6,111 research outputs found

    Employing geographical principles for sampling in state of the art dialectological projects

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    The aims of this paper are twofold: First, we locate the most effective human geographical methods for sampling across space in large-scale dialectological projects. We propose two geographical concepts as a basis for sampling decisions: Geo-demographic classification, which is a multidimensional method used for the socio-economic grouping of areas. We also develop an updated version of functional regions that can be used in sociolinguistic research. We then report on the results of a pilot project that applies these models to collect data regarding the acceptability of vernacular morpho-syntactic forms in the North-East of England. Following the method of natural breaks advocated for dialectology by Horvath and Horvath (2002), we interpret breaks in the probabilistic patterns as areas of dialect transitions. This study contributes to the debate about the role and limitations of spatiality in linguistic analysis. It intends to broaden our knowledge about the interfaces between human geography and dialectology

    Human mobility, cognition and GISc:Conference proceedings

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    Urban function connectivity: Characterisation of functional urban streets with social media check-in data

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    Social media check-in data, one type of crowdsourcing open data about individual activity-related choices, provides a new perspective to sense people's spatial and temporal preference in urban places. In this paper, through the analysis of the interaction between these scored places on streets, we aim to advance our knowledge of network accessibility with social media check-ins to portray urban structure and related socioeconomic performance more explicitly. By conceptualising an interface graph to reflect the interplay between land-use points and the co-visual paths, we propose a novel framework to characterise the urban streets with land-use connectivity indices that are measured with a new type of place-function signature. A “3-Ds” model is introduced to package three principal dimensions of urban function network, including accessible density, accessible diversity and delivery efficiency, as one integrated index that works towards a comprehensive understanding of function connectivity from each street's midpoints to all reachable land-use points. Streets are further partitioned to the annotated function regions based on function connectivity in different types of active land-use. The results of preliminary studies in the city of Tianjin, China show that the proposed metrics can explicitly describe the inherent function structure and the regions' typology across scales. Compared with space syntax measurements at the same radius for describing the variation of empirically observed house price, the integrated metric can improve the predictability of statistic models sufficiently, and each specified index is confirmed to be statistically significant by controlling other factors. Overall, this research shows that the usage of ubiquitous big social media data can enrich the current description of the urban network system and enhance the predictability of network accessibility on socioeconomic performance

    Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 18th Annual Conference GISRUK 2010

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    This volume holds the papers from the 18th annual GIS Research UK (GISRUK). This year the conference, hosted at University College London (UCL), from Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 April 2010. The conference covered the areas of core geographic information science research as well as applications domains such as crime and health and technological developments in LBS and the geoweb. UCL’s research mission as a global university is based around a series of Grand Challenges that affect us all, and these were accommodated in GISRUK 2010. The overarching theme this year was “Global Challenges”, with specific focus on the following themes: * Crime and Place * Environmental Change * Intelligent Transport * Public Health and Epidemiology * Simulation and Modelling * London as a global city * The geoweb and neo-geography * Open GIS and Volunteered Geographic Information * Human-Computer Interaction and GIS Traditionally, GISRUK has provided a platform for early career researchers as well as those with a significant track record of achievement in the area. As such, the conference provides a welcome blend of innovative thinking and mature reflection. GISRUK is the premier academic GIS conference in the UK and we are keen to maintain its outstanding record of achievement in developing GIS in the UK and beyond

    Network Centralities in Polycentric Urban Regions: Methods for the Measurement of Spatial Metrics

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    The primary aim of this thesis is to explain the complex spatial organisations of polycentric urban regions (PURs). PURs are a form of regional morphology that often evolves from post-industrial structures and describe a subnational area featuring a plurality of urban centres. As of today, the analysis of the spatial organisation of PURs constitutes a hitherto uncharted territory. This is due to PURs’ inherent complexity that poses challenges for their conceptualisation. In this context, this thesis reviews theories on the spatial organisation of regions and cities and seeks to make a foundational methodological contribution by joining space syntax and central place theory in the conceptualisation of polycentric urban regions. It takes into account human agency embedded in the physical space, as well as the reciprocal effect of the spatial organisation for the emergence of centralities and demonstrates how these concepts can give insights into the fundamental regional functioning. The thesis scrutinises the role that the spatial organisation plays in such regions, in terms of organising flows of goods and people, ordering locational occupation and fostering centres of commercial activity. It proposes a series of novel measurements and techniques to analyse large and messy datasets. This includes a method for the application of large-scale volunteered geographic information in street network analysis. This is done, in the context of two post-industrial regions: the German Ruhr Valley and the British Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and Yorkshire region. The thesis’ contribution to the understanding of regional spatial organisation and the study of regional morphology lies in the identification of spatial structural features of socio-economic potentials of regions and particular areas within them. It constitutes the first comparative study of comprehensive large-scale regional spatial networks and presents a framework for the analysis of regions and the evaluation of the predictive potential of spatial networks for socio-economic patterns and the location of centres in regional contexts

