633 research outputs found

    Layered evaluation of interactive adaptive systems : framework and formative methods

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    Capturing Situational Context in an Augmented Memory System

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    Bookmarking a moment is a new approach being introduced to capture past experience and insert information into an augmented memory system. This idea is inspired from the concept of the bookmark in web browsers. Semi-automatic bookmarking different moments when time is limited and revisiting these moments before inserting them into an augmented memory system will help people to remember their past experience. An exploratory study was conducted to discover and shape the design requirements for a system called CatchIt. It aims to understand end-users’ needs to capture their personal experience, which is an important and complex issue in the case of capture and access of personal experiences. CatchIt is a system to bookmark the significant moments during the day before enriching them, and entering them into the augmented memory system called Digital Parrot. The conceptual design of CatchIt will be the main aim of this study. The primary requirements were derived from the scenarios and analysis of the findings of five different study stages were designed to inspect these: unobserved field visit, shadowing, using indictors, Wizard of Oz and using technology. Thirty participants were involved in field visit, survey and follows up interview. Each stage had different tasks to be performed and the findings of each stage contributed to understanding different parts of user needs and system design requirements. The results of this study indicated the system should automatically record the context information, especially the time and location since they were typically neglected by the participants. Different information such as textual and visual information should be manually recorded based on the users’ setting or situations. A single button is a promising input mechanism to bookmark a moment and it should be fast and effort- less. The result showed no clear correlation between learning style and type of the information that had been captured. Also, we found that there might be a correlation between passive capture and false memories. All these findings were used to provide a foundation for further work to implement the bookmark system and evaluate this approach. Some issues raised in this study need further research. The work will contribute to a greater understanding of human memory and selective capture

    Comparing Robot and Human guided Personalization: Adaptive Exercise Robots are Perceived as more Competent and Trustworthy

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    Schneider S, Kummert F. Comparing Robot and Human guided Personalization: Adaptive Exercise Robots are Perceived as more Competent and Trustworthy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS. 2020.Learning and matching a user's preference is an essential aspect of achieving a productive collaboration in long-term Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). However, there are different techniques on how to match the behavior of a robot to a user's preference. The robot can be adaptable so that a user can change the robot's behavior to one's need, or the robot can be adaptive and autonomously tries to match its behavior to the user's preference. Both types might decrease the gap between a user's preference and the actual system behavior. However, the Level of Automation (LoA) of the robot is different between both methods. Either the user controls the interaction, or the robot is in control. We present a study on the effects of different LoAs of a Socially Assistive Robot (SAR) on a user's evaluation of the system in an exercising scenario. We implemented an online preference learning system and a user-adaptable system. We conducted a between-subject design study (adaptable robot vs. adaptive robot) with 40 subjects and report our quantitative and qualitative results. The results show that users evaluate the adaptive robots as more competent, warm, and report a higher alliance. Moreover, this increased alliance is significantly mediated by the perceived competence of the system. This result provides empirical evidence for the relation between the LoA of a system, the user's perceived competence of the system, and the perceived alliance with it. Additionally, we provide evidence for a proof-of-concept that the chosen preference learning method (i.e., Double Thompson Sampling (DTS)) is suitable for online HRI

    Designing Performer Training: Digital Encounters with Things and People

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    This article investigates how digital technologies can be used to enhance the relational aspects of performer training. Saner and Robinson reflect on a practice as research project, Enactive Encounters, where they use poor technology and everyday objects to create participatory learning environments. The teacher- student relationship is challenged and transformed into playful interactions between participants through enactive encounters that aim to embody different aspects of specific training practices. Keywords: digital training, relational pedagogy, enactivism

    Designing for Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness in Robot-Assisted Language Learning

