5,374 research outputs found

    A Deep Learning Framework for Unsupervised Affine and Deformable Image Registration

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    Image registration, the process of aligning two or more images, is the core technique of many (semi-)automatic medical image analysis tasks. Recent studies have shown that deep learning methods, notably convolutional neural networks (ConvNets), can be used for image registration. Thus far training of ConvNets for registration was supervised using predefined example registrations. However, obtaining example registrations is not trivial. To circumvent the need for predefined examples, and thereby to increase convenience of training ConvNets for image registration, we propose the Deep Learning Image Registration (DLIR) framework for \textit{unsupervised} affine and deformable image registration. In the DLIR framework ConvNets are trained for image registration by exploiting image similarity analogous to conventional intensity-based image registration. After a ConvNet has been trained with the DLIR framework, it can be used to register pairs of unseen images in one shot. We propose flexible ConvNets designs for affine image registration and for deformable image registration. By stacking multiple of these ConvNets into a larger architecture, we are able to perform coarse-to-fine image registration. We show for registration of cardiac cine MRI and registration of chest CT that performance of the DLIR framework is comparable to conventional image registration while being several orders of magnitude faster.Comment: Accepted: Medical Image Analysis - Elsevie

    Dynamic Image Processing for Guidance of Off-pump Beating Heart Mitral Valve Repair

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    Compared to conventional open heart procedures, minimally invasive off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair aims to deliver equivalent treatment for mitral regurgitation with reduced trauma and side effects. However, minimally invasive approaches are often limited by the lack of a direct view to surgical targets and/or tools, a challenge that is compounded by potential movement of the target during the cardiac cycle. For this reason, sophisticated image guidance systems are required in achieving procedural efficiency and therapeutic success. The development of such guidance systems is associated with many challenges. For example, the system should be able to provide high quality visualization of both cardiac anatomy and motion, as well as augmenting it with virtual models of tracked tools and targets. It should have the capability of integrating pre-operative images to the intra-operative scenario through registration techniques. The computation speed must be sufficiently fast to capture the rapid cardiac motion. Meanwhile, the system should be cost effective and easily integrated into standard clinical workflow. This thesis develops image processing techniques to address these challenges, aiming to achieve a safe and efficient guidance system for off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair. These techniques can be divided into two categories, using 3D and 2D image data respectively. When 3D images are accessible, a rapid multi-modal registration approach is proposed to link the pre-operative CT images to the intra-operative ultrasound images. The ultrasound images are used to display the real time cardiac motion, enhanced by CT data serving as high quality 3D context with annotated features. I also developed a method to generate synthetic dynamic CT images, aiming to replace real dynamic CT data in such a guidance system to reduce the radiation dose applied to the patients. When only 2D images are available, an approach is developed to track the feature of interest, i.e. the mitral annulus, based on bi-plane ultrasound images and a magnetic tracking system. The concept of modern GPU-based parallel computing is employed in most of these approaches to accelerate the computation in order to capture the rapid cardiac motion with desired accuracy. Validation experiments were performed on phantom, animal and human data. The overall accuracy of registration and feature tracking with respect to the mitral annulus was about 2-3mm with computation time of 60-400ms per frame, sufficient for one update per cardiac cycle. It was also demonstrated in the results that the synthetic CT images can provide very similar anatomical representations and registration accuracy compared to that of the real dynamic CT images. These results suggest that the approaches developed in the thesis have good potential for a safer and more effective guidance system for off-pump beating heart mitral valve repair

    Computer- and robot-assisted Medical Intervention

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    Medical robotics includes assistive devices used by the physician in order to make his/her diagnostic or therapeutic practices easier and more efficient. This chapter focuses on such systems. It introduces the general field of Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions, its aims, its different components and describes the place of robots in that context. The evolutions in terms of general design and control paradigms in the development of medical robots are presented and issues specific to that application domain are discussed. A view of existing systems, on-going developments and future trends is given. A case-study is detailed. Other types of robotic help in the medical environment (such as for assisting a handicapped person, for rehabilitation of a patient or for replacement of some damaged/suppressed limbs or organs) are out of the scope of this chapter.Comment: Handbook of Automation, Shimon Nof (Ed.) (2009) 000-00

    Virtual and Augmented Reality Techniques for Minimally Invasive Cardiac Interventions: Concept, Design, Evaluation and Pre-clinical Implementation

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    While less invasive techniques have been employed for some procedures, most intracardiac interventions are still performed under cardiopulmonary bypass, on the drained, arrested heart. The progress toward off-pump intracardiac interventions has been hampered by the lack of adequate visualization inside the beating heart. This thesis describes the development, assessment, and pre-clinical implementation of a mixed reality environment that integrates pre-operative imaging and modeling with surgical tracking technologies and real-time ultrasound imaging. The intra-operative echo images are augmented with pre-operative representations of the cardiac anatomy and virtual models of the delivery instruments tracked in real time using magnetic tracking technologies. As a result, the otherwise context-less images can now be interpreted within the anatomical context provided by the anatomical models. The virtual models assist the user with the tool-to-target navigation, while real-time ultrasound ensures accurate positioning of the tool on target, providing the surgeon with sufficient information to ``see\u27\u27 and manipulate instruments in absence of direct vision. Several pre-clinical acute evaluation studies have been conducted in vivo on swine models to assess the feasibility of the proposed environment in a clinical context. Following direct access inside the beating heart using the UCI, the proposed mixed reality environment was used to provide the necessary visualization and navigation to position a prosthetic mitral valve on the the native annulus, or to place a repair patch on a created septal defect in vivo in porcine models. Following further development and seamless integration into the clinical workflow, we hope that the proposed mixed reality guidance environment may become a significant milestone toward enabling minimally invasive therapy on the beating heart

