101 research outputs found


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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems continue to gain importance in today’s tough global environment. Organizations are making large investments in ERP systems because of their promised benefits. Several observations have been made in the literature which suggest that organizations should avoid tailoring the ERP systems as much as possible while implementing and using them. It is assumed that this approach will result in realizing the likely benefits of ERP systems. However, because of ever evolving requirements and individual needs of the organizations, even a ‘Vanilla’ package has to undergo through customization. Literature on the ERP systems provides different typologies of the ERP customizations. However, there is a pressing need for a new and refined typology as the functionality of the ERP packages has matured and advanced over the years. This paper is intended to present the re-conceptualization of the ERP customization typology and, moreover, it aims to develop new assessment criterion that can be used to assess the impact of the different types of customizations

    A systematic mapping study

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    Corte-Real, N., Ruivo, P., & Oliveira, T. (2014). The diffusion stages of business intelligence & analytics (BI&A):: A systematic mapping study. In Procedia Technology (Vol. 16, pp. 172-179). (Procedia Technology). DOI: 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.080Business intelligence & analytics (BI&A) has evolved to become a foundational cornerstone of enterprise decision support. Since the way BI&A is implemented and assimilated is quite different among organizations is important to approach BI&A literature by four selected diffusion stages (adoption, implementation, use and impacts of use). The diffusion stages assume a crucial importance to track the BI&A evolution in organizations and justify the investment made. The main focus of this paper is to evidence BI&A research on its several diffusion stages. It provides an updated bibliography of BI&A articles published in the IS journal and conferences during the period of 2000 and 2013. A total of 30 articles from 11 journals and 8 conferences are reviewed. This study contributes to the BI&A research in three ways. This is the first systematic mapping study focused on BI&A diffusion stages. It contributes to see how BI&A stages have been analyzed (theories used, data collection methods, analysis methods and publication source). Finally, it observes that little attention has been given to BI&A post-adoption stages and proposes future research line on this area.publishersversionpublishe

    Audit Methodology for IT Governance

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    The continuous development of the new IT technologies was followed up by a rapid integration of them at the organization level. The management of the organizations face a new challenge: structural redefinition of the IT component in order to create plus value and to minimize IT risks through an efficient management of all IT resources of the organization. These changes have had a great impact on the governance of the IT component. The paper proposes an audit methodology of the IT Governance at the organization level. From this point of view the developed audit strategy is a strategy based on risks to enable IT auditor to study from the best angle efficiency and effectiveness of the IT Governance structure. The evaluation of the risks associated with IT Governance is a key process in planning the audit mission which will allow the identification of the segments with increased risks. With now ambition for completeness, the proposed methodology provides the auditor a useful tool in the accomplishment of his mission.IT Governance, Corporate Governance, IT Audit Process, IT Risk

    Business Intelligence & Analytics Cost Accounting: A Survey on the Perceptions of Stakeholders

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    As data driven decision-making using business intelligence and analytics (BI&A) becomes standard in companies, the importance of mitigating the accompanying growth in costs increases. Research shows that increasing transparency to the granularity of individual BI&A artefacts such as reports or analytic applications is a necessary means, but in practice the introduction of said systems is cumbersome and adoption is slow. We address the status quo of BI&A cost accounting for three types of stakeholders: users, developers and managers. The results show in which areas of application a strong need for action exists and we identify major challenges for further research are ahead. Our findings indicate for example that managers at the same time regard cost accounting for BI&A with a higher potential benefit while they also believe they have already established a higher degree of implementation in their enterprises compared to the other stakeholder types. We conclude that BI&A professionals have to consider these different perceptions to run a successful department and gain traction for BI&A cost accounting


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    International audiencePrivate sector companies are mobilizing to adopt IT governance frameworks to control their information systems and increase the profitability of their IT investments. Today, public organizations have come to adopt the same approach. The study of IT governance in the public sector has interested several researchers in recent years. However, there is still a lack of literature concerning its implementation in developing countries and especially in a context of regionalization. The case study in this article shows how a "regional public organization" has implemented its IT governance framework in a regionalization context. The results of this study show that the intentional implementation of the mechanisms, with reference to the governance guidelines of the central top management, was done without major complications. However, the organization should make a lot of efforts to "decentralize" processes at the regional level to better support IT projects with regional specificities, and to improve its structures.Les entreprises du secteur privĂ© se sont mobilisĂ©es pour adopter des cadres de gouvernance des TI afin de contrĂŽler leurs systĂšmes d’information et augmenter la rentabilitĂ© de leurs investissements en technologies de l’information. Aujourd’hui, les organisations publiques ont fini par adopter la mĂȘme approche. L’étude de la gouvernance des TI dans le secteur public a intĂ©ressĂ© plusieurs chercheurs ces derniĂšres annĂ©es. Cependant, il existe encore un manque en littĂ©rature concernant son implĂ©mentation dans les pays en voie de dĂ©veloppement et surtout dans un contexte de rĂ©gionalisation. L’étude de cas menĂ©e dans cet article, montre comment « une organisation publique rĂ©gionale » a implĂ©mentĂ© son cadre de gouvernance des TI dans un contexte de rĂ©gionalisation. Les rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude montrent que l’implĂ©mentation intentionnelle des mĂ©canismes, en se rĂ©fĂ©rant aux orientations de gouvernance de la direction centrale, s’est faite sans grandes complications. Or, l’organisation devrait dĂ©ployer beaucoup d’efforts pour « dĂ©centraliser » des processus au niveau rĂ©gional pour mieux supporter les projets TI aux spĂ©cificitĂ©s rĂ©gionales, et d’amĂ©liorer ses structures.Mots-clĂ©s : Gouvernance des TI, organisation publique, rĂ©gionalisation, dĂ©centralisation, implĂ©mentation

    Institutionalizing Analytic Data Sharing in SME Ecosystems – A Role-Based Perspective

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    There is a variety of reasons that sharing data among Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) carries business potential, particularly for analyti-cal applications. But outside a few niche domains, the number of success stories for data sharing is rather modest. Based on a qualitative study and first experiences from a research project with pilot im-plementations, we argue that this is mainly due to a lack of an institutionalized governance structure: Founding a separate legal entity for data sharing and analysis can address core concerns regarding sharing valuable data assets. However, this requires a well-calibrated set of defined roles for the in-volved partners. Based on our results we propose a first concept on delineating and mapping out those roles

    Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation

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    Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field

    Virtual teamwork in the context of technological and cultural transformation

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    Megatrends affect all individuals and organizations in our society. Mobility and flexibility are examples of megatrends that influence our everyday lives and also intensely alter the ways we work. The deployment of virtual teams meets the new chances emerging with these trends. Employees aspire to work virtually due to benefits, such as flexibility regarding the locations and hours for working. Organizations deploy virtual teams to remain competitive regarding new technological opportunities, employee retention and cost efficiency in an increasingly digital environment. Organizations can guide their change towards virtuality by building on the knowledge of practice as well as scientific insights regarding the deployment of virtual teams. In order to provide a holistic view on the structures and processes affected by such a change and thus provide guidance, a framework for analyzing and planning organizational change is adapted to virtual teamwork and presented in this paper. The framework shows that the deployment of virtual teams affects the whole organization. This comprehensive view on the implementation of virtual teamwork allows an integration of virtual teams and focusses on their performance. The adapted framework furthermore provides links for further in-depth research in this field
