9 research outputs found

    Complaint Ontology Pattern - COP

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    In this paper we present an ontology design pattern to conceptualize complaints - an important domain still uncovered by ODPs. The proposed Complaint Ontology Pattern (COP) has been designed based on the analysis of free text complaints from available complaint datasets (banking, air transport, automobile) among other knowledge sources. We present a detailed use case from consumer disputes. We evaluate the pattern by annotating the complaints from our use case and by discussing how COP aligns to existing ontologies

    A Methodology for a Criminal Law and Procedure Ontology for Legal Question Answering

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    A Semi-automated Ontology Construction for Legal Question Answering

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    Open Access via Springer Compact Agreement.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Padrão de projeto de ontologias para inclusão de referências do novo serviço público em plataformas de governo aberto

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoCom as recentes mudanças nos modelos da administração pública, percebe-se a necessidade de transformações nos atuais projetos de governo eletrônico e a sua adequação. O crescimento da participação dos cidadãos na vigília eletrônica das ações do governo local e seu interesse de compartilhar essa visão com outros de sua comunidade em muitos casos estabelece fortes reações políticas entre esses cidadãos. Iniciativas para estabelecer um modelo de governo eletrônico que reforce a participação da população foram tentadas e, por dependerem do modelo de gestão pública da época, tiveram a dificuldade de assegurar a participação eletrônica. Nesse contexto, tendo a possibilidade de uso de fontes abertas de informação e conhecimento com Governo Aberto e aplicativos da Web Social para apoiar os gestores públicos na criação de novas plataformas de Governo Aberto, passa a ser requisito o uso e a adoção de ontologias. Apesar das taxonomias e dos vocabulários serem utilizados nos serviços de governo como o Vocabulário Controlado do Governo Eletrônico no Brasil # VCGE, esses não oferecerem a expressividade de ontologias, contemplando as relações, axiomas e regras de relacionamento, deixando, desse modo, conceitos independentes de contexto e intersubjetivos de significado. Considerando esses elementos, esta tese está fundamentada na análise do impacto das referências e modelos da gestão pública na criação e evolução de ontologias usadas em Plataformas do Governo Eletrônico e da necessidade de se estabelecer uma prática para projetos de Governo Aberto. Neste último, foi argumentado que a base epistemológica do Novo Serviço Público (NSP) pode ser utilizada para projetos dessas plataformas, aproximando referencias como a busca do interesse público e accountability a esses projetos. Para a modelagem das referenciais, foi utilizada como base da Participation e Transperency SIG para a construção de um padrão de projeto de ontologias como forma de inclusão dos referenciais do NSP em Plataformas de Governo Aberto. O resultado da tese foi a criação de um padrão de projeto de ontologias e sua aplicação na fase de conceitualização de um projeto de plataforma de governo eletrônico aberto. O padrão proposto foi aplicado em um projeto brasileiro de governo aberto, tendo-se verificado se a aplicação resultou em características associadas ao NSP ao projeto.With the recent changes in public administration models, one realizes the need for changes in current e-government projects and their suitability. The growing participation of citizens in electronic local government actions and their interest to share that vision with others in their community, in many cases provides a strong political reactions among these people. Initiatives to establish a model of e-government that would strengthen the participation of the population have been attempted and, because the model of public management at the time, had the difficulty of ensuring electronic participation. In this context, with the possibility of using open information and knowledge (OGD and Social Apps) to support policy makers in creating new platforms for Open Government, becomes the requirement and adopting the use of ontologies during the development of application projects of this nature. Despite taxonomies and vocabularies are used in government services (Controlled Vocabulary of Electronic Government in Brazil # VCGE), these do not offer the expressivity of ontologies, covering relations, axioms and rules of citizen engagement, leaving thus independent concepts intersubjective context and meaning. Considering these elements, this thesis is based on the impact analysis of the use of paradigms for public management in the creation and evolution of ontologies used in e-government platforms and the need to establish a practice for Open Government projects. It is also argued that the epistemological basis of the New Public Service (NSP) can be used for Open Government Platform projects, enhancing it with best practices like seeking the public interest and accountability. For the modeling perspective, this work used the views from eParticipation and Transperency SIG for the construction of an ontology design pattern as means of including references from the NSP during an Open Government Platforms projects. The result of this thesis was the creation of an ontology design pattern that was applied during the conceptualization phase of an Open Government Platform project. The proposed pattern was them applied on a Brazilian open government project to verify added concepts from the epistemology of the NSP

    Proteção legal do conhecimento organizacional: uma abordagem de padrões de projeto

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do ConhecimentoO conhecimento é um valor que precisa ser protegido. São diversas as formas de proteção evidenciadas pelos artigos científicos, dentre as quais surgem os contratos. Por meio de uma breve análise sobre os contratos envolvendo proteção do conhecimento é possível verificar a dificuldade encontrada na definição de suas cláusulas, posto que as mesmas dependem, além das condições específicas relativas ao objeto, das partes contratantes. Para melhor entender as cláusulas constantes dos contratos envolvendo a proteção do conhecimento, foram criados padrões específicos fazendo, inclusive, referência à descrição semântica, para a qual foi desenvolvida uma ontologia sobre contratos de transferência de tecnologia. O trabalho ora apresentado constitui-se na proposta de um modelo, com a criação de um sistema baseado em conhecimento, que permite o alinhamento do conhecimento jurídico envolvido nestes contratos com as necessidades técnicas e estruturais das organizações. O modelo foi disponibilizado em uma página web e testado, sendo que os resultados demonstraram que o modelo é válido na melhoria da gestão do conhecimento.Knowledge is a value that must be protected. There are several forms of protection evidenced by the scientific papers, among which we find the contracts. Through a brief analysis of the contracts involving the protection of knowledge is possible to see the difficulty in defining its terms, since they depend both on the specific conditions relating to the object of the contracting parties. To better understand the clauses contained in contracts involving the protection of knowledge, new specific patterns were created, including reference to the semantic description, for which was developed an ontology of contracts on technology transfer. The work presented here constitutes in the proposal of a model together with the creation of a knowledge-based system that allows the alignment of legal knowledge involved in these contracts with the technical and structural needs of organizations. The model was made available on a web page and tested and the results showed that the model is valid in the improvement of knowledge management

    Ontologies for Legal Relevance and Consumer Complaints. A Case Study in the Air Transport Passenger Domain

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    Applying relevant legal information to settle complaints and disputes is a common challenge for all legal practitioners and laymen. However, the analysis of the concept of relevance itself has thus far attracted only sporadic attention. This thesis bridges this gap by understanding the components of complaints, and by defining relevant legal information, and makes use of computational ontologies and design patterns to represent this relevant knowledge in an explicit and structured way. This work uses as a case-study a real situation of consumer disputes in the Air Transport Passenger domain. Two artifacts were built: the Relevant Legal Information in Consumer Disputes Ontology, and its specialization, the Air Transport Passenger Incidents Ontology, aimed at modelling relevant legal information; and the Complaint Design Pattern proposed to conceptualize complaints. In order to demonstrate the ability of the ontologies to serve as a knowledge base for a computer program providing relevant legal information, a demonstrative application was developed

    Legal Ontology for Nexus: Water, Energy and Food in EU Regulations

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    Objectives of the thesis are – (a) to identify the problems in water-energy-food nexus from ICT and Law point of view and to propose theoretically a legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus in order to reduce those problems technologically, (b) to construct and implement legal ontology for nexus extracted from EU water, energy and food Regulations in OWL 2 language, which is a part of the grater work of implementing legal knowledge framework for water-energy-food nexus pro-posed through the compilation of objective (a). Considering these objectives, this thesis presents total five chapters. Chapter 1 is dedicated to fulfill the requirement of objective (a) and the rest chapters are devoted for objective (b). More particularly chapter four presents technical descriptions of the legal ontology for nexus, while chapter two and three articulate methodological aspect of it. Chapter five evaluates legal ontology for nexus. Additionally, besides the list of references, annex 1 delivers all asserted restrictions used in this ontology and annex 2 provides the links of all modules and documentations of legal ontology for nexus.Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate programme in “Law, Science and Technology