861 research outputs found

    Ami-deu : un cadre sémantique pour des applications adaptables dans des environnements intelligents

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    Cette thĂšse vise Ă  Ă©tendre l’utilisation de l'Internet des objets (IdO) en facilitant le dĂ©veloppement d’applications par des personnes non experts en dĂ©veloppement logiciel. La thĂšse propose une nouvelle approche pour augmenter la sĂ©mantique des applications d’IdO et l’implication des experts du domaine dans le dĂ©veloppement d’applications sensibles au contexte. Notre approche permet de gĂ©rer le contexte changeant de l’environnement et de gĂ©nĂ©rer des applications qui s’exĂ©cutent dans plusieurs environnements intelligents pour fournir des actions requises dans divers contextes. Notre approche est mise en Ɠuvre dans un cadriciel (AmI-DEU) qui inclut les composants pour le dĂ©veloppement d’applications IdO. AmI-DEU intĂšgre les services d’environnement, favorise l’interaction de l’utilisateur et fournit les moyens de reprĂ©senter le domaine d’application, le profil de l’utilisateur et les intentions de l’utilisateur. Le cadriciel permet la dĂ©finition d’applications IoT avec une intention d’activitĂ© autodĂ©crite qui contient les connaissances requises pour rĂ©aliser l’activitĂ©. Ensuite, le cadriciel gĂ©nĂšre Intention as a Context (IaaC), qui comprend une intention d’activitĂ© autodĂ©crite avec des connaissances colligĂ©es Ă  Ă©valuer pour une meilleure adaptation dans des environnements intelligents. La sĂ©mantique de l’AmI-DEU est basĂ©e sur celle du ContextAA (Context-Aware Agents) – une plateforme pour fournir une connaissance du contexte dans plusieurs environnements. Le cadriciel effectue une compilation des connaissances par des rĂšgles et l'appariement sĂ©mantique pour produire des applications IdO autonomes capables de s’exĂ©cuter en ContextAA. AmI- DEU inclut Ă©galement un outil de dĂ©veloppement visuel pour le dĂ©veloppement et le dĂ©ploiement rapide d'applications sur ContextAA. L'interface graphique d’AmI-DEU adopte la mĂ©taphore du flux avec des aides visuelles pour simplifier le dĂ©veloppement d'applications en permettant des dĂ©finitions de rĂšgles Ă©tape par Ă©tape. Dans le cadre de l’expĂ©rimentation, AmI-DEU comprend un banc d’essai pour le dĂ©veloppement d’applications IdO. Les rĂ©sultats expĂ©rimentaux montrent une optimisation sĂ©mantique potentielle des ressources pour les applications IoT dynamiques dans les maisons intelligentes et les villes intelligentes. Notre approche favorise l'adoption de la technologie pour amĂ©liorer le bienĂȘtre et la qualitĂ© de vie des personnes. Cette thĂšse se termine par des orientations de recherche que le cadriciel AmI-DEU dĂ©voile pour rĂ©aliser des environnements intelligents omniprĂ©sents fournissant des adaptations appropriĂ©es pour soutenir les intentions des personnes.Abstract: This thesis aims at expanding the use of the Internet of Things (IoT) by facilitating the development of applications by people who are not experts in software development. The thesis proposes a new approach to augment IoT applications’ semantics and domain expert involvement in context-aware application development. Our approach enables us to manage the changing environment context and generate applications that run in multiple smart environments to provide required actions in diverse settings. Our approach is implemented in a framework (AmI-DEU) that includes the components for IoT application development. AmI- DEU integrates environment services, promotes end-user interaction, and provides the means to represent the application domain, end-user profile, and end-user intentions. The framework enables the definition of IoT applications with a self-described activity intention that contains the required knowledge to achieve the activity. Then, the framework generates Intention as a Context (IaaC), which includes a self-described activity intention with compiled knowledge to be assessed for augmented adaptations in smart environments. AmI-DEU framework semantics adopts ContextAA (Context-Aware Agents) – a platform to provide context-awareness in multiple environments. The framework performs a knowledge compilation by rules and semantic matching to produce autonomic IoT applications to run in ContextAA. AmI-DEU also includes a visual tool for quick application development and deployment to ContextAA. The AmI-DEU GUI adopts the flow metaphor with visual aids to simplify developing applications by allowing step-by-step rule definitions. As part of the experimentation, AmI-DEU includes a testbed for IoT application development. Experimental results show a potential semantic optimization for dynamic IoT applications in smart homes and smart cities. Our approach promotes technology adoption to improve people’s well-being and quality of life. This thesis concludes with research directions that the AmI-DEU framework uncovers to achieve pervasive smart environments providing suitable adaptations to support people’s intentions

    Self-healing for Autonomic Pervasive Computing

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    ABSTRACT Self-healing is one of the main challenges to growing autonomic pervasive computing. Fault detection and recovery are the main steps of self-healing. Due to the characteristics of pervasive computing the self-healing becomes difficult. In this paper, the challenges of self-healing have been addressed and an approach to develop a self-healing service for autonomic pervasive computing is presented. The self-healing service has been developed and integrated into the middleware named MARKS+ (Middleware Adaptability for Resource discovery, Knowledge usability, and Self-healing). The self-healing approach is being evaluated on a test bed of PDAs. An application is being developed by using the proposed service

    Proceedings of the 2005 IJCAI Workshop on AI and Autonomic Communications

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    Editing Team: Markus Fiedler

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    and contributions of the FIA community on the important research topics that should be addressed for the Framework Programme 8 research programmes broadly grouped around three main concerns; economic and business interests; societal interests and challenges; technical disruptions and capabilities. The contents of this roadmap originate with the community of researchers working on all aspects of the Future Internet and meet to share and discuss ideas through the Future Internet Assembly through an open consultation of research projects who participate in FIA. This roadmap is primarily concerned with identifying research that can be carried out in the second half of this decade and which will have an impact in 2020 and beyond. By ‘impact ’ we mean will result in products, services, systems, capabilities, that come to market and are available and deployed in that timeframe The approach adopted in this report is to integrate contributions across the entire space of future Internet research with the aim of bringing out the vision for how and where the Internet will make a significant difference in the future and identifying the broad challenges and gaps, and identifying the solutions and research needs in the future. In this report we have summarised and grouped ideas with the aim of identifying the strong themes and consistent challenges that emerge looking acros

    The digitally 'Hand Made' object

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    This article will outline the author’s investigations of types of computer interfaces in practical three-dimensional design practice. The paper contains a description of two main projects in glass and ceramic tableware design, using a Microscribe G2L digitising arm as an interface to record three-dimensional spatial\ud design input.\ud \ud The article will provide critical reflections on the results of the investigations and will argue that new approaches in digital design interfaces could have relevance in developing design methods which incorporate more physical ‘human’ expressions in a three-dimensional design practice. The research builds on concepts indentified in traditional craft practice as foundations for constructing new types of creative practices based on the use of digital technologies, as outlined by McCullough (1996)

    Physical contraptions as social interaction catalysts

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    e-Business challenges and directions: important themes from the first ICE-B workshop

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    A three-day asynchronous, interactive workshop was held at ICE-B’10 in Piraeus, Greece in July of 2010. This event captured conference themes for e-Business challenges and directions across four subject areas: a) e-Business applications and models, b) enterprise engineering, c) mobility, d) business collaboration and e-Services, and e) technology platforms. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) methods were used to gather, organize and evaluate themes and their ratings. This paper summarizes the most important themes rated by participants: a) Since technology is becoming more economic and social in nature, more agile and context-based application develop methods are needed. b) Enterprise engineering approaches are needed to support the design of systems that can evolve with changing stakeholder needs. c) The digital native groundswell requires changes to business models, operations, and systems to support Prosumers. d) Intelligence and interoperability are needed to address Prosumer activity and their highly customized product purchases. e) Technology platforms must rapidly and correctly adapt, provide widespread offerings and scale appropriately, in the context of changing situational contexts

    Research Opportunities in an Intercloud Environment Using MOSt in SLA4CLOUD Project

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    International audienceActually, Internet services are becoming essential for different types of users. This evolution impacts how data connections , network routes and resources are configured and used. In this context, the way in which distributed applications and services is becoming more difficult to manage. Cloud computing allows interactions between cloud providers and cloud service providers, and cloud providers can offer deployment services in different datacenters located in different world regions. Much development effort is needed for deploying scalable solutions. One of the these challenges is how to design, develop and deploy cloud solutions that could meet the policies and security requirements of multiple environments needs. The SLA4CLOUD project intends to build an environment where a user can request the deployment of its services anywhere in the underlying infrastructure, using the MOSt platform and its services. This work aims to report some opportunities and research challenges resulting from SLA4CLOUD project in the context of MOSt platform, and the promotion of new projects and partnerships

    Towards e-Cities: an Atlas to enhance the public realm through interactive urban cyber-physical devices

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    Cyber-physical devices are the backbone of a postdigital society in which the virtual and real spaces are seamlessly integrated by ubiquitous computing and networking. The incorporation of such devices in public space is a central subject of a strategic Research Project that gathers a multidisciplinary team from architecture, product design, polymer science and ICT R&D units. This paper frames the key roles of public space and ICTs for UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable smart cities. It also reports the architecture R&D unit review on the relations between public space, community, environment and digital interfaces. This review was materialized in an Atlas that collects, classifies and relates a corpus of heterogeneous urban cyber-physical projects case studies. We expand on three main framing concepts (Digital Twin, Interface, Awareness) and identify trends on the devices’ design and deployment strategies to counteract digitally hostile environments and early obsolescence. We also suggest the rising of new types of urban devices aiming at expanding the liveliness of urban places, the knowledge of urban life and the users’ environmental consciousness. The lessons learned from the Atlas fed the design guidelines for a developing demonstrator of a new breed of environmentally sensible interactive urban devices.Work co-funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) thru Norte 2020: Project “Lab4U&Spaces - Living Lab of Interactive Urban Space Solution” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000072); and Project Lab2PT - Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory - UIDB/04509/2020 thru FCT - Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia
