7 research outputs found

    Conversation Partnerships: An Educational Tool for Cross-Cultural Understanding

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    This article describes one study of conversation partnerships between American students enrolled in teacher education programs, and international students enrolled at the same large midwestern university. Twenty-nine pairs of partners during one 15-week semester were directed to meet at least 10 times minimally 30 minutes each. Topics for initial meetings were recommended, to help partners get started. As the semester progressed, topics were based on interests and needs of the partners. Three data sources were collected and analyzed. International students were surveyed at the end of the program with demographic and open-ended question about their perceived outcomes of the experience. American students were required to keep and submit weekly logs of the meetings and their thoughts about the meeting. These students were further required to write an end-semester reflection paper, exploring their learning in areas of: better understanding the English language; learning about other cultures; and any other meaningful insights about the experience. These latter two data sources were analyzed qualitatively, using constant comparative analysis. Results of the study, overall, were positive with interesting insights from participants. International students reported improving their English. American students had their “eyes opened” repeatedly about other cultures. Many of the partners reported the forming on genuine and hopefully sustainable friendships. Often, the partnerships went beyond the course requirements spending evenings, or weekend days together

    Teaching languages online: Professional vision in the making

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    This experimental study examined the design and effectiveness of embodied interactions for learning. The researchers designed a digital learning environment integrating body joint mapping sensors to teach novice learners Chinese characters, and examined whether the embodied interaction would lead to greater knowledge acquisition in language learning compared to the conventional mouse-based interaction. Fifty-three adult learners were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The study adopted a pretest, an immediate posttest, and a delayed posttest on knowledge acquisition. Although higher scores were found for the embodied interaction group in both posttests, only the delayed posttest showed a statistically significant group difference. The findings suggested that active embodied actions lead to better knowledge retention compared with the passive visual embodiment. The body-moving process works as an alternative and complementary encoding strategy for character understanding and memorization by associating the semantic meaning of a character with the construction of a body posture

    A Review of Literature on Preparing Language Teachers to Teach Online: What Has Been Done and What Is Needed?

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    The purpose of this article is to synthesize the research on skills and competencies to prepare college language teachers to teach online since the publication of Hampel and Stickler\u27s article “New skills for new classrooms: Training tutors to teach languages online” in 2005. The researcher identified 15 studies in peer-reviewed journals to review. The findings reveal that new understandings have emerged about the necessary abilities and skills that a language teacher needs to acquire to be prepared to teach online. Important strategies to prepare teachers to gain these skills and abilities include learning by doing, by observation, and through reflection and learning from a critical friend\u27s feedback. Implications for designing programs to prepare language teachers to teach online are discussed

    Research Trends in English Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching

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    Research Trends in English Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching presents a collection of articles about principled review of recent research conducted in the field of ELT and English language teacher education. This resource will be of interest to novice and experienced researchers who would like to see an overview of recent research trends in the field. The collection of research would hopefully shed light on themes and line of research along with implications and suggestions for further research. Each chapter examines studies published in prominent journals in the recent years and attempts to classify them in terms of focused topics, methodology and findings. The edited collection of research is a product of an international research group in the field of English language teacher education formed by Gazi University (Ankara, Turkey), the University of Évora (Évora, Portugal), Pomeranian University (SƂupsk, Poland), and Boğaziçi University (Istanbul, Turkey). Research Trends in English Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching is produced as part of the Erasmus+ project titled ILTERG, "International Language Teacher Education Research Group" (no. KA203-035295), funded by the Turkish National Agency and co- founded by Erasmus+. We would like to thank several other authors from different universities who have contributed to this work of international collaboration and we hope Research Trends in English Language Teacher Education and English Language Teaching could help teacher educators and novice researchers to benefit from the insightful findings of recent research trends collected in the book

    Las TIC en la enseñanza: diversas formas de dar apoyo al aprendizaje

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    Ofrecemos a nuestros lectores un libro que recoge trabajos que aportan distintas visiones y perspectivas en cuestiones relacionadas con la integracion de las tecnologias de la informacion y de las comunicaciones (TIC) en la practica docente para que sea un punto de partida a partir del cual seguir explorando nuevas posibilidades y estas ser compartidas. La publicacion que aqui presentamos es trilingue. Comprende 3 articulos de investigacion en ingles, 8 en espa?ol y 16 en portugues, aunque todos, como hemos mencionado antes, tienen un cometido comun: abrir nuevas puertas y compartir nuevas experienciasGimeno Sanz, AM.; Siqueira Rocha, JMD. (2012). Las TIC en la enseñanza: diversas formas de dar apoyo al aprendizaje. Editorial Universitat PolitÚcnica de ValÚncia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1699