    Augmented Image-Guidance for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    The introduction of transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), an innovative stent-based technique for delivery of a bioprosthetic valve, has resulted in a paradigm shift in treatment options for elderly patients with aortic stenosis. While there have been major advancements in valve design and access routes, TAVI still relies largely on single-plane fluoroscopy for intraoperative navigation and guidance, which provides only gross imaging of anatomical structures. Inadequate imaging leading to suboptimal valve positioning contributes to many of the early complications experienced by TAVI patients, including valve embolism, coronary ostia obstruction, paravalvular leak, heart block, and secondary nephrotoxicity from contrast use. A potential method of providing improved image-guidance for TAVI is to combine the information derived from intra-operative fluoroscopy and TEE with pre-operative CT data. This would allow the 3D anatomy of the aortic root to be visualized along with real-time information about valve and prosthesis motion. The combined information can be visualized as a `merged\u27 image where the different imaging modalities are overlaid upon each other, or as an `augmented\u27 image, where the location of key target features identified on one image are displayed on a different imaging modality. This research develops image registration techniques to bring fluoroscopy, TEE, and CT models into a common coordinate frame with an image processing workflow that is compatible with the TAVI procedure. The techniques are designed to be fast enough to allow for real-time image fusion and visualization during the procedure, with an intra-procedural set-up requiring only a few minutes. TEE to fluoroscopy registration was achieved using a single-perspective TEE probe pose estimation technique. The alignment of CT and TEE images was achieved using custom-designed algorithms to extract aortic root contours from XPlane TEE images, and matching the shape of these contours to a CT-derived surface model. Registration accuracy was assessed on porcine and human images by identifying targets (such as guidewires or coronary ostia) on the different imaging modalities and measuring the correspondence of these targets after registration. The merged images demonstrated good visual alignment of aortic root structures, and quantitative assessment measured an accuracy of less than 1.5mm error for TEE-fluoroscopy registration and less than 6mm error for CT-TEE registration. These results suggest that the image processing techniques presented have potential for development into a clinical tool to guide TAVI. Such a tool could potentially reduce TAVI complications, reducing morbidity and mortality and allowing for a safer procedure

    Augmenting CT cardiac roadmaps with segmented streaming ultrasound

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    Static X-ray computed tomography (CT) volumes are often used as anatomic roadmaps during catheter-based cardiac interventions performed under X-ray fluoroscopy guidance. These CT volumes provide a high-resolution depiction of soft-tissue structures, but at only a single point within the cardiac and respiratory cycles. Augmenting these static CT roadmaps with segmented myocardial borders extracted from live ultrasound (US) provides intra-operative access to real-time dynamic information about the cardiac anatomy. In this work, using a customized segmentation method based on a 3D active mesh, endocardial borders of the left ventricle were extracted from US image streams (4D data sets) at a frame rate of approximately 5 frames per second. The coordinate systems for CT and US modalities were registered using rigid body registration based on manually selected landmarks, and the segmented endocardial surfaces were overlaid onto the CT volume. The root-mean squared fiducial registration error was 3.80 mm. The accuracy of the segmentation was quantitatively evaluated in phantom and human volunteer studies via comparison with manual tracings on 9 randomly selected frames using a finite-element model (the US image resolutions of the phantom and volunteer data were 1.3 x 1.1 x 1.3 mm and 0.70 x 0.82 x 0.77 mm, respectively). This comparison yielded 3.70±2.5 mm (approximately 3 pixels) root-mean squared error (RMSE) in a phantom study and 2.58±1.58 mm (approximately 3 pixels) RMSE in a clinical study. The combination of static anatomical roadmap volumes and dynamic intra-operative anatomic information will enable better guidance and feedback for image-guided minimally invasive cardiac interventions

    Medical image computing and computer-aided medical interventions applied to soft tissues. Work in progress in urology

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    Until recently, Computer-Aided Medical Interventions (CAMI) and Medical Robotics have focused on rigid and non deformable anatomical structures. Nowadays, special attention is paid to soft tissues, raising complex issues due to their mobility and deformation. Mini-invasive digestive surgery was probably one of the first fields where soft tissues were handled through the development of simulators, tracking of anatomical structures and specific assistance robots. However, other clinical domains, for instance urology, are concerned. Indeed, laparoscopic surgery, new tumour destruction techniques (e.g. HIFU, radiofrequency, or cryoablation), increasingly early detection of cancer, and use of interventional and diagnostic imaging modalities, recently opened new challenges to the urologist and scientists involved in CAMI. This resulted in the last five years in a very significant increase of research and developments of computer-aided urology systems. In this paper, we propose a description of the main problems related to computer-aided diagnostic and therapy of soft tissues and give a survey of the different types of assistance offered to the urologist: robotization, image fusion, surgical navigation. Both research projects and operational industrial systems are discussed