    Conflating point of interest (POI) data: A systematic review of matching methods

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    Point of interest (POI) data provide digital representations of places in the real world, and have been increasingly used to understand human-place interactions, support urban management, and build smart cities. Many POI datasets have been developed, which often have different geographic coverages, attribute focuses, and data quality. From time to time, researchers may need to conflate two or more POI datasets in order to build a better representation of the places in the study areas. While various POI conflation methods have been developed, there lacks a systematic review, and consequently, it is difficult for researchers new to POI conflation to quickly grasp and use these existing methods. This paper fills such a gap. Following the protocol of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), we conduct a systematic review by searching through three bibliographic databases using reproducible syntax to identify related studies. We then focus on a main step of POI conflation, i.e., POI matching, and systematically summarize and categorize the identified methods. Current limitations and future opportunities are discussed afterwards. We hope that this review can provide some guidance for researchers interested in conflating POI datasets for their research

    Urban Modality

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    This thesis proposes a framework for evaluating the mobility potential and performance of urban areas in the city region, as an instrument to support urban development that contributes positively to regional sustainable mobility objectives. The research takes a quantitative approach, modelling and measuring the characteristics of a city-region and of its individual urban areas, in terms of travel patterns and socioeconomic characteristics of the resident population, and in terms of built environment characteristics. It then explores how the built environment defines the affordances of urban areas for travelling by particular modes of transport, i.e. its walk-ability, cycleability, drive-ability and transit-ability, by developing a typology of what I call their ‘urban modality’. And finally the work combines this typology with the socio-economic characteristics of urban areas to determine their sustainable mobility potential and performance. It focuses on the case of the Randstad region of the Netherlands and its VINEX neighbourhoods, which are an emblematic example of new urban areas created under a policy programme with sustainable mobility objectives. A key stance in this work is the understanding that the location of an urban area in the region can be indicative of its population’s travel patterns, because the built environment (infrastructural) and socio-economic characteristics are interrelated and present strong regional spatial patterns. What types of urban areas support sustainable travel patterns, and what are their spatial characteristics? How do new neighbourhoods compare to the best performing urban areas, and to other areas of the same ‘modality’ type? These are some of the questions addressed in this study. There are two main contributions of this research: the methods for building and analysing integrated multimodal network models, and the framework for contextual performance evaluation using urban area typologies. The integrated multimodal network model combines the various mobility infrastructure networks and the buildings’ land use to create a detailed description of the region, using open spatial data and open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. The network model’s spatial analysis covers local urban form indicators, such as street layout, network density and land use mix, as well as regional indicators of multimodal accessibility and network configuration (its structure), to give a holistic profile of urban areas across modes and scales of travel. The analysis results go through exploratory data mining and classification procedures to identify urban form typologies of urban areas. It is shown that there is a relation between this ‘urban modality’ of urban areas and the travel patterns of their residents, measured as a set of sustainable mobility indicators related to mode share and distance travelled. For this reason, ‘urban modality’ offers the possibility for ex-ante evaluation of sustainable mobility potential of planned urban areas. Furthermore, when combined with the socio-economic profile of the resident population, ‘urban modality’ defines a context for the ex-post evaluation of sustainable mobility performance of existing urban areas. The evaluation of suburban areas together with the more central historical urban areas gives invariably a high score in sustainable travel to the central areas, and rates the suburban areas negatively. On the other hand, the evaluation of sustainable mobility performance in the context of suburban areas of the same type allows the finer distinction of underperformers that have scope for improvement, and overachievers that provide examples of (relative) success. This contextual evaluation can become a decision support instrument for “hard” and “soft” planning measures involving sustainable mobility targets. Applying this method to the set of VINEX neighbourhoods of the Randstad leads to the conclusion that despite being planned following the same policy objectives, the neighbourhoods have different types of ‘urban modality’, thus present different levels of sustainable mobility potential. Neighbourhoods identified as underperformers within their context can be targeted for soft measures related to transport services, technology and individual attitudes to travel, to fulfil the potential of their ‘urban modality’ type. However, if this potential is not deemed satisfactory or if they already overachieve, only by retrofitting a set of infrastructure and land use characteristics will lead to a different ‘urban modality’ type, and a change in potential. Such a change can be lengthy, costly and sometimes impossible to implement ex-post. The thesis is based on a collection of published articles in peer-reviewed academic publications, with the first and last chapters providing an overview of the research and of its findings, and defining the main narrative thread

