29,579 research outputs found

    From Consumer Preferences Towards Buying Decisions - Conjoint Analysis as Preference Measuring Method in Product Recommender Systems

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    This paper briefly introduces the conjoint analysis as a method to measure consumer preferences. Based on the introduction the conjoint analysis is suggested as preference measuring method in product recommender systems. The challenges and limits in applying the conjoint analysis to product recommender systems are analysed and discussed. In the end we present a set of adaptations to the traditional conjoint analysis which address the mentioned challenges and limits

    A Cluster-based Recommender System

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    Introduction: E-commerce is growing rapidly offering a vast number of products and services to the users. Facing with a wide range of options, users cannot decide which one would be the most suitable option. Recommender systems help users to find the most suitable item easier and faster. To do this, recommender systems apply machine learning algorithms to user’s data to build sophisticated models to predict the user’s behavior in the future. There are many recommender systems employed by companies to increase their profitability. Some examples include Amazon, Movielens, Youtube, Facebook, and Linkedin. Objectives: The aim of this project is to provide a cluster-based recommender system which cluster users based on their history (previous interactions with the system) to increase the accuracy of recommendations. Method: The proposed approach consists of two phases: offline and online. In the offline phase, users are clustered using genetic algorithm. In the online phase, the appropriate cluster or clusters and neighborhood are selected for the target user. Then, his/her interesting items (not chosen yet) are determined using interesting items of his/her neighbors. Results: After implementing the proposed approach for the recommender system, it was evaluated in terms of accuracy (the portion of recommended items which have been interesting for the users) and compared it with several existing recommender systems. The results show that our approach outperforms other approaches. Conclusions: Having a good recommender system encourages users to buy new products, find new friends, or watch new videos. On the contrary, an inaccurate recommender system may discourage the users and motivates them to sign out of the system or ignore all recommendations. The approach we proposed for recommendation achieved promising results. We hope by completing the project we can use this approach in developing commercial recommender systems


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    Since the introduction of Tapestry in 1990, research on recommender systems has traditionally focused on the development of algorithms whose goal is to increase the accuracy of predicting users’ taste based on historical data. In the last decade, this research has diversified, with human factors being one area that has received increased attention. Users’ characteristics, such as trusting propensity and interest in a domain, or systems’ characteristics, such as explainability and transparency, have been shown to have an effect on improving the user experience with a recommender. This dissertation investigates on the role of controllability and user characteristics upon the engagement and experience of users of a hybrid recommender system. A hybrid recommender is a system that integrates the results of different algorithms to produce a single set of recommendations. This research examines whether allowing the user to control the process of fusing or integrating different algorithms (i.e., different sources of relevance) results in increased engagement and a better user experience. The essential contribution of this dissertation is an extensive study of controllability in a hybrid fusion scenario. In particular, the introduction of an interactive Venn diagram visualization, combined with sliders explored in a previous work, can provide an efficient visual paradigm for information filtering with a hybrid recommender that fuses different prospects of relevance with overlapping recommended items. This dissertation also provides a three-fold evaluation of the user experience: objective metrics, subjective user perception, and behavioral measures

    The Multisided Complexity of Fairness in Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems are poised at the interface between stakeholders: for example, job applicants and employers in the case of recommendations of employment listings, or artists and listeners in the case of music recommendation. In such multisided platforms, recommender systems play a key role in enabling discovery of products and information at large scales. However, as they have become more and more pervasive in society, the equitable distribution of their benefits and harms have been increasingly under scrutiny, as is the case with machine learning generally. While recommender systems can exhibit many of the biases encountered in other machine learning settings, the intersection of personalization and multisidedness makes the question of fairness in recommender systems manifest itself quite differently. In this article, we discuss recent work in the area of multisided fairness in recommendation, starting with a brief introduction to core ideas in algorithmic fairness and multistakeholder recommendation. We describe techniques for measuring fairness and algorithmic approaches for enhancing fairness in recommendation outputs. We also discuss feedback and popularity effects that can lead to unfair recommendation outcomes. Finally, we introduce several promising directions for future research in this area

    New Explainable Active Learning Approach for Recommender Systems

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    Introduction and Motivations Recommender Systems are intelligent programs that analyze patterns between items and users to predict the user’s taste. Objective Design an efficient Active Learning Strategy to increase the explainability and the accuracy of an “Explainable Matrix Factorization” model

    A Food Recommender System in Academic Environments Based on Machine Learning Models

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    Background: People's health depends on the use of proper diet as an important factor. Today, with the increasing mechanization of people's lives, proper eating habits and behaviors are neglected. On the other hand, food recommendations in the field of health have also tried to deal with this issue. But with the introduction of the Western nutrition style and the advancement of Western chemical medicine, many issues have emerged in the field of disease treatment and nutrition. Recent advances in technology and the use of artificial intelligence methods in information systems have led to the creation of recommender systems in order to improve people's health. Methods: A hybrid recommender system including, collaborative filtering, content-based, and knowledge-based models was used. Machine learning models such as Decision Tree, k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), AdaBoost, and Bagging were investigated in the field of food recommender systems on 2519 students in the nutrition management system of a university. Student information including profile information for basal metabolic rate, student reservation records, and selected diet type is received online. Among the 15 features collected and after consulting nutrition experts, the most effective features are selected through feature engineering. Using machine learning models based on energy indicators and food selection history by students, food from the university menu is recommended to students. Results: The AdaBoost model has the highest performance in terms of accuracy with a rate of 73.70 percent. Conclusion: Considering the importance of diet in people's health, recommender systems are effective in obtaining useful information from a huge amount of data. Keywords: Recommender system, Food behavior and habits, Machine learning, Classificatio

    Visualizing recommendations to support exploration, transparency and controllability

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    Research on recommender systems has traditionally focused on the development of algorithms to improve accuracy of recommendations. So far, little research has been done to enable user interaction with such systems as a basis to support exploration and control by end users. In this paper, we present our research on the use of information visualization techniques to interact with recommender systems. We investigated how information visualization can improve user understanding of the typically black-box rationale behind recommendations in order to increase their perceived relevance and meaning and to support exploration and user involvement in the recommendation process. Our study has been performed using TalkExplorer, an interactive visualization tool developed for attendees of academic conferences. The results of user studies performed at two conferences allowed us to obtain interesting insights to enhance user interfaces that integrate recommendation technology. More specifically, effectiveness and probability of item selection both increase when users are able to explore and interrelate multiple entities - i.e. items bookmarked by users, recommendations and tags. Copyright © 2013 ACM

    Synthetic sequence generator for recommender systems - memory biased random walk on sequence multilayer network

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    Personalized recommender systems rely on each user's personal usage data in the system, in order to assist in decision making. However, privacy policies protecting users' rights prevent these highly personal data from being publicly available to a wider researcher audience. In this work, we propose a memory biased random walk model on multilayer sequence network, as a generator of synthetic sequential data for recommender systems. We demonstrate the applicability of the synthetic data in training recommender system models for cases when privacy policies restrict clickstream publishing.Comment: The new updated version of the pape
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