468 research outputs found

    Contextual Outlier Interpretation

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    Outlier detection plays an essential role in many data-driven applications to identify isolated instances that are different from the majority. While many statistical learning and data mining techniques have been used for developing more effective outlier detection algorithms, the interpretation of detected outliers does not receive much attention. Interpretation is becoming increasingly important to help people trust and evaluate the developed models through providing intrinsic reasons why the certain outliers are chosen. It is difficult, if not impossible, to simply apply feature selection for explaining outliers due to the distinct characteristics of various detection models, complicated structures of data in certain applications, and imbalanced distribution of outliers and normal instances. In addition, the role of contrastive contexts where outliers locate, as well as the relation between outliers and contexts, are usually overlooked in interpretation. To tackle the issues above, in this paper, we propose a novel Contextual Outlier INterpretation (COIN) method to explain the abnormality of existing outliers spotted by detectors. The interpretability for an outlier is achieved from three aspects: outlierness score, attributes that contribute to the abnormality, and contextual description of its neighborhoods. Experimental results on various types of datasets demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of the proposed framework compared with existing interpretation approaches


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    With the exponential growth of network-based applications globally, there has been a transformation in organizations\u27 business models. Furthermore, cost reduction of both computational devices and the internet have led people to become more technology dependent. Consequently, due to inordinate use of computer networks, new risks have emerged. Therefore, the process of improving the speed and accuracy of security mechanisms has become crucial.Although abundant new security tools have been developed, the rapid-growth of malicious activities continues to be a pressing issue, as their ever-evolving attacks continue to create severe threats to network security. Classical security techniquesfor instance, firewallsare used as a first line of defense against security problems but remain unable to detect internal intrusions or adequately provide security countermeasures. Thus, network administrators tend to rely predominantly on Intrusion Detection Systems to detect such network intrusive activities. Machine Learning is one of the practical approaches to intrusion detection that learns from data to differentiate between normal and malicious traffic. Although Machine Learning approaches are used frequently, an in-depth analysis of Machine Learning algorithms in the context of intrusion detection has received less attention in the literature.Moreover, adequate datasets are necessary to train and evaluate anomaly-based network intrusion detection systems. There exist a number of such datasetsas DARPA, KDDCUP, and NSL-KDDthat have been widely adopted by researchers to train and evaluate the performance of their proposed intrusion detection approaches. Based on several studies, many such datasets are outworn and unreliable to use. Furthermore, some of these datasets suffer from a lack of traffic diversity and volumes, do not cover the variety of attacks, have anonymized packet information and payload that cannot reflect the current trends, or lack feature set and metadata.This thesis provides a comprehensive analysis of some of the existing Machine Learning approaches for identifying network intrusions. Specifically, it analyzes the algorithms along various dimensionsnamely, feature selection, sensitivity to the hyper-parameter selection, and class imbalance problemsthat are inherent to intrusion detection. It also produces a new reliable dataset labeled Game Theory and Cyber Security (GTCS) that matches real-world criteria, contains normal and different classes of attacks, and reflects the current network traffic trends. The GTCS dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the different approaches, and a detailed experimental evaluation to summarize the effectiveness of each approach is presented. Finally, the thesis proposes an ensemble classifier model composed of multiple classifiers with different learning paradigms to address the issue of detection accuracy and false alarm rate in intrusion detection systems

    Detection and Explanation of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack Through Interpretable Machine Learning

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    Distributed denial of service (DDoS) is a network-based attack where the aim of the attacker is to overwhelm the victim server. The attacker floods the server by sending enormous amount of network packets in a distributed manner beyond the servers capacity and thus causing the disruption of its normal service. In this dissertation, we focus to build intelligent detectors that can learn by themselves with less human interactions and detect DDoS attacks accurately. Machine learning (ML) has promising outcomes throughout the technologies including cybersecurity and provides us with intelligence when applied on Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). In addition, from the state-of-the-art ML-based IDSs, the Ensemble classifier (combination of classifiers) outperforms single classifier. Therefore, we have implemented both supervised and unsupervised ensemble frameworks to build IDSs for better DDoS detection accuracy with lower false alarms compared to the existing ones. Our experimentation, done with the most popular and benchmark datasets such as NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and CICIDS2017, have achieved at most detection accuracy of 99.1% with the lowest false positive rate of 0.01%. As feature selection is one of the mandatory preprocessing phases in ML classification, we have designed several feature selection techniques for better performances in terms of DDoS detection accuracy, false positive alarms, and training times. Initially, we have implemented an ensemble framework for feature selection (FS) methods which combines almost all well-known FS methods and yields better outcomes compared to any single FS method.The goal of my dissertation is not only to detect DDoS attacks precisely but also to demonstrate explanations for these detections. Interpretable machine learning (IML) technique is used to explain a detected DDoS attack with the help of the effectiveness of the corresponding features. We also have implemented a novel feature selection approach based on IML which helps to find optimum features that are used further to retrain our models. The retrained model gives better performances than general feature selection process. Moreover, we have developed an explainer model using IML that identifies detected DDoS attacks with proper explanations based on effectiveness of the features. The contribution of this dissertation is five-folded with the ultimate goal of detecting the most frequent DDoS attacks in cyber security. In order to detect DDoS attacks, we first used ensemble machine learning classification with both supervised and unsupervised classifiers. For better performance, we then implemented and applied two feature selection approaches, such as ensemble feature selection framework and IML based feature selection approach, both individually and in a combination with supervised ensemble framework. Furthermore, we exclusively added explanations for the detected DDoS attacks with the help of explainer models that are built using LIME and SHAP IML methods. To build trustworthy explainer models, a detailed survey has been conducted on interpretable machine learning methods and on their associated tools. We applied the designed framework in various domains, like smart grid and NLP-based IDS to verify its efficacy and ability of performing as a generic model

