2,793 research outputs found

    Intrinsic Dimensionality

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    This entry for the SIGSPATIAL Special July 2010 issue on Similarity Searching in Metric Spaces discusses the notion of intrinsic dimensionality of data in the context of similarity search.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, latex; diagram (c) has been correcte

    Geodesic distances in the intrinsic dimensionality estimation using packing numbers

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    Dimensionality reduction is a very important tool in data mining. An intrinsic dimensionality of a data set is a key parameter in many dimensionality reduction algorithms. When the intrinsic dimensionality of a data set is known, it is possible to reduce the dimensionality of the data without losing much information. To this end, it is reasonable to find out the intrinsic dimensionality of the data. In this paper, one of the global estimators of intrinsic dimensionality, the packing numbers estimator (PNE), is explored experimentally. We propose the modification of the PNE method that uses geodesic distances in order to improve the estimates of the intrinsic dimensionality by the PNE method

    Zero-bias autoencoders and the benefits of co-adapting features

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    Regularized training of an autoencoder typically results in hidden unit biases that take on large negative values. We show that negative biases are a natural result of using a hidden layer whose responsibility is to both represent the input data and act as a selection mechanism that ensures sparsity of the representation. We then show that negative biases impede the learning of data distributions whose intrinsic dimensionality is high. We also propose a new activation function that decouples the two roles of the hidden layer and that allows us to learn representations on data with very high intrinsic dimensionality, where standard autoencoders typically fail. Since the decoupled activation function acts like an implicit regularizer, the model can be trained by minimizing the reconstruction error of training data, without requiring any additional regularization

    The Intrinsic Dimensionality of Attractiveness: A Study in Face Profiles

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    The study of human attractiveness with pattern analysis techniques is an emerging research field. One still largely unresolved problem is which are the facial features relevant to attractiveness, how they combine together, and the number of independent parameters required for describing and identifying harmonious faces. In this paper, we present a first study about this problem, applied to face profiles. First, according to several empirical results, we hypothesize the existence of two well separated manifolds of attractive and unattractive face profiles. Then, we analyze with manifold learning techniques their intrinsic dimensionality. Finally, we show that the profile data can be reduced, with various techniques, to the intrinsic dimensions, largely without loosing their ability to discriminate between attractive and unattractive face

    Methods for Estimation of Intrinsic Dimensionality

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    Dimension reduction is an important tool used to describe the structure of complex data (explicitly or implicitly) through a small but sufficient number of variables, and thereby make data analysis more efficient. It is also useful for visualization purposes. Dimension reduction helps statisticians to overcome the ‘curse of dimensionality’. However, most dimension reduction techniques require the intrinsic dimension of the low-dimensional subspace to be fixed in advance. The availability of reliable intrinsic dimension (ID) estimation techniques is of major importance. The main goal of this thesis is to develop algorithms for determining the intrinsic dimensions of recorded data sets in a nonlinear context. Whilst this is a well-researched topic for linear planes, based mainly on principal components analysis, relatively little attention has been paid to ways of estimating this number for non–linear variable interrelationships. The proposed algorithms here are based on existing concepts that can be categorized into local methods, relying on randomly selected subsets of a recorded variable set, and global methods, utilizing the entire data set. This thesis provides an overview of ID estimation techniques, with special consideration given to recent developments in non–linear techniques, such as charting manifold and fractal–based methods. Despite their nominal existence, the practical implementation of these techniques is far from straightforward. The intrinsic dimension is estimated via Brand’s algorithm by examining the growth point process, which counts the number of points in hyper-spheres. The estimation needs to determine the starting point for each hyper-sphere. In this thesis we provide settings for selecting starting points which work well for most data sets. Additionally we propose approaches for estimating dimensionality via Brand’s algorithm, the Dip method and the Regression method. Other approaches are proposed for estimating the intrinsic dimension by fractal dimension estimation methods, which exploit the intrinsic geometry of a data set. The most popular concept from this family of methods is the correlation dimension, which requires the estimation of the correlation integral for a ball of radius tending to 0. In this thesis we propose new approaches to approximate the correlation integral in this limit. The new approaches are the Intercept method, the Slop method and the Polynomial method. In addition we propose a new approach, a localized global method, which could be defined as a local version of global ID methods. The objective of the localized global approach is to improve the algorithm based on a local ID method, which could significantly reduce the negative bias. Experimental results on real world and simulated data are used to demonstrate the algorithms and compare them to other methodology. A simulation study which verifies the effectiveness of the proposed methods is also provided. Finally, these algorithms are contrasted using a recorded data set from an industrial melter process

    Angle Tree: Nearest Neighbor Search in High Dimensions with Low Intrinsic Dimensionality

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    We propose an extension of tree-based space-partitioning indexing structures for data with low intrinsic dimensionality embedded in a high dimensional space. We call this extension an Angle Tree. Our extension can be applied to both classical kd-trees as well as the more recent rp-trees. The key idea of our approach is to store the angle (the "dihedral angle") between the data region (which is a low dimensional manifold) and the random hyperplane that splits the region (the "splitter"). We show that the dihedral angle can be used to obtain a tight lower bound on the distance between the query point and any point on the opposite side of the splitter. This in turn can be used to efficiently prune the search space. We introduce a novel randomized strategy to efficiently calculate the dihedral angle with a high degree of accuracy. Experiments and analysis on real and synthetic data sets shows that the Angle Tree is the most efficient known indexing structure for nearest neighbor queries in terms of preprocessing and space usage while achieving high accuracy and fast search time.Comment: To be submitted to IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc
