49 research outputs found

    Brussels-Austin Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in the Early Years: Similarity Transformations between Deterministic and Probabilistic Descriptions

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    The fundamental problem on which Ilya Prigogine and the Brussels-Austin Group have focused can be stated briefly as follows. Our observations indicate that there is an arrow of time in our experience of the world (e.g., decay of unstable radioactive atoms like Uranium, or the mixing of cream in coffee). Most of the fundamental equations of physics are time reversible, however, presenting an apparent conflict between our theoretical descriptions and experimental observations. Many have thought that the observed arrow of time was either an artifact of our observations or due to very special initial conditions. An alternative approach, followed by the Brussels-Austin Group, is to consider the observed direction of time to be a basics physical phenomenon and to develop a mathematical formalism that can describe this direction as being due to the dynamics of physical systems. In part I of this essay, I review and assess an attempt to carry out an approach that received much of their attention from the early 1970s to the mid 1980s. In part II, I will discuss their more recent approach using rigged Hilbert spaces.Comment: 22 pages, Part I of two parts; updated institutional affiliatio

    Noise induced dissipation in Lebesgue-measure preserving maps on d−d-dimensional torus

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    We consider dissipative systems resulting from the Gaussian and alphaalpha-stable noise perturbations of measure-preserving maps on the dd dimensional torus. We study the dissipation time scale and its physical implications as the noise level \vep vanishes. We show that nonergodic maps give rise to an O(1/\vep) dissipation time whereas ergodic toral automorphisms, including cat maps and their dd-dimensional generalizations, have an O(\ln{(1/\vep)}) dissipation time with a constant related to the minimal, {\em dimensionally averaged entropy} among the automorphism's irreducible blocks. Our approach reduces the calculation of the dissipation time to a nonlinear, arithmetic optimization problem which is solved asymptotically by means of some fundamental theorems in theories of convexity, Diophantine approximation and arithmetic progression. We show that the same asymptotic can be reproduced by degenerate noises as well as mere coarse-graining. We also discuss the implication of the dissipation time in kinematic dynamo.Comment: The research is supported in part by the grant from U.S. National Science Foundation, DMS-9971322 and Lech Wolowsk

    New Directions for Contact Integrators

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    Contact integrators are a family of geometric numerical schemes which guarantee the conservation of the contact structure. In this work we review the construction of both the variational and Hamiltonian versions of these methods. We illustrate some of the advantages of geometric integration in the dissipative setting by focusing on models inspired by recent studies in celestial mechanics and cosmology.Comment: To appear as Chapter 24 in GSI 2021, Springer LNCS 1282

    Discovering Causal Relations and Equations from Data

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    Physics is a field of science that has traditionally used the scientific method to answer questions about why natural phenomena occur and to make testable models that explain the phenomena. Discovering equations, laws and principles that are invariant, robust and causal explanations of the world has been fundamental in physical sciences throughout the centuries. Discoveries emerge from observing the world and, when possible, performing interventional studies in the system under study. With the advent of big data and the use of data-driven methods, causal and equation discovery fields have grown and made progress in computer science, physics, statistics, philosophy, and many applied fields. All these domains are intertwined and can be used to discover causal relations, physical laws, and equations from observational data. This paper reviews the concepts, methods, and relevant works on causal and equation discovery in the broad field of Physics and outlines the most important challenges and promising future lines of research. We also provide a taxonomy for observational causal and equation discovery, point out connections, and showcase a complete set of case studies in Earth and climate sciences, fluid dynamics and mechanics, and the neurosciences. This review demonstrates that discovering fundamental laws and causal relations by observing natural phenomena is being revolutionised with the efficient exploitation of observational data, modern machine learning algorithms and the interaction with domain knowledge. Exciting times are ahead with many challenges and opportunities to improve our understanding of complex systems.Comment: 137 page