102 research outputs found

    Controversies in the History of the Radiation Reaction problem in General Relativity

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    This paper examines the historical controversy over whether gravitationally bound systems, such as binary stars, experienced orbital damping due to the emission of gravitational radiation, focusing especially on the period of the 1950s, but also discussing the work of Einstein and Rosen in the 1930s on cylindrical gravitational waves and the later quadrupole formula controversy.Comment: 33 pages, Late

    Epistemic Logic Programs with World View Constraints

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    An epistemic logic program is a set of rules written in the language of Epistemic Specifications, an extension of the language of answer set programming that provides for more powerful introspective reasoning through the use of modal operators K and M. We propose adding a new construct to Epistemic Specifications called a world view constraint that provides a universal device for expressing global constraints in the various versions of the language. We further propose the use of subjective literals (literals preceded by K or M) in rule heads as syntactic sugar for world view constraints. Additionally, we provide an algorithm for finding the world views of such programs

    Negation-as-failure considered harmful

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    In logic programs, negation-as-failure has been used both for representing negative information and for providing default nonmonotonic inference. In this paper we argue that this twofold role is not only unnecessary for the expressiveness of the language, but it also plays against declarative programming, especially if further negation symbols such as strong negation are also available. We therefore propose a new logic programming approach in which negation and default inference are independent, orthogonal concepts. Semantical characterization of this approach is given in the style of answer sets, but other approaches are also possible. Finally, we compare them with the semantics for logic programs with two kinds of negation.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Edsger Wybe Dijkstra (1930 -- 2002): A Portrait of a Genius

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    We discuss the scientific contributions of Edsger Wybe Dijkstra, his opinions and his legacy.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in Formal Aspects of Computin

    Controversies in the History of the Radiation Reaction Problem in General Relativity

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    Beginning in the early 1950s, experts in the theory of general relativity debated vigorously whether the theory predicted the emission of gravitational radiation from binary star systems. For a time, doubts also arose on whether gravitational waves could carry any energy. Since radiation phenomena have played a key role in the development of 20th century field theories, it is the main purpose of this paper to examine the reasons for the growth of scepticism regarding radiation in the case of the gravitational field. Although the focus is on the period from the mid-1930s to about 1960, when the modern study of gravitational waves was developing, some attention is also paid to the more recent and unexpected emergence of experimental data on gravitational waves which considerably sharpened the debate on certain controversial aspects of the theory of gravity waves. I analyze the use of the earlier history as a rhetorical device in review papers written by protagonists of the "quadrupole formula controversy" in the late 1970s and early 1980s. I argue that relativists displayed a lively interest in the historical background to the problem and exploited their knowledge of the literature to justify their own work and their assessment of the contemporary state of the subject. This illuminates the role of a scientific field's sense of its own history as a mediator in scientific controversy

    Negation-as-failure considered harmful

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    In logic programs, negation-as-failure has been used both for representing negative information and for providing default nonmonotonic inference. In this paper we argue that this twofold role is not only unnecessary for the expressiveness of the language, but it also plays against declarative programming, especially if further negation symbols such as strong negation are also available. We therefore propose a new logic programming approach in which negation and default inference are independent, orthogonal concepts. Semantical characterization of this approach is given in the style of answer sets, but other approaches are also possible. Finally, we compare them with the semantics for logic programs with two kinds of negation.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Extensions of equilibrium logic by modal concepts

