1,267 research outputs found

    Tracking and modeling focus of attention in meetings [online]

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    Abstract This thesis addresses the problem of tracking the focus of attention of people. In particular, a system to track the focus of attention of participants in meetings is developed. Obtaining knowledge about a person\u27s focus of attention is an important step towards a better understanding of what people do, how and with what or whom they interact or to what they refer. In meetings, focus of attention can be used to disambiguate the addressees of speech acts, to analyze interaction and for indexing of meeting transcripts. Tracking a user\u27s focus of attention also greatly contributes to the improvement of human­computer interfaces since it can be used to build interfaces and environments that become aware of what the user is paying attention to or with what or whom he is interacting. The direction in which people look; i.e., their gaze, is closely related to their focus of attention. In this thesis, we estimate a subject\u27s focus of attention based on his or her head orientation. While the direction in which someone looks is determined by head orientation and eye gaze, relevant literature suggests that head orientation alone is a su#cient cue for the detection of someone\u27s direction of attention during social interaction. We present experimental results from a user study and from several recorded meetings that support this hypothesis. We have developed a Bayesian approach to model at whom or what someone is look­ ing based on his or her head orientation. To estimate head orientations in meetings, the participants\u27 faces are automatically tracked in the view of a panoramic camera and neural networks are used to estimate their head orientations from pre­processed images of their faces. Using this approach, the focus of attention target of subjects could be correctly identified during 73% of the time in a number of evaluation meet­ ings with four participants. In addition, we have investigated whether a person\u27s focus of attention can be pre­dicted from other cues. Our results show that focus of attention is correlated to who is speaking in a meeting and that it is possible to predict a person\u27s focus of attention based on the information of who is talking or was talking before a given moment. We have trained neural networks to predict at whom a person is looking, based on information about who was speaking. Using this approach we were able to predict who is looking at whom with 63% accuracy on the evaluation meetings using only information about who was speaking. We show that by using both head orientation and speaker information to estimate a person\u27s focus, the accuracy of focus detection can be improved compared to just using one of the modalities for focus estimation. To demonstrate the generality of our approach, we have built a prototype system to demonstrate focus­aware interaction with a household robot and other smart appliances in a room using the developed components for focus of attention tracking. In the demonstration environment, a subject could interact with a simulated household robot, a speech­enabled VCR or with other people in the room, and the recipient of the subject\u27s speech was disambiguated based on the user\u27s direction of attention. Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der automatischen Bestimmung und Ver­folgung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus von Personen in Besprechungen. Die Bestimmung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus von Personen ist zum Verständnis und zur automatischen Auswertung von Besprechungsprotokollen sehr wichtig. So kann damit beispielsweise herausgefunden werden, wer zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt wen angesprochen hat beziehungsweise wer wem zugehört hat. Die automatische Bestim­mung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus kann desweiteren zur Verbesserung von Mensch-Maschine­Schnittstellen benutzt werden. Ein wichtiger Hinweis auf die Richtung, in welche eine Person ihre Aufmerksamkeit richtet, ist die Kopfstellung der Person. Daher wurde ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Kopfstellungen von Personen entwickelt. Hierzu wurden künstliche neuronale Netze benutzt, welche als Eingaben vorverarbeitete Bilder des Kopfes einer Person erhalten, und als Ausgabe eine Schätzung der Kopfstellung berechnen. Mit den trainierten Netzen wurde auf Bilddaten neuer Personen, also Personen, deren Bilder nicht in der Trainingsmenge enthalten waren, ein mittlerer Fehler von neun bis zehn Grad für die Bestimmung der horizontalen und vertikalen Kopfstellung erreicht. Desweiteren wird ein probabilistischer Ansatz zur Bestimmung von Aufmerksamkeits­zielen vorgestellt. Es wird hierbei ein Bayes\u27scher Ansatzes verwendet um die A­posterior iWahrscheinlichkeiten verschiedener Aufmerksamkteitsziele, gegeben beobachteter Kopfstellungen einer Person, zu bestimmen. Die entwickelten Ansätze wurden auf mehren Besprechungen mit vier bis fünf Teilnehmern evaluiert. Ein weiterer Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung, inwieweit sich die Blickrich­tung der Besprechungsteilnehmer basierend darauf, wer gerade spricht, vorhersagen läßt. Es wurde ein Verfahren entwickelt um mit Hilfe von neuronalen Netzen den Fokus einer Person basierend auf einer kurzen Historie der Sprecherkonstellationen zu schätzen. Wir zeigen, dass durch Kombination der bildbasierten und der sprecherbasierten Schätzung des Aufmerksamkeitsfokus eine deutliche verbesserte Schätzung erreicht werden kann. Insgesamt wurde mit dieser Arbeit erstmals ein System vorgestellt um automatisch die Aufmerksamkeit von Personen in einem Besprechungsraum zu verfolgen. Die entwickelten Ansätze und Methoden können auch zur Bestimmung der Aufmerk­samkeit von Personen in anderen Bereichen, insbesondere zur Steuerung von comput­erisierten, interaktiven Umgebungen, verwendet werden. Dies wird an einer Beispielapplikation gezeigt

