2,641 research outputs found

    Research and Proof of Concept of Selected ISKE Highest Level Integrity Requirements

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    Informatsiooni turvalisus on saamas üha olulisemaks tänapäeva ühiskonnas, kus üha rohkem protsesse ja tegevusi digitaliseeritakse ja andmed liiguvad paberilt bittideks ja baitideks digitaalsele kujule. Eesti riigi- ja avalikud asutused koguvad ja töötlevad informatsiooni, et tagada kõrgetasemelisi teenuseid, täita põhiseaduse kohustusi või rahvusvahelisi lepinguid. Avalik sektor Eestis peab täitma andmete käitlemisel informatsiooni turvalisuse standardi Infosüsteemide turvameetmete süsteemi ISKE nõudeid kolmes teguris: käideldavus, terviklus ja konfidentsiaalsus.Käesolev töö võtab tervikluse valdkonna detailsema uurimise alla, et saavutada ISKE meetmete täitmine ja turvaeesmärkide saavutamine, millised on nõutud kõrgeima terviklusega andmetele. Analüüsides ISKE tervikluse valdkonda ja luues mitmekülgse kontseptsiooni teostuse tõestamise projekti turvanõuete realiseerimise meetmetele on võimalik suurendada arendajate ja ISKE rakendamise partnerite teadlikkust saavutamaks parem informatsiooni turvalisus.Information security becomes more and more important in today's society, where more processes and operations will be digitised and data moves from paper to bits and bytes and receive digital form. In Estonia state and public institutions are collecting and processing information for providing high level services, fulfilling state needs on constitutional tasks or international contracts. Public sector in Estonia must apply information security standard IT Baseline Security System ISKE requirements in three factors: availability, integrity and confidentiality of processed data.This work takes integrity domain under detail research to meet ISKE requirements and security objectives demanded for data with highest integrity needs. By analysing integrity domain of ISKE and providing versatile proof of concept about solution for implementing security controls, it is possible to increase awareness of software developers and ISKE implementation participants to achieve better security of information

    Automated Change Rule Inference for Distance-Based API Misuse Detection

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    Developers build on Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to reuse existing functionalities of code libraries. Despite the benefits of reusing established libraries (e.g., time savings, high quality), developers may diverge from the API's intended usage; potentially causing bugs or, more specifically, API misuses. Recent research focuses on developing techniques to automatically detect API misuses, but many suffer from a high false-positive rate. In this article, we improve on this situation by proposing ChaRLI (Change RuLe Inference), a technique for automatically inferring change rules from developers' fixes of API misuses based on API Usage Graphs (AUGs). By subsequently applying graph-distance algorithms, we use change rules to discriminate API misuses from correct usages. This allows developers to reuse others' fixes of an API misuse at other code locations in the same or another project. We evaluated the ability of change rules to detect API misuses based on three datasets and found that the best mean relative precision (i.e., for testable usages) ranges from 77.1 % to 96.1 % while the mean recall ranges from 0.007 % to 17.7 % for individual change rules. These results underpin that ChaRLI and our misuse detection are helpful complements to existing API misuse detectors

    Active Learning of Discriminative Subgraph Patterns for API Misuse Detection

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    A common cause of bugs and vulnerabilities are the violations of usage constraints associated with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). API misuses are common in software projects, and while there have been techniques proposed to detect such misuses, studies have shown that they fail to reliably detect misuses while reporting many false positives. One limitation of prior work is the inability to reliably identify correct patterns of usage. Many approaches confuse a usage pattern's frequency for correctness. Due to the variety of alternative usage patterns that may be uncommon but correct, anomaly detection-based techniques have limited success in identifying misuses. We address these challenges and propose ALP (Actively Learned Patterns), reformulating API misuse detection as a classification problem. After representing programs as graphs, ALP mines discriminative subgraphs. While still incorporating frequency information, through limited human supervision, we reduce the reliance on the assumption relating frequency and correctness. The principles of active learning are incorporated to shift human attention away from the most frequent patterns. Instead, ALP samples informative and representative examples while minimizing labeling effort. In our empirical evaluation, ALP substantially outperforms prior approaches on both MUBench, an API Misuse benchmark, and a new dataset that we constructed from real-world software projects

    Evaluating Pre-trained Language Models for Repairing API Misuses

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    API misuses often lead to software bugs, crashes, and vulnerabilities. While several API misuse detectors have been proposed, there are no automatic repair tools specifically designed for this purpose. In a recent study, test-suite-based automatic program repair (APR) tools were found to be ineffective in repairing API misuses. Still, since the study focused on non-learning-aided APR tools, it remains unknown whether learning-aided APR tools are capable of fixing API misuses. In recent years, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have succeeded greatly in many natural language processing tasks. There is a rising interest in applying PLMs to APR. However, there has not been any study that investigates the effectiveness of PLMs in repairing API misuse. To fill this gap, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study on 11 learning-aided APR tools, which include 9 of the state-of-the-art general-purpose PLMs and two APR tools. We evaluate these models with an API-misuse repair dataset, consisting of two variants. Our results show that PLMs perform better than the studied APR tools in repairing API misuses. Among the 9 pre-trained models tested, CodeT5 is the best performer in the exact match. We also offer insights and potential exploration directions for future research.Comment: Under review by TOSE

    A First Look at the Crypto-Mining Malware Ecosystem: A Decade of Unrestricted Wealth

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    Illicit crypto-mining leverages resources stolen from victims to mine cryptocurrencies on behalf of criminals. While recent works have analyzed one side of this threat, i.e.: web-browser cryptojacking, only commercial reports have partially covered binary-based crypto-mining malware. In this paper, we conduct the largest measurement of crypto-mining malware to date, analyzing approximately 4.5 million malware samples (1.2 million malicious miners), over a period of twelve years from 2007 to 2019. Our analysis pipeline applies both static and dynamic analysis to extract information from the samples, such as wallet identifiers and mining pools. Together with OSINT data, this information is used to group samples into campaigns. We then analyze publicly-available payments sent to the wallets from mining-pools as a reward for mining, and estimate profits for the different campaigns. All this together is is done in a fully automated fashion, which enables us to leverage measurement-based findings of illicit crypto-mining at scale. Our profit analysis reveals campaigns with multi-million earnings, associating over 4.4% of Monero with illicit mining. We analyze the infrastructure related with the different campaigns, showing that a high proportion of this ecosystem is supported by underground economies such as Pay-Per-Install services. We also uncover novel techniques that allow criminals to run successful campaigns.Comment: A shorter version of this paper appears in the Proceedings of 19th ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC 2019). This is the full versio

    Identifying Native Applications with High Assurance

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    The work described in this paper investigates the problem of identifying and deterring stealthy malicious processes on a host. We point out the lack of strong application iden- tication in main stream operating systems. We solve the application identication problem by proposing a novel iden- tication model in which user-level applications are required to present identication proofs at run time to be authenti- cated by the kernel using an embedded secret key. The se- cret key of an application is registered with a trusted kernel using a key registrar and is used to uniquely authenticate and authorize the application. We present a protocol for secure authentication of applications. Additionally, we de- velop a system call monitoring architecture that uses our model to verify the identity of applications when making critical system calls. Our system call monitoring can be integrated with existing policy specication frameworks to enforce application-level access rights. We implement and evaluate a prototype of our monitoring architecture in Linux as device drivers with nearly no modication of the ker- nel. The results from our extensive performance evaluation shows that our prototype incurs low overhead, indicating the feasibility of our model