46 research outputs found

    Deep Neural Network Architecture Search for Wearable Heart Rate Estimations.

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    Extracting accurate heart rate estimations from wrist-worn photoplethysmography (PPG) devices is challenging due to the signal containing artifacts from several sources. Deep Learning approaches have shown very promising results outperforming classical methods with improvements of 21% and 31% on two state-of-the-art datasets. This paper provides an analysis of several data-driven methods for creating deep neural network architectures with hopes of further improvements

    Personalization of convolutional neural networks within the stress detection task using heart rate variability data

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    Stress detection is an active area of research with important implications for personal, occupational, and social health. Most modern approaches use features computed from multiple sensor modalities, i.e., grouping different types of data from multiple sources for processing. These include electrocardiogram, electrodermal activity, electromyogram, skin temperature, respiration, accelerometer data, etc. Also, traditional machine learning algorithms (decision tree, discriminant analysis, support vector machine, etc.) or fully-connected neural networks are mostly used. Using these methods requires large amounts of data. Researchers are considering different approaches to personalization or generalization of models relative to subjects, namely subject-independent and subject-dependent (initially personal or adapted) models. The aim of the presented work is to develop a method for detecting stress based on heart rate variability data, taking into account the process of personalization of neural networks. The use of a convolutional neural network is proposed. The dependence of accuracy on the length of the input signal is studied. The dependence of accuracy on the data dimensionality reduction layer (one-dimensional convolutional layer, maximizing and averaging pooling) used in the network is also considered. The importance of personalizing models is demonstrated to significantly increase the accuracy of models of specific subjects. It is shown that the proposed method, based on 60 intervals between heartbeats, makes it possible to binary determine whether a person is under stress. Personalization allowed increasing the accuracy from 91.8 % to 98.9 ± 2.6 %. The F1-score value increased from 0.907 to 0.983 ± 0.038. The proposed personalized networks can be used in systems for monitoring the functional state of a person. They can also be used as part of a system that grants or restricts access to private resources based on whether a person is currently at rest

    A Novel Loss Function Utilizing Wasserstein Distance to Reduce Subject-Dependent Noise for Generalizable Models in Affective Computing

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    Emotions are an essential part of human behavior that can impact thinking, decision-making, and communication skills. Thus, the ability to accurately monitor and identify emotions can be useful in many human-centered applications such as behavioral training, tracking emotional well-being, and development of human-computer interfaces. The correlation between patterns in physiological data and affective states has allowed for the utilization of deep learning techniques which can accurately detect the affective states of a person. However, the generalisability of existing models is often limited by the subject-dependent noise in the physiological data due to variations in a subject's reactions to stimuli. Hence, we propose a novel cost function that employs Optimal Transport Theory, specifically Wasserstein Distance, to scale the importance of subject-dependent data such that higher importance is assigned to patterns in data that are common across all participants while decreasing the importance of patterns that result from subject-dependent noise. The performance of the proposed cost function is demonstrated through an autoencoder with a multi-class classifier attached to the latent space and trained simultaneously to detect different affective states. An autoencoder with a state-of-the-art loss function i.e., Mean Squared Error, is used as a baseline for comparison with our model across four different commonly used datasets. Centroid and minimum distance between different classes are used as a metrics to indicate the separation between different classes in the latent space. An average increase of 14.75% and 17.75% (from benchmark to proposed loss function) was found for minimum and centroid euclidean distance respectively over all datasets.Comment: 9 page

    GSR Analysis for Stress: Development and Validation of an Open Source Tool for Noisy Naturalistic GSR Data

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    The stress detection problem is receiving great attention in related research communities. This is due to its essential part in behavioral studies for many serious health problems and physical illnesses. There are different methods and algorithms for stress detection using different physiological signals. Previous studies have already shown that Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), also known as Electrodermal Activity (EDA), is one of the leading indicators for stress. However, the GSR signal itself is not trivial to analyze. Different features are extracted from GSR signals to detect stress in people like the number of peaks, max peak amplitude, etc. In this paper, we are proposing an open-source tool for GSR analysis, which uses deep learning algorithms alongside statistical algorithms to extract GSR features for stress detection. Then we use different machine learning algorithms and Wearable Stress and Affect Detection (WESAD) dataset to evaluate our results. The results show that we are capable of detecting stress with the accuracy of 92 percent using 10-fold cross-validation and using the features extracted from our tool.Comment: 6 pages and 5 figures. Link to the github of the tool: https://github.com/HealthSciTech/pyED

    Stress detection using machine learning and deep learning

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    Stress is a normal phenomenon in today's world, and it causes people to respond to a variety of factors, resulting in physiological and behavioural changes. If we keep stress in our minds for too long, it will have an effect on our bodies. Many health conditions associated with stress can be avoided if stress is detected sooner. When a person is stressed, a pattern can be detected using various bio-signals such as thermal, electrical, impedance, acoustic, optical, and so on, and stress levels can be identified using these bio-signals. This paper uses a dataset that was obtained using an Internet of Things (IOT) sensor, which led to the collection of information about a real-life situation involving a person's mental health. To obtain a pattern for stress detection, data from sensors such as the Galvanic Skin Response Sensor (GSR) and the Electrocardiogram (ECG) were collected. The dataset will then be categorised using Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Decision Tree (DT), K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Deep Learning algorithms (DL). Accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-Score are used to assess the data's performance. Finally, Decision Tree (DT) had the best performance where DT have accuracy 95%, precision 96%, recall 96% and F1-score 96% among all machine learning classifiers