29 research outputs found

    Superintegrability of Sub-Riemannian Problems on Unimodular 3D Lie Groups

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    Left-invariant sub-Riemannian problems on unimodular 3D Lie groups are considered. For the Hamiltonian system of Pontryagin maximum principle for sub-Riemannian geodesics, the Liouville integrability and superintegrability are proved

    Existence of planar curves minimizing length and curvature

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    In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing a curve that is partially hidden or corrupted by minimizing the functional ∫1+Kγ2ds\int \sqrt{1+K_\gamma^2} ds, depending both on length and curvature KK. We fix starting and ending points as well as initial and final directions. For this functional we discuss the problem of existence of minimizers on various functional spaces. We find non-existence of minimizers in cases in which initial and final directions are considered with orientation. In this case, minimizing sequences of trajectories can converge to curves with angles. We instead prove existence of minimizers for the "time-reparameterized" functional \int \| \dot\gamma(t) \|\sqrt{1+K_\ga^2} dt for all boundary conditions if initial and final directions are considered regardless to orientation. In this case, minimizers can present cusps (at most two) but not angles

    Minimization of length and curvature on planar curves

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    In this paper we consider the problem of reconstructing a curve that is partially hidden or corrupted by minimizing the functional ∫ √1+K 2 ds, depending both on length and curvature K. We fix starting and ending points as well as initial and final directions. For this functional, we find non-existence of minimizers on various functional spaces in which the problem is naturally formulated. In this case, minimizing sequences of trajectories can converge to curves with angles. We instead prove existence of minimizers for the "time-reparameterized" functional ∫γ(t)√1+Kγ2 dt for all boundary conditions if initial and final directions are considered regardless to orientation. ©2009 IEEE

    Hopf fibration: geodesics and distances

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    Here we study geodesics connecting two given points on odd-dimensional spheres respecting the Hopf fibration. This geodesic boundary value problem is completely solved in the case of 3-dimensional sphere and some partial results are obtained in the general case. The Carnot-Carath\'eodory distance is calculated. We also present some motivations related to quantum mechanics.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Sub-Riemannian structures on 3D Lie groups

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    We give the complete classification of left-invariant sub-Riemannian structures on three dimensional Lie groups in terms of the basic differential invariants. This classifications recovers other known classification results in the literature, in particular the one obtained in [Falbel-Gorodski, 1996] in terms of curvature invariants of a canonical connection. Moreover, we explicitly find a sub-Riemannian isometry between the nonisomorphic Lie groups SL(2)SL(2) and A+(R)×S1A^{+}(\mathbb{R})\times S^1, where A+(R)A^+(\mathbb{R}) denotes the group of orientation preserving affine maps on the real line

    On 2-step, corank 2 nilpotent sub-Riemannian metrics

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    In this paper we study the nilpotent 2-step, corank 2 sub-Riemannian metrics that are nilpotent approximations of general sub-Riemannian metrics. We exhibit optimal syntheses for these problems. It turns out that in general the cut time is not equal to the first conjugate time but has a simple explicit expression. As a byproduct of this study we get some smoothness properties of the spherical Hausdorff measure in the case of a generic 6 dimensional, 2-step corank 2 sub-Riemannian metric

    Maxwell strata in sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane

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    The left-invariant sub-Riemannian problem on the group of motions of a plane is considered. Sub-Riemannian geodesics are parametrized by Jacobi's functions. Discrete symmetries of the problem generated by reflections of pendulum are described. The corresponding Maxwell points are characterized, on this basis an upper bound on the cut time is obtained