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    La logique Here-and-there (HT) est une logique monotone à trois valeurs, intermédiaire entre les logiques intuitionniste et classique. La logique de l'équilibre est un formalisme non-monotone dont la sémantique est donnée par un critère de minimalisation sur les modèles de la logique HT. Ce formalisme est fortement lié à la programmation orientée ensemble réponse (ASP), un paradigme relativement nouveau de programmation déclarative. La logique de l'équilibre constitue la base logique de l'ASP: elle reproduit la sémantique par ensemble réponse des programmes logiques et étend la syntaxe de l'ASP à des théories propositionnelles plus générales, i.e., des ensembles finis de formules propositionnelles. Cette thèse traite aussi bien des logiques modales sous-jacentes à la logique de l'équilibre que de ses extensions modales. Ceci nous permet de produire un cadre complet pour l'ASP et d'examiner de nouveau la base logique de l'ASP. A cet égard, nous présentons d'abord une logique modale monotone appelée MEM et capable de caractériser aussi bien l'existence d'un modèle de la logique de l'équilibre que la relation de conséquence dans ces modèles. La logique MEM reproduit donc la propriété de minimalisation qui est essentielle dans la définition des modèles de la logique de l'équilibre. Nous définissons ensuite une extension dynamique de la logique de l'équilibre. Pour ce faire, nous étendons le langage de la logique HT par deux ensembles de programmes atomiques qui permettent de mettre à jour, si possible, les valeurs de vérité des variables propositionnelles. Ces programmes atomiques sont ensuite combinés au moyen des connecteurs habituels de la logique dynamique. Le formalisme résultant est appelé logique Here-and-there dynamique (D-HT) et permet la mise-à-jour des modèles de la logique de l'équilibre. Par ailleurs, nous établissons un lien entre la logique D-HT et la logique dynamique des affectations propositionnelles (DL-PA): les affectations propositionnelles mettent à vrai ou à faux les valeurs de vérité des variables propositionnelles et transforment le modèle courant comme en logique dynamique propositionnelle. En conséquence, DL-PA constitue également une logique modale sous-jacente à la logique de l'équilibre. Au début des années 1990, Gelfond avait défini les spécifications épistémiques (E-S) comme une extension de la programmation logique disjonctive par des notions épistémiques. L'idée de base des E-S est de raisonner correctement à propos d'une information incomplète au moyen de la notion de vue-monde dans des situations où la notion précédente d'ensemble réponse n'est pas assez précise pour traiter le raisonnement de sens commun et où il y a une multitude d'ensembles réponses. Nous ajoutons ici des opérateurs épistémiques au langage original de la logique HT et nous définissons une version épistémique de la logique de l'équilibre. Cette version épistémique constitue une nouvelle sémantique non seulement pour les spécifications épistémiques de Gelfond, mais aussi plus généralement pour les programmes logiques épistémiques étendus. Enfin, nous comparons notre approche avec les sémantiques existantes et nous proposons une équivalence forte pour les théories de l'E-HT. Ceci nous conduit naturellement des E-S aux ASP épistémiques et peut être considéré comme point de départ pour les nouvelles extensions du cadre ASP.Here-and-there (HT) logic is a three-valued monotonic logic which is intermediate between classical logic and intuitionistic logic. Equilibrium logic is a nonmonotonic formalism whose semantics is given through a minimisation criterion over HT models. It is closely aligned with answer set programming (ASP), which is a relatively new paradigm for declarative programming. To spell it out, equilibrium logic provides a logical foundation for ASP: it captures the answer set semantics of logic programs and extends the syntax of answer set programs to more general propositional theories, i.e., finite sets of propositional formulas. This dissertation addresses modal logics underlying equilibrium logic as well as its modal extensions. It allows us to provide a comprehensive framework for ASP and to reexamine its logical foundations. In this respect, we first introduce a monotonic modal logic called MEM that is powerful enough to characterise the existence of an equilibrium model as well as the consequence relation in equilibrium models. The logic MEM thus captures the minimisation attitude that is central in the definition of equilibrium models. Then we introduce a dynamic extension of equilibrium logic. We first extend the language of HT logic by two kinds of atomic programs, allowing to update the truth value of a propositional variable here or there, if possible. These atomic programs are then combined by the usual dynamic logic connectives. The resulting formalism is called dynamic here-and-there logic (D-HT), and it allows for atomic change of equilibrium models. Moreover, we relate D-HT to dynamic logic of propositional assignments (DL-PA): propositional assignments set the truth values of propositional variables to either true or false and update the current model in the style of dynamic epistemic logics. Eventually, DL-PA constitutes an alternative monotonic modal logic underlying equilibrium logic. In the beginning of the 90s, Gelfond has introduced epistemic specifications (E-S) as an extension of disjunctive logic programming by epistemic notions. The underlying idea of E-S is to correctly reason about incomplete information, especially in situations when there are multiple answer sets. Related to this aim, he has proposed the world view semantics because the previous answer set semantics was not powerful enough to deal with commonsense reasoning. We here add epistemic operators to the original language of HT logic and define an epistemic version of equilibrium logic. This provides a new semantics not only for Gelfond's epistemic specifications, but also for more general nested epistemic logic programs. Finally, we compare our approach with the already existing semantics, and also provide a strong equivalence result for EHT theories. This paves the way from E-S to epistemic ASP, and can be regarded as a nice starting point for further frameworks of extensions of ASP