23 research outputs found

    Education and Social Work Handbook 2009

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    Education and Social Work Handbook 2009

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    Tese de doutoramento em Arte ContemporĂąnea, apresentada ao ColĂ©gio das Artes da Universidade de CoimbraEsta nĂŁo Ă© uma tese somente sobre o estatuto da imagem. A razĂŁo para isso Ă© que nenhuma teoria Ă© ou pode ser adequada Ă  imagem e que o prĂłprio estatuto provoca todas as ferramentas da reflexĂŁo teĂłrica. Porque escolhi investigar imagens a partir da fotografia? Poderia falar de imagens a partir do desenho, da pintura e da tradição escultĂłrica. Como inventar no espelho e aceitar os dogmas acerca da imagem, as definiçÔes que se tornaram convicçÔes? Na escola de arte, embora tivesse habilidade para o desenho e para a pintura, meu interesse era nas imagens prontas. Uma tentativa de tirar o verniz das imagens Ă© a chave daquilo que hoje chamo de a Imagem Emancipada. Vemos isso nos pintores, nos cineastas que se divergem e se vĂȘ atravĂ©s da tecnociĂȘncia. Como amante da arte nĂŁo posso desenvolver meu interesse pela tĂ©cnica mais do que meu interesse pela crĂ­tica. O projeto de um futuro em Warburg: a antropologia da cultura ocidental em que a filologia, etnologia, histĂłria e biologia convergem com uma iconologia do intervalo, no qual o trabalho incessante Ă© a memĂłria social. A Imagem Emancipada sĂŁo os clarĂ”es dentro das imagens que buscamos. Embora tivesse influĂȘncia dos planos de cinema, as imagens que buscava construir, sempre vieram de minhas referĂȘncias de pintores e suas soluçÔes de espaço, cor e, por que nĂŁo dizer, tempo. Foi no inĂ­cio dos anos oitenta, com a atmosfera de regresso Ă  pintura e ao figurativismo, que a fotografia encontrou terreno fĂ©rtil para se desenvolver rumo a novas direçÔes.This is not a thesis that only covers image statute, and the reason is that no theory is, or can fit the image, and the thesis itself causes all theoretical reflection tools. Why have I chosen to investigate images from photograph? I could have talked about images from drawing, painting and sculpture tradition. How to invent in front of the mirror and accept the dogmas concerning the image and definitions that became convictions? At the art school, although I had the ability to draw and paint, my real interested was in finished images. An attempt to remove the varnish from images is the key of what I call today as Emancipated Image. We can see that in painters and filmmakers that diverge and see themselves through technology. As an art lover, I can not develop my interest for the critic. The project of a future in Warburg: western culture anthropology in which philosophy, ethnology, history and biology converge with an iconology of the recess, where the non stopping work is the social memory. Emancipated Image are the flash inside the images we seek. Although I had influence by cinema plans, the images I tries to build, always came from my references of painters and their solutions to space, color and why not mention, time. It was in the beginning of the 1980’s, with the return atmosphere to painting and to figuration, that photography found breeding ground to develop towards new directions

    Overcoming Vulnerability in the Life Course - Reflections on a Research Program

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    This chapter reflects on the twelve-year Swiss research program, “Overcoming vulnerability: Life course perspectives” (LIVES). The authors are longstanding members of its scientific advisory committee. They highlight the program’s major accomplishments, identify key ingredients of the program’s success as well as some of its challenges, and raise promising avenues for future scholarship. Their insights will be of particular interest to those who wish to launch similar large-scale collaborative enterprises. LIVES has been a landmark project in advancing the conceptualization, measurement, and analysis of vulnerability over the life course. The foundation it has provided will direct the next era of scholarship toward even greater specificity: in understanding the conditions under which vulnerability matters, for whom, when, and how. In a process-oriented life-course perspective, vulnerability is not viewed as a persistent or permanent condition but rather as a dormant condition of the social actor, activated in particular situations and contexts

    Exploring Written Artefacts

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    This collection, presented to Michael Friedrich in honour of his academic career at of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, traces key concepts that scholars associated with the Centre have developed and refined for the systematic study of manuscript cultures. At the same time, the contributions showcase the possibilities of expanding the traditional subject of ‘manuscripts’ to the larger perspective of ‘written artefacts’

    Dietary Habits, Beneficial Exercise and Chronic Diseases

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    Several lines of evidence indicate that healthy diet and exercise can prevent cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, and some types of cancer such as colon cancer, and smoking-related cancers. Dietary patterns defined as the quantities, proportions, variety, or combination of different foods and drinks, and the frequency with which they are habitually consumed are also associated with an increased or decreased incidence of chronic diseases. Lately, an association has been found between eating habits, exercise, and psychological and/or mental disorders. This Special Issue of Nutrients, entitled “Dietary Habits, Beneficial Exercise, and Chronic Diseases: Latest Advances and Prospects”, contains 20 manuscripts, either describing original research or reviewing the scientific literature, focused on the relationship between dietary habits (macronutrients, micronutrients, etc.) and/or exercise with metabolic, cardiovascular, neurological, mental, rheumatic, inflammatory, gastrointestinal, odontostomatological, and other chronic diseases

    Exploring Written Artefacts

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    This collection, presented to Michael Friedrich in honour of his academic career at of the Centre for the Study of Manuscript Cultures, traces key concepts that scholars associated with the Centre have developed and refined for the systematic study of manuscript cultures. At the same time, the contributions showcase the possibilities of expanding the traditional subject of ‘manuscripts’ to the larger perspective of ‘written artefacts’

    Natural Drugs from Plants

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    Natural Drugs from Plants emphasizes the importance of medicinal plants for drug discovery worldwide. Chapters discuss the active ingredients of certain medicinal plants, their mechanisms of action, and how they can be used to treat different diseases

    Building the knowledge base for environmental action and sustainability

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    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volum