    Urban Modality:

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    This thesis proposes a framework for evaluating the mobility potential and performance of urban areas in the city region, as an instrument to support urban development that contributes positively to regional sustainable mobility objectives. The research takes a quantitative approach, modelling and measuring the characteristics of a city-region and of its individual urban areas, in terms of travel patterns and socioeconomic characteristics of the resident population, and in terms of built environment characteristics. It then explores how the built environment defines the affordances of urban areas for travelling by particular modes of transport, i.e. its walk-ability, cycleability, drive-ability and transit-ability, by developing a typology of what I call their ‘urban modality’. And finally the work combines this typology with the socio-economic characteristics of urban areas to determine their sustainable mobility potential and performance. It focuses on the case of the Randstad region of the Netherlands and its VINEX neighbourhoods, which are an emblematic example of new urban areas created under a policy programme with sustainable mobility objectives. A key stance in this work is the understanding that the location of an urban area in the region can be indicative of its population’s travel patterns, because the built environment (infrastructural) and socio-economic characteristics are interrelated and present strong regional spatial patterns. What types of urban areas support sustainable travel patterns, and what are their spatial characteristics? How do new neighbourhoods compare to the best performing urban areas, and to other areas of the same ‘modality’ type? These are some of the questions addressed in this study. There are two main contributions of this research: the methods for building and analysing integrated multimodal network models, and the framework for contextual performance evaluation using urban area typologies. The integrated multimodal network model combines the various mobility infrastructure networks and the buildings’ land use to create a detailed description of the region, using open spatial data and open source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies. The network model’s spatial analysis covers local urban form indicators, such as street layout, network density and land use mix, as well as regional indicators of multimodal accessibility and network configuration (its structure), to give a holistic profile of urban areas across modes and scales of travel. The analysis results go through exploratory data mining and classification procedures to identify urban form typologies of urban areas. It is shown that there is a relation between this ‘urban modality’ of urban areas and the travel patterns of their residents, measured as a set of sustainable mobility indicators related to mode share and distance travelled. For this reason, ‘urban modality’ offers the possibility for ex-ante evaluation of sustainable mobility potential of planned urban areas. Furthermore, when combined with the socio-economic profile of the resident population, ‘urban modality’ defines a context for the ex-post evaluation of sustainable mobility performance of existing urban areas. The evaluation of suburban areas together with the more central historical urban areas gives invariably a high score in sustainable travel to the central areas, and rates the suburban areas negatively. On the other hand, the evaluation of sustainable mobility performance in the context of suburban areas of the same type allows the finer distinction of underperformers that have scope for improvement, and overachievers that provide examples of (relative) success. This contextual evaluation can become a decision support instrument for “hard” and “soft” planning measures involving sustainable mobility targets. Applying this method to the set of VINEX neighbourhoods of the Randstad leads to the conclusion that despite being planned following the same policy objectives, the neighbourhoods have different types of ‘urban modality’, thus present different levels of sustainable mobility potential. Neighbourhoods identified as underperformers within their context can be targeted for soft measures related to transport services, technology and individual attitudes to travel, to fulfil the potential of their ‘urban modality’ type. However, if this potential is not deemed satisfactory or if they already overachieve, only by retrofitting a set of infrastructure and land use characteristics will lead to a different ‘urban modality’ type, and a change in potential. Such a change can be lengthy, costly and sometimes impossible to implement ex-post. The thesis is based on a collection of published articles in peer-reviewed academic publications, with the first and last chapters providing an overview of the research and of its findings, and defining the main narrative thread


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    Due to the current rapid growth of cities and technology, younger generations are spending more time in vehicles for their daily trips from home to various destinations, including their educational facilities. It is important to understand how people are using these spaces, and measuring this ‘understanding’ would need to consider a huge number of factors. This paper aims to help understand the pattern of movements in Tripoli city by monitoring Beirut Arab University students for a defined period of time using a GPS tracking method, and then comparing it with the spatial configuration of the city. This preliminary pilot study will raise awareness of the habits and methods of movement among the youth – either their use of mobile vehicles or their walking habits. This awareness is essential information that would help decision-makers in establishing appropriate future socio-health plans for the younger generation. The study shows huge variations in mobility and activity behaviour between genders, in terms of the distances covered, the speed of movements, the time spent in vehicles and the locations. In addition, the pattern of movements shows different degrees of correlation with the spatial configuration of Tripoli city in Lebanon