic diseases generates great challenge of chronic disease management. The occurrence of mobile health monitoring service is beneficial to chronic disease prevention and health promotion. The objective of this study is to investigate how the patients with chronic diseases make usage decisions on mobile health monitoring service. A survey comprising 261 subjects were conducted to validate the research model and proposed hypotheses. The results revealed that health severity positively influences mobile health monitoring service use intention, while negative health emotions do not. Health uncertainty avoidance strengthens the effect of health severity but weakens the effect of negative health emotions on mobile health monitoring service use intention. Limitations and implications for research and practice are discussed

    AI Acquisition in Question: Process Improvement and Process Innovation

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    We investigate the capacity of firms to acquire and assimilate artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI has become a magic term for digital innovation in all industries worldwide. Therefore, we first focus on antecedents which foster the development of the capacity to acquire and assimilate AI. We hypothesize that strong capabilities with regard to process improvement and process innovation should help absorb AI. Second, we hypothesize a mediation relationship. We assume that the capability of a firm to innovate processes arises from the capability to improve processes and allows for a better AI absorption. With a quantitative study, we show the strength of the proposed model. Our empirical data collection reveals that process improvement has a positive impact on AI absorption, whereby process innovation capability is a mediator. We show that uncertainty avoidance matters: it directly and indirectly impacts process improvement, process innovation, and AI absorption

    Screening Job Candidates with Social Media: A Manipulation of Disclosure Requests

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    In an attempt to find better employee organization fit, recruiters have turned to screening job candidates in part by reviewing their social media accounts. Job candidates may view these practices in a variety of ways, depending on the type of access requested and the individual characteristics of the job candidate. In this study, we measured changes in trust in the employer based on three increasingly intrusive disclosure requests and four individual characteristics. Findings from 162 participants suggest that a request for social media account logins reduces the trust in the employer, whereas collectivism, perceived privacy protection competence, and social media production increases trust in the employer. These findings have important implications for privacy research and for human resource screening practices


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    The emerging online community provides opportunities for consumers to participate in discussions whose purpose is to provide information to each other and influence fellow consumers regarding product information.The purpose of this research is to find out whether the dimensions of quality in online communities, namely the quality of relationships and the quality of information affect purchase intentions through reducing uncertainty with the moderating variable of involvement. The object of this research is the influence of online community quality dimensions on the purchase intention of smartphone products. Partial least square method is a method used to process this research data.The results of this study are information quality variables and relationship quality variables have significant influence on reducing uncertainty. Relationship quality and information quality significantly influence the purchase intention variable. The variable of uncertainty reduction influences and is significant on the purchase intention variable. There is significant moderation effect on the involvement variable on the uncertainty reduction variable on the purchase intention variable. In addition, the results of this study indicate the quality dimensions of online communities influence purchase intentions. The existence of quality information and good quality relationships in online communities will result in uncertainty reduction by visitors so that it will lead to product purchase intentions


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    Religion has long been playing a significant role in influencing human behavior. However, its business value as a predictor of buyer behavior has not been sufficiently examined in e-commerce context. The main contribution of this paper is to show the connection between the degree of religiosity and interpersonal trust (cognitive and affect-based trust) in Business to-Consumer (B2C) e-commerce. The study uses responses obtained from a convenient sample from Muslims and Christians in two different societies, Pakistan and Australia respectively. The data of the survey were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results indicate that interpersonal trust related to religiosity in a web-based retailer can vary with culture, at least as represented by affiliation to a religion. It is suggested that religiosity should be considered as possible determinant of trust in online shopping in the future

    Examining the Effects of Cultural Dimensions on Deviant IS Use Behaviour in a Developing Economy Context

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    Information System (IS) tools and applications create opportunities for a positive digital change to all individuals and organizations in the global workplace to improve competitiveness and quality of work life. Recent studies have shown that the most problematic areas in IS security incidences are people-related factors. In this regard, employees are causing IS security risks and vulnerabilities as they use those resources, especially by exercising their legitimate and lawful rights, mainly because people are the weakest link on IS security matters. On the one hand, the effects of organizational sanctions are not always effective due to socio-cultural variabilities, and so far they have not been able to fully defend employee related IS misuse or misconduct. On the other hand, the use of neutralization techniques supports individuals to justify their deviant actions, but differently to people in different socio-cultural bases. To examine such a problem, therefore, culture as a moderator, criminological constructs and level of employees’ awareness to IS security as independent variables are employed to explain IS misuse intention in unison are proposed through a comprehensive conceptual research model. A positivist research paradigm using a cross-sectional quantitative survey data collection approach will be adapted to help empirically test the model. To validate the model and its constructs, the study will apply SEM-PLS data analysis techniques using Smart-PLS and SPSS with Amos. Finally, this study in progress discusses the potential practical and theoretical contributions and plans to provide scientific evidence based on its findings

    Individual level culture influence on online consumer iTrust aspects towards purchase intention across cultures: A S-O-R model

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    © 2015 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. Building trust and understanding its relationship with online purchasing decisions is important to business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce firms seeking to extend their consumers reach globally. Based on the Stimulus- Organism-Response (S-O-R) model, this paper examines the moderating role of culture on the relationship between B2C web design (web accessibility, visual appearance and social networking services (SNS)) and interpersonal trust (iTrust), cognitive and affect-based trust that trigger online purchasing intentions. Motivation of this study includes, testing and comparing individual consumer level cultural (individualism and uncertainty avoidance) values as moderators in our research model across two different societies (Australia and Pakistan). The data of the survey were analysed using structural equation modelling-partial least square (SEM-PLS) approach. The results highlight the need to consider cultural differences when identifying the mix of web design strategies to employ in B2C e-commerce websites, not only at the country level but also in one culturally diverse country such as Australia