1,764 research outputs found

    Developing core competencies of sme managers using heutagogy principles

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    Entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial intentions of the current labour force in Bosnia and Herzegovina: The role of the theory of planned behaviour and entrepreneurial orientation

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    This article investigates the relationship between the dimensions of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (which includes attitude toward behavior, subjective norm, and perceived control behavior) and entrepreneurial intentions and intrapreneurial intentions, considering entrepreneurial orientation as a moderator. Using the snowball sampling method, cross-sectional data were collected from 437 respondents. After testing for reliability and validity using confirmatory factor analysis, hypotheses were tested using hierarchical regression. The results indicate that the attitudes toward entrepreneurship and perceived behavioral control positively relate to entrepreneurial intentions. In contrast, attitude toward intrapreneurship is the only dimension of the theory of planned behavior positively related to intrapreneurial intentions. The moderating role of entrepreneurial orientation is only significant for the relationship between attitude toward entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intentions. Based on the results, several recommendations are made for businesses and policymakers to boost entrepreneurial activity among the current labor force

    A Research Review on Entrepreneurial and Intrapreneurial Characteristics

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    The enthusiasm for entrepreneurial management in the past two decades has leaded a definition for the boundary and legitimacy. Entrepreneurial research is no longer focused on the individual level of characteristic traits, but extends to multi-level analysis, e.g. prior experience, corporate culture, social relationships, and educational background. The paper intends to review researches on entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for the purpose of identifying the similarities and differences between the two. We found that entrepreneurs tend to be higher risk taking, and uncertainty bearing, and intrapreneurs are better in communication and leading techniques. This paper tries to review, organize, and analyze the previous research contributions and hopes to provide managers with a practical reference for personnel filtering, training, and policy making as it gives employees an advanced mechanism for self-evaluation as a potential entrepreneur/intrapreneur

    Fundamental view of the outcomes of entrepreneurship education

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    The research paper presents a holistic framework of the outcomes of entrepreneurship education (EE) at educational and socio-economic levels. Employing the general scientific research methods, monograph and logical construction, the author investigates the fundamental origins of the European Competence Framework for entrepreneurial learning and identifies a scientific justification for its implementation. This work is also the first to exploit an integral view of entrepreneurship as a combination of employability, intrapreneurship and venture creation – for measuring the impact of entrepreneurship education, and to set linkages between learning outcomes in real life and educational settings. The target audiences for this paper include entrepreneurship educators, researchers and EE decision-makers. </p

    Innovative approach in companies: case study – Accenture

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    Mestrado em em Gestão e EmpreendorismoCurrently organizations are increasingly changing from the outset in their technological resources which is run through the processes of innovation. What is the purpose of this constant change? Organizations are seeking to become more effective and efficient in all its methods and departments, this is being achieved by a key tool that is innovation. Based on the literature review I realized that innovation in today's business days is a crucial factor for success, change management and efficiency of many developed procedures. An organization in order to succeed, sooner or later ends up creating innovation. The process of creating an innovation is critical to organizations and according to words of famous authors (Keeble & Wilkinson, 1999) is the result of a process of collective learning. Innovation is a spiralling process which begins at the individual level and goes up which means launching interaction between departments within organization. This work will also refer to a practical case study performed in Accenture Services and Operations main offices in Warsaw, conducted by surveys, with the purpose to understand what are the implications of innovations on employees´ on a daily basis.Atualmente, as organizações estão em constante mudança, cada vez mais ao nível dos seus recursos tecnológicos, que são geridos por processos de inovação. Qual é o propósito desta mudança constante? As organizações procuram e ambicionam tornarem-se mais eficazes e eficientes em todos os seus métodos, sistemas e departamentos, o que está sendo alcançado por um conceito chave que é a inovação. Com base na revisão da literatura, percebi que a inovação nos dias de hoje é um fator crucial para o sucesso, gestão, transformação e eficiência de muitos procedimentos desenvolvidos. Uma organização para ter sucesso, mais cedo ou mais tarde, cria inovação. O processo de criação de uma inovação é fundamental para as organizações e de acordo com as palavras de autores famosos (Keeble & Wilkinson, 1999) é o resultado de um processo de aprendizagem coletiva. A inovação é um processo em espiral que começa num nível individual e aumenta, o que significa que inicia e desenvolve a interação entre os departamentos dentro da organização. Este trabalho também tem como foco e objetivo um estudo de caso prático realizado nos escritórios principais da Accenture Serviços e Operações, localizados em Varsóvia. Esta componente prática é realizada sobretudo através de questionários, pesquisas e observações, com o intuito de entender quais são as implicações da inovação para a empresa e sobretudo para os colaboradores nos seus processos diários.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Intrapreneurial orientation in small and medium-sized enterprises : an exploration at the employee level