    Gaze+Hold: Eyes-only Direct Manipulation with Continuous Gaze Modulated by Closure of One Eye

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    The eyes are coupled in their gaze function and therefore usually treated as a single input channel, limiting the range of interactions. However, people are able to open and close one eye while still gazing with the other. We introduce Gaze+Hold as an eyes-only technique that builds on this ability to leverage the eyes as separate input channels, with one eye modulating the state of interaction while the other provides continuous input. Gaze+Hold enables direct manipulation beyond pointing which we explore through the design of Gaze+Hold techniques for a range of user interface tasks. In a user study, we evaluated performance, usability and user’s spontaneous choice of eye for modulation of input. The results show that users are effective with Gaze+Hold. The choice of dominant versus non-dominant eye had no effect on performance, perceived usability and workload. This is significant for the utility of Gaze+Hold as it affords flexibility for mapping of either eye in different configurations

    Gaze-shifting:direct-indirect input with pen and touch modulated by gaze

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    Modalities such as pen and touch are associated with direct input but can also be used for indirect input. We propose to combine the two modes for direct-indirect input modulated by gaze. We introduce gaze-shifting as a novel mechanism for switching the input mode based on the alignment of manual input and the user's visual attention. Input in the user's area of attention results in direct manipulation whereas input offset from the user's gaze is redirected to the visual target. The technique is generic and can be used in the same manner with different input modalities. We show how gaze-shifting enables novel direct-indirect techniques with pen, touch, and combinations of pen and touch input

    Computer detection of spatial visualization in a location-based task

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    An untapped area of productivity gains hinges on automatic detection of user cognitive characteristics. One such characteristic, spatial visualization ability, relates to users’ computer performance. In this dissertation, we describe a novel, behavior-based, spatial visualization detection technique. The technique does not depend on sensors or knowledge of the environment and can be adopted on generic computers. In a Census Bureau location-based address verification task, detection rates exceeded 80% and approached 90%

    An empirical investigation of gaze selection in mid-air gestural 3D manipulation

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    In this work, we investigate gaze selection in the context of mid-air hand gestural manipulation of 3D rigid bodies on monoscopic displays. We present the results of a user study with 12 participants in which we compared the performance of Gaze, a Raycasting technique (2D Cursor) and a Virtual Hand technique (3D Cursor) to select objects in two 3D mid-air interaction tasks. Also, we compared selection confirmation times for Gaze selection when selection is followed by manipulation to when it is not. Our results show that gaze selection is faster and more preferred than 2D and 3D mid-air-controlled cursors, and is particularly well suited for tasks in which users constantly switch between several objects during the manipulation. Further, selection confirmation times are longer when selection is followed by manipulation than when it is not

    Mapping Tasks to Interactions for Graph Exploration and Graph Editing on Interactive Surfaces

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    Graph exploration and editing are still mostly considered independently and systems to work with are not designed for todays interactive surfaces like smartphones, tablets or tabletops. When developing a system for those modern devices that supports both graph exploration and graph editing, it is necessary to 1) identify what basic tasks need to be supported, 2) what interactions can be used, and 3) how to map these tasks and interactions. This technical report provides a list of basic interaction tasks for graph exploration and editing as a result of an extensive system review. Moreover, different interaction modalities of interactive surfaces are reviewed according to their interaction vocabulary and further degrees of freedom that can be used to make interactions distinguishable are discussed. Beyond the scope of graph exploration and editing, we provide an approach for finding and evaluating a mapping from tasks to interactions, that is generally applicable. Thus, this work acts as a guideline for developing a system for graph exploration and editing that is specifically designed for interactive surfaces.Comment: 21 pages, minor corrections (typos etc.

    Spatial Interaction for Immersive Mixed-Reality Visualizations

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    Growing amounts of data, both in personal and professional settings, have caused an increased interest in data visualization and visual analytics. Especially for inherently three-dimensional data, immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and advanced, natural interaction techniques have been shown to facilitate data analysis. Furthermore, in such use cases, the physical environment often plays an important role, both by directly influencing the data and by serving as context for the analysis. Therefore, there has been a trend to bring data visualization into new, immersive environments and to make use of the physical surroundings, leading to a surge in mixed-reality visualization research. One of the resulting challenges, however, is the design of user interaction for these often complex systems. In my thesis, I address this challenge by investigating interaction for immersive mixed-reality visualizations regarding three core research questions: 1) What are promising types of immersive mixed-reality visualizations, and how can advanced interaction concepts be applied to them? 2) How does spatial interaction benefit these visualizations and how should such interactions be designed? 3) How can spatial interaction in these immersive environments be analyzed and evaluated? To address the first question, I examine how various visualizations such as 3D node-link diagrams and volume visualizations can be adapted for immersive mixed-reality settings and how they stand to benefit from advanced interaction concepts. For the second question, I study how spatial interaction in particular can help to explore data in mixed reality. There, I look into spatial device interaction in comparison to touch input, the use of additional mobile devices as input controllers, and the potential of transparent interaction panels. Finally, to address the third question, I present my research on how user interaction in immersive mixed-reality environments can be analyzed directly in the original, real-world locations, and how this can provide new insights. Overall, with my research, I contribute interaction and visualization concepts, software prototypes, and findings from several user studies on how spatial interaction techniques can support the exploration of immersive mixed-reality visualizations.Zunehmende Datenmengen, sowohl im privaten als auch im beruflichen Umfeld, führen zu einem zunehmenden Interesse an Datenvisualisierung und visueller Analyse. Insbesondere bei inhärent dreidimensionalen Daten haben sich immersive Technologien wie Virtual und Augmented Reality sowie moderne, natürliche Interaktionstechniken als hilfreich für die Datenanalyse erwiesen. Darüber hinaus spielt in solchen Anwendungsfällen die physische Umgebung oft eine wichtige Rolle, da sie sowohl die Daten direkt beeinflusst als auch als Kontext für die Analyse dient. Daher gibt es einen Trend, die Datenvisualisierung in neue, immersive Umgebungen zu bringen und die physische Umgebung zu nutzen, was zu einem Anstieg der Forschung im Bereich Mixed-Reality-Visualisierung geführt hat. Eine der daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen ist jedoch die Gestaltung der Benutzerinteraktion für diese oft komplexen Systeme. In meiner Dissertation beschäftige ich mich mit dieser Herausforderung, indem ich die Interaktion für immersive Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen im Hinblick auf drei zentrale Forschungsfragen untersuche: 1) Was sind vielversprechende Arten von immersiven Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen, und wie können fortschrittliche Interaktionskonzepte auf sie angewendet werden? 2) Wie profitieren diese Visualisierungen von räumlicher Interaktion und wie sollten solche Interaktionen gestaltet werden? 3) Wie kann räumliche Interaktion in diesen immersiven Umgebungen analysiert und ausgewertet werden? Um die erste Frage zu beantworten, untersuche ich, wie verschiedene Visualisierungen wie 3D-Node-Link-Diagramme oder Volumenvisualisierungen für immersive Mixed-Reality-Umgebungen angepasst werden können und wie sie von fortgeschrittenen Interaktionskonzepten profitieren. Für die zweite Frage untersuche ich, wie insbesondere die räumliche Interaktion bei der Exploration von Daten in Mixed Reality helfen kann. Dabei betrachte ich die Interaktion mit räumlichen Geräten im Vergleich zur Touch-Eingabe, die Verwendung zusätzlicher mobiler Geräte als Controller und das Potenzial transparenter Interaktionspanels. Um die dritte Frage zu beantworten, stelle ich schließlich meine Forschung darüber vor, wie Benutzerinteraktion in immersiver Mixed-Reality direkt in der realen Umgebung analysiert werden kann und wie dies neue Erkenntnisse liefern kann. Insgesamt trage ich mit meiner Forschung durch Interaktions- und Visualisierungskonzepte, Software-Prototypen und Ergebnisse aus mehreren Nutzerstudien zu der Frage bei, wie räumliche Interaktionstechniken die Erkundung von immersiven Mixed-Reality-Visualisierungen unterstützen können
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