8 research outputs found

    Learning From Mistakes: Machine Learning Enhanced Human Expert Effort Estimates

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to predictive modeling for software engineering, named Learning From Mistakes (LFM). The core idea underlying our proposal is to automatically learn from past estimation errors made by human experts, in order to predict the characteristics of their future misestimates, therefore resulting in improved future estimates. We show the feasibility of LFM by investigating whether it is possible to predict the type, severity and magnitude of errors made by human experts when estimating the development effort of software projects, and whether it is possible to use these predictions to enhance future estimations. To this end we conduct a thorough empirical study investigating 402 maintenance and new development industrial software projects. The results of our study reveal that the type, severity and magnitude of errors are all, indeed, predictable. Moreover, we find that by exploiting these predictions, we can obtain significantly better estimates than those provided by random guessing, human experts and traditional machine learners in 31 out of the 36 cases considered (86%), with large and very large effect sizes in the majority of these cases (81%). This empirical evidence opens the door to the development of techniques that use the power of machine learning, coupled with the observation that human errors are predictable, to support engineers in estimation tasks rather than replacing them with machine-provided estimates

    Effort Estimation of Agile and Web-Based Software Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    The agile methodology of software development is accepted as a superior alternative to conventional methods of software development, because of its inherent benefits like iterative development, rapid delivery and reduced risk. Hence, software developers are required to estimate the effort necessary to develop projects by agile methodology in an efficient manner because the requirements keep on changing. Web has become a part and parcel of our lives. People depend on Internet for almost everything these days. Many business units depend on Internet for communication with clients and for outsourcing load to other branches. In such a scenario, there is a necessity of efficient development of web-based software. For improving the efficiency of software development, resource utilization must be optimum. For achieving this, we need to be able to ascertain effectively, what kind of people/materials are required in what quantity, for development. This research aims at developing efficient effort estimation models for agile and web-based software by using various neural networks such as Feed-Forward Neural Network (FFNN), Radial Basis Function Neural Network (RBFN), Functional Link Artificial Neural Network (FLANN) and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) and provide a comparative assessment of their performance. The approach used for agile software effort estimation is the Story Point Approach and that for web-based software effort estimation is the IFPUG Function Point Approach

    Linear programming as a baseline for software effort estimation

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    Software effort estimation studies still suffer from discordant empirical results (i.e., conclusion instability) mainly due to the lack of rigorous benchmarking methods. So far only one baseline model, namely, Automatically Transformed Linear Model (ATLM), has been proposed yet it has not been extensively assessed. In this article, we propose a novel method based on Linear Programming (dubbed as Linear Programming for Effort Estimation, LP4EE) and carry out a thorough empirical study to evaluate the effectiveness of both LP4EE and ATLM for benchmarking widely used effort estimation techniques. The results of our study confirm the need to benchmark every other proposal against accurate and robust baselines. They also reveal that LP4EE is more accurate than ATLM for 17% of the experiments and more robust than ATLM against different data splits and cross-validation methods for 44% of the cases. These results suggest that using LP4EE as a baseline can help reduce conclusion instability. We make publicly available an open-source implementation of LP4EE in order to facilitate its adoption in future studies

    Linear Programming as a Baseline for Software Effort Estimation

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    Software effort estimation studies still suffer from discordant empirical results (i.e., conclusion instability) mainly due to the lack of rigorous benchmarking methods. So far only one baseline model, namely, Automatically Transformed Linear Model (ATLM), has been proposed yet it has not been extensively assessed. In this article, we propose a novel method based on Linear Programming (dubbed as Linear Programming for Effort Estimation, LP4EE) and carry out a thorough empirical study to evaluate the effectiveness of both LP4EE and ATLM for benchmarking widely used effort estimation techniques. The results of our study confirm the need to benchmark every other proposal against accurate and robust baselines. They also reveal that LP4EE is more accurate than ATLM for 17% of the experiments and more robust than ATLM against different data splits and cross-validation methods for 44% of the cases. These results suggest that using LP4EE as a baseline can help reduce conclusion instability. We make publicly available an open-source implementation of LP4EE in order to facilitate its adoption in future studies

    Search-based approaches for software development effort estimation

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    2011 - 2012Effort estimation is a critical activity for planning and monitoring software project development and for delivering the product on time and within budget. Significant over or under-estimates expose a software project to several risks. As a matter of fact under-estimates could lead to addition of manpower to a late software project, making the project later (Brooks’s Law), or to the cancellation of activities, such as documentation and testing, negatively impacting on software quality and maintainability. Thus, the competitiveness of a software company heavily depends on the ability of its project managers to accurately predict in advance the effort required to develop software system. However, several challenges exists in making accurate estimates, e.g., the estimation is needed early in the software lifecycle, when few information about the project are available, or several factors can impact on project effort and these factor are usually specific for different production contexts. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to support project manager in estimating software project development effort. In the last years the use of Search-Based (SB) approaches has been suggested to be employed as an effort estimation technique. These approaches include a variety of meta-heuristics, such as local search techniques (e.g., Hill Climbing, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing) or Evolutionary Algorithms (e.g., Genetic Algorithms, Genetic Programming). The idea underlying the use of such techniques is based on the reformulation of software engineering problems as search or optimization problems whose goal is to find the most appropriate solutions which conform to some adequacy criteria (i.e., problem goals). In particular, the use of SB approaches in the context of effort estimation is twofold: they can be exploited to build effort estimation models or to enhance the use of existing effort estimation techniques. The usage reported in the literature of SB approaches for effort estimation have provided promising results that encourage further investigations. However, they can be considered preliminary studies. As a matter of fact, the capabilities of these approaches were not fully exploited, either the employed empirical analyses did not consider the more recent recommendations on how to carry out this kind of empirical assessment in the effort estimation and in the SBSE contexts. The main aim of the PhD dissertation is to provide an insight on the use of SB techniques for the effort estimation trying to highlight strengths and weaknesses of these approaches for both the uses above mentioned. [edited by Author]XI n.s

    Investigating Tabu Search for Web Effort Estimation

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    Investigating Tabu Search for Web Effort Estimation

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    Tabu Search is a meta-heuristic approach successfully used to address optimization problems in several contexts. This paper reports the results of an empirical study carried out to investigate the effectiveness of Tabu Search in estimating Web application development effort. The dataset employed in this investigation is part of the Tukutuku database. This database has been used in several studies to assess the effectiveness of various effort estimation techniques, such as Linear Regression and Case-Based Reasoning. Our results are encouraging given that Tabu Search outperformed all the other estimation techniques against which it has been compared. © 2010 IEEE