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    Abstract: The South African economy and, in particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have shown uninspiring performance, reflected in low levels of job creation, worryingly low levels of total early-stage entrepreneurial activity and entrepreneurial employee activity (EEA). As SMEs are the innovation and growth engine of an economy, the poor EEA levels (0.7%) indicate lacklustre levels of innovation and intrapreneurial activity..

    Intra-entrepreneurship management in tourist organizations in the east region of R. Macedonia

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    This paper is focused on the main results from the research embarked in the line of employees which work in tourism and catering in Macedonia. On top of this, on paper there is an idea to evaluate the current situation of the intra-entrepreneurship skills and abilities of the employees in the tourism field and to discover the deepest obstacles for their entrepreneurship development in the tourist sector. For this goal, self-administrative questionnaire has been distributed between the managers and employees that work in the tourist agencies and objects on several locations in Macedonia. Besides, on paper there are several concrete standards which implementation would make the process of effective internal management easier, which would make the managers and employees confront in the tourism and tourism sector in Macedonia. The contribution of this paper is that the solution of this question makes the under-developed academic work in Macedonia in this segment richer

    The effect of intrapreneurship on corporate performance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to study the influence of intrapreneurship on the performance of companies. Design/methodology/approach – The study develops and tests a theoretical model where the intrapreneurship is supported on the factors innovation, risk/uncertainty, risk/challenges, competitive energy, proactivity and autonomy, and the performance on the factors financial performance, growth and improvement and on the variable productivity. Based on a questionnaire, data from a sample of 217 medium-sized Portuguese companies were obtained. The study used the confirmatory analysis method based on structural equation modeling (SEM). Findings – The intrapreneurship has a multidimensional structure. This model proves its influence on the growth and improvement and the importance and explanatory power of this latent variable. Research limitations/implications – The techniques used to verify the effect of firm size and the age periods has not been sufficiently explored and the direct effect of latent variables of intrapreneurship on performance was not assessed. This work contributes to the theory highlighting the importance of factors in intrapreneurship and the influence of the context in the model. Practical implications – It was verified that the intrapreneurship has obvious effects on the measures of qualitative performance – growth and improvement. This is helpful for researchers looking for appropriate performance measures and for intrapreneurs aiming to get support for their decisions and evaluate their performance. Originality/value – This study considers the separation of the propensity for risk in two latent variables and includes the autonomy to characterize intrapreneurship and demonstrates the importance of qualitative measures of performance perceived in the perspective of medium and long term.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organising for Effective Academic Entrepreneurship

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    The contribution has three parts. In the first part the concept of academic entrepreneurship is explained, defined and put into the context of the entrepreneurial university. In the second part four cases are described: - (1) The Nikos case at the University of Twente: In Nikos teaching, research and spin-off activities are combined into one research institute. - (2) The NICENT case at the University of Ulster: NICENT is set up under the Science and Enterprise Centre activities in the UK. It focuses on education and training of students (undergraduates, graduates and post-graduates) and the stimulation of academic entrepreneurship in the academic constituency. - (3) The S-CIO case at Saxion Universities for Applied Sciences: In 2004 Saxion set up this Centre to have a one-stop shop for all entrepreneurial activities at the University. - (4) The Chair in Technological Entrepreneurship at Tshwane University: The focus of the Chair is on education of (under)graduate students in (technological) entrepreneurship and on the stimulation of entrepreneurship in the wider community. Each case has its own specific angle on academic entrepreneurship and in the thrid part the four cases are compared and analysed according to the model presented in the first part. Finally, some conclusions are formulated regarding the organisation of effective academic entrepreneurship