    LSCP: Locally Selective Combination in Parallel Outlier Ensembles

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    In unsupervised outlier ensembles, the absence of ground truth makes the combination of base outlier detectors a challenging task. Specifically, existing parallel outlier ensembles lack a reliable way of selecting competent base detectors, affecting accuracy and stability, during model combination. In this paper, we propose a framework---called Locally Selective Combination in Parallel Outlier Ensembles (LSCP)---which addresses the issue by defining a local region around a test instance using the consensus of its nearest neighbors in randomly selected feature subspaces. The top-performing base detectors in this local region are selected and combined as the model's final output. Four variants of the LSCP framework are compared with seven widely used parallel frameworks. Experimental results demonstrate that one of these variants, LSCP_AOM, consistently outperforms baselines on the majority of twenty real-world datasets.Comment: Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM

    Collective Contextual Anomaly Detection for Building Energy Consumption

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    Commercial and residential buildings are responsible for a substantial portion of total global energy consumption and as a result make a significant contribution to global carbon emissions. Hence, energy-saving goals that target buildings can have a major impact in reducing environmental damage. During building operation, a significant amount of energy is wasted due to equipment and human-related faults. To reduce waste, today\u27s smart buildings monitor energy usage with the aim of identifying abnormal consumption behaviour and notifying the building manager to implement appropriate energy-saving procedures. To this end, this research proposes the \textit{ensemble anomaly detection} (EAD) framework. The EAD is a generic framework that combines several anomaly detection classifiers using majority voting. This anomaly detection classifiers are formed using existing machine learning algorithm. It is assumed that each anomaly classifier has equal weight. More importantly, to ensure diversity of anomaly classifiers, the EAD is implemented by combining pattern-based and prediction-based anomaly classifiers. For this reason, this research also proposes a new pattern-based anomaly classifier, the \textit{collective contextual anomaly detection using sliding window} (CCAD-SW) framework. The CCAD-SW, which is also a machine leaning-based framework that identifies anomalous consumption patterns using overlapping sliding windows. The EAD framework combines the CCAD-SW, which is implemented using autoencoder, with two prediction-based anomaly classifiers that are implemented using the support vector regression and random forest machine-learning algorithms. In addition, it determines an ensemble threshold that yields an anomaly classifier with optimal anomaly detection capability and false positive minimization. Results show that the EAD performs better than the individual anomaly detection classifiers. In the EAD framework, the optimal ensemble anomaly classifier is not attained by combining the individual learners at their respective optimal performance levels. Instead, an ensemble threshold combination that yields the optimal anomaly classifier was identified by searching through the ensemble threshold space. The research was evaluated using real-world data provided by Powersmiths, located in Brampton, Ontario, Canada

    An Anomaly Detection Framework for Heterogeneous and Streaming Data

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    Anomaly detection has become one of the most important research areas due to its wide range of use such as abnormal behavior detection in network traffic, disease detection in MRI images, and fraud detection in credit card transactions. In many real-world anomaly detection problems, we face heterogeneous data comprising different types of attributes including categorical and continuous attributes. The heterogeneity of data makes it really difficult to compare data instances. Furthermore, the behaviors of data may change over time in streaming environments. Finally, it is hard to get the labels of data since we get too many data per day to manually classify them. To tackle these challenges, in the paper, we propose an anomaly detection framework for heterogeneous and streaming data. By introducing our own distance metric for categorical features and using an ensemble of two outlier detection methods, we effectively deal with both heterogeneous and streaming data. Furthermore, the ensemble model keeps updating its backend information during classification tasks so as to adapt to changing data behaviors. The framework, also, provides the interpretation of detected outliers in order to reduce the effort of human experts to get labeled data. Finally, we train a supervised machine learning algorithm using the feedback from human experts for anomaly detection tasks. Our experiment results show the efficacy of the proposed framework


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