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    The current number of immigrants has risen quickly in recent years due to globalization. People move to another country for economic, educational, emotional, and other reasons. As a result, immigrants need to learn the host language to integrate into their new living environment. However, the process of learning the host language for adult immigrants faces many challenges. Among those challenges, maintaining intrinsic motivation is critical for a long-term language study process and the well-being of adult immigrants. Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a popular theoretical framework that explains human motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, through a psychological approach to understand its nature. According to SDT, humans are intrinsically motivated through the satisfaction of the three basic needs of Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. Many researchers have applied the theory to different topics and directions, including language learning. On the other hand, social robots have been used extensively in the language learning context due to their physical embodiments and the application of artificial intelligence in robotics. Furthermore, research has proven that social robots can create a relaxed and engaging learning environment, thus motivating language learners. The thesis designs and implements a RALL application called SAMQ using QTrobot, a humanoid social robot capable of producing body gestures, displaying different facial expressions, and multilingual communication. The study aims to investigate SAMQ’s ability to evoke intrinsic motivations of adult immigrants in learning the Finnish language. While previous research focuses on English as the second language (L2) and targets children, this thesis’s L2 is Finnish, and the learners are adult immigrants. The thesis conducts semi-structured interviews during the Pre-study phase (N=6) to gather real insights from adult immigrants living in Finland, to understand demotivating factors in their language learning experience and the unsatisfied aspects of the three basic needs. The qualitative findings from the Pre-study contribute to the design and implementation of two versions of SAMQ, aiming at evoking intrinsic motivations through satisfying unmet needs. The first version is a Quiz-only program that tests several assumptions regarding human-robot interaction (HRI). The final version of SAMQ is a more comprehensive language learning application that supports two modes of study: Learning and Quizzes. It consists of multiple modifications that address all adult immigrants’ basic needs while additionally promoting intrinsic motivation through media. The final Evaluation of SAMQ (N=6) includes a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The quantitative results of the questionnaire validated the ability of using social robots to evoke adult learners’ intrinsic motivation in the RALL context. The qualitative findings from the research high-light the importance of social robots’ physical embodiments in eliciting intrinsic motivation for adult learners through satisfying Relatedness. In addition, the use of voice modality creates a genuine HRI for adult learners, fulfilling both Autonomy and Competence, resulting in an engaging and smooth learning experience. Besides that, the use of adult learners’ L1 plays a crucial role in facilitating a relaxed and familiar learning environment, supplying both Competence and Relatedness. Moreover, multimedia learning materials make the learning experience more vivid and attractive. Ultimately, the result shows that accessibility and flexibility are essential attributes for adult learners to maintain their motivation for long-term language study through the satisfaction of Autonomy. Finally, the thesis proposes a design guideline for the RALL context. It consists of five design implications for evoking intrinsic motivation in adult learners through satisfying the three basic psychological needs of Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. The design guideline acts as a proposal for future design and implementation of RALL programs for adults and contributes to developing the human-robot interaction field

    Confirmation Report: Modelling Interlocutor Confusion in Situated Human Robot Interaction

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    Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) is an important but challenging field focused on improving the interaction between humans and robots such to make the interaction more intelligent and effective. However, building a natural conversational HRI is an interdisciplinary challenge for scholars, engineers, and designers. It is generally assumed that the pinnacle of human- robot interaction will be having fluid naturalistic conversational interaction that in important ways mimics that of how humans interact with each other. This of course is challenging at a number of levels, and in particular there are considerable difficulties when it comes to naturally monitoring and responding to the user’s mental state. On the topic of mental states, one field that has received little attention to date is moni- toring the user for possible confusion states. Confusion is a non-trivial mental state which can be seen as having at least two substates. There two confusion states can be thought of as being associated with either negative or positive emotions. In the former, when people are productively confused, they have a passion to solve any current difficulties. Meanwhile, people who are in unproductive confusion may lose their engagement and motivation to overcome those difficulties, which in turn may even lead them to drop the current conversation. While there has been some research on confusion monitoring and detection, it has been limited with the most focused on evaluating confusion states in online learning tasks. The central hypothesis of this research is that the monitoring and detection of confusion states in users is essential to fluid task-centric HRI and that it should be possible to detect such confusion and adjust policies to mitigate the confusion in users. In this report, I expand on this hypothesis and set out several research questions. I also provide a comprehensive literature review before outlining work done to date towards my research hypothesis, I also set out plans for future experimental work

    Affective Expressions in Conversational Agents for Learning Environments: Effects of curiosity, humour, and expressive auditory gestures

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    Conversational agents -- systems that imitate natural language discourse -- are becoming an increasingly prevalent human-computer interface, being employed in various domains including healthcare, customer service, and education. In education, conversational agents, also known as pedagogical agents, can be used to encourage interaction; which is considered crucial for the learning process. Though pedagogical agents have been designed for learners of diverse age groups and subject matter, they retain the overarching goal of eliciting learning outcomes, which can be broken down into cognitive, skill-based, and affective outcomes. Motivation is a particularly important affective outcome, as it can influence what, when, and how we learn. Understanding, supporting, and designing for motivation is therefore of great importance for the advancement of learning technologies. This thesis investigates how pedagogical agents can promote motivation in learners. Prior research has explored various features of the design of pedagogical agents and what effects they have on learning outcomes, and suggests that agents using social cues can adapt the learning environment to enhance both affective and cognitive outcomes. One social cue that is suggested to be of importance for enhancing learner motivation is the expression or simulation of affect in the agent. Informed by research and theory across multiple domains, three affective expressions are investigated: curiosity, humour, and expressive auditory gestures -- each aimed at enhancing motivation by adapting the learning environment in different ways, i.e., eliciting contagion effects, creating a positive learning experience, and strengthening the learner-agent relationship, respectively. Three studies are presented in which each expression was implemented in a separate type of agent: physically-embodied, text-based, and voice-based; with all agents taking on the role of a companion or less knowledgeable peer to the learner. The overall focus is on how each expression can be displayed, what the effects are on perception of the agent, and how it influences behaviour and learning outcomes. The studies result in theoretical contributions that add to our understanding of conversational agent design for learning environments. The findings provide support for: the simulation of curiosity, the use of certain humour styles, and the addition of expressive auditory gestures, in enhancing motivation in learners interacting with conversational agents; as well as indicating a need for further exploration of these strategies in future work