    Development of a Surgical Assistance System for Guiding Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation

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    Development of image-guided interventional systems is growing up rapidly in the recent years. These new systems become an essential part of the modern minimally invasive surgical procedures, especially for the cardiac surgery. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is a recently developed surgical technique to treat severe aortic valve stenosis in elderly and high-risk patients. The placement of stented aortic valve prosthesis is crucial and typically performed under live 2D fluoroscopy guidance. To assist the placement of the prosthesis during the surgical procedure, a new fluoroscopy-based TAVI assistance system has been developed. The developed assistance system integrates a 3D geometrical aortic mesh model and anatomical valve landmarks with live 2D fluoroscopic images. The 3D aortic mesh model and landmarks are reconstructed from interventional angiographic and fluoroscopic C-arm CT system, and a target area of valve implantation is automatically estimated using these aortic mesh models. Based on template-based tracking approach, the overlay of visualized 3D aortic mesh model, landmarks and target area of implantation onto fluoroscopic images is updated by approximating the aortic root motion from a pigtail catheter motion without contrast agent. A rigid intensity-based registration method is also used to track continuously the aortic root motion in the presence of contrast agent. Moreover, the aortic valve prosthesis is tracked in fluoroscopic images to guide the surgeon to perform the appropriate placement of prosthesis into the estimated target area of implantation. An interactive graphical user interface for the surgeon is developed to initialize the system algorithms, control the visualization view of the guidance results, and correct manually overlay errors if needed. Retrospective experiments were carried out on several patient datasets from the clinical routine of the TAVI in a hybrid operating room. The maximum displacement errors were small for both the dynamic overlay of aortic mesh models and tracking the prosthesis, and within the clinically accepted ranges. High success rates of the developed assistance system were obtained for all tested patient datasets. The results show that the developed surgical assistance system provides a helpful tool for the surgeon by automatically defining the desired placement position of the prosthesis during the surgical procedure of the TAVI.Die Entwicklung bildgeführter interventioneller Systeme wächst rasant in den letzten Jahren. Diese neuen Systeme werden zunehmend ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der technischen Ausstattung bei modernen minimal-invasiven chirurgischen Eingriffen. Diese Entwicklung gilt besonders für die Herzchirurgie. Transkatheter Aortenklappen-Implantation (TAKI) ist eine neue entwickelte Operationstechnik zur Behandlung der schweren Aortenklappen-Stenose bei alten und Hochrisiko-Patienten. Die Platzierung der Aortenklappenprothese ist entscheidend und wird in der Regel unter live-2D-fluoroskopischen Bildgebung durchgeführt. Zur Unterstützung der Platzierung der Prothese während des chirurgischen Eingriffs wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Fluoroskopie-basiertes TAKI Assistenzsystem entwickelt. Das entwickelte Assistenzsystem überlagert eine 3D-Geometrie des Aorten-Netzmodells und anatomischen Landmarken auf live-2D-fluoroskopische Bilder. Das 3D-Aorten-Netzmodell und die Landmarken werden auf Basis der interventionellen Angiographie und Fluoroskopie mittels eines C-Arm-CT-Systems rekonstruiert. Unter Verwendung dieser Aorten-Netzmodelle wird das Zielgebiet der Klappen-Implantation automatisch geschätzt. Mit Hilfe eines auf Template Matching basierenden Tracking-Ansatzes wird die Überlagerung des visualisierten 3D-Aorten-Netzmodells, der berechneten Landmarken und der Zielbereich der Implantation auf fluoroskopischen Bildern korrekt überlagert. Eine kompensation der Aortenwurzelbewegung erfolgt durch Bewegungsverfolgung eines Pigtail-Katheters in Bildsequenzen ohne Kontrastmittel. Eine starrere Intensitätsbasierte Registrierungsmethode wurde verwendet, um kontinuierlich die Aortenwurzelbewegung in Bildsequenzen mit Kontrastmittelgabe zu detektieren. Die Aortenklappenprothese wird in die fluoroskopischen Bilder eingeblendet und dient dem Chirurg als Leitfaden für die richtige Platzierung der realen Prothese. Eine interaktive Benutzerschnittstelle für den Chirurg wurde zur Initialisierung der Systemsalgorithmen, zur Steuerung der Visualisierung und für manuelle Korrektur eventueller Überlagerungsfehler entwickelt. Retrospektive Experimente wurden an mehreren Patienten-Datensätze aus der klinischen Routine der TAKI in einem Hybrid-OP durchgeführt. Hohe Erfolgsraten des entwickelten Assistenzsystems wurden für alle getesteten Patienten-Datensätze erzielt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das entwickelte chirurgische Assistenzsystem ein hilfreiches Werkzeug für den Chirurg bei der Platzierung Position der Prothese während des chirurgischen Eingriffs der TAKI bietet