12 research outputs found

    Interview with Bettina Uhlich on “IT Controlling”

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    Rektoratsbericht 2014

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    Rektoratsbericht für das Jahr 201

    Vienna's Transnational Fringe: Arts Funding, Aesthetic Agitation, and Europeanization

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    This dissertation deals with a subculture of transnational fringe artists, which is emerging in Europe in the early part of the twenty first century. It examines this subculture within the confines of Vienna, Austria, which was once the capital of a grand supra-national empire that spanned much of Central and Eastern Europe. Vienna is the site of this case study because in recent years the city has been instituting a self-conscious internationalization of its fringe scene, which resulted from local politicians' desires to help the city regain some of its long lost symbolic capital and become a legitimate competitor in an expanding and converging European field of cultural and economic production. In Vienna's struggle for symbolic capital, the city's subculture of fringe artists is defined by their need to collaborate with the socio-political demands of the local government. They are also impacted by the requirement that they adhere to the economic, ideological, and aesthetic demands of transnational social spaces, i.e. co-production venues and fringe festivals, throughout Europe. The artists are enmeshed in external pressures as they forge paths for themselves within an increasingly uniform European fringe scene. The artists' complicity in the processes of globalization and Europeanization, which enable their subculture as they threaten to divest them of their "avant-garde impulse," causes the artists to adopt a highly ironic posture in their work. This posture, which is evident in their performances, may be partially to blame for a widespread claim that European fringe artists are suffering from an aesthetic crisis. An examination of two fringe groups, i.e. Toxic Dreams and Superamas, which are thriving within Vienna's current system, reveals how any analysis of the aesthetics and ideologies of the performances being generated in the context of Europe's fringe scene must take into account the material realities that the artists are facing. In this dissertation the term conglomerate performance is used a as a descriptor for the emergent genre that is adapted from a media-induced and "McDonalidized" system of cultural production within a specific, yet vital niche of European culture

    Determinanty sexuální spokojenosti u českých mužů

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    MUDr. Watcharaphol Alexandre Kamnerdsiri Determinanty sexuální spokojenosti českých mužů Page 1 of 5 Determinanty sexuální spokojenosti českých mužů Abstrakt Medicína i odborná literatura se, zejména pak v oblasti sexuologie, zcela legitimně zaměřují na studium a léčbu všech poruch a dysfunkcí, které ovlivňují člověka a jeho sexualitu. Prostřednictvím této disertační práce jsme se pokusili zjistit faktory, které ovlivňují sexuální spokojenost u mužů. Jsem si přitom vědomi toho, že sexuální spokojenost je plně subjektivní pojem, v současné době určovaný například i snadným přístupem k pornografickým materiálům, které vedou každého muže ke srovnávání, jakkoli jsou jejich měřítka nereálné. K měření sexuální spokojenosti existuje mnoho nástrojů. Bylo však prokázáno, že hodnocení sexuální spokojenosti prostřednictvím jediné otázky je téměř stejně spolehlivé jako využití podrobných dotazníků. Vzhledem k tomu, že je tato disertace začleněna do mnohem rozsáhlejšího výzkumu založeného na dotazníku o 90 otázkách, bylo rozhodnuto použít pouze jednu otázku týkající se sexuální spokojenosti. Tato otázka byla však rozdělena do dvou podotázek; jedna se týká celkové spokojenosti se sexuálním životem, druhá se zabývá aktuální sexuální spokojeností ve vztahu s partnerem. Odpovědi na tyto dvě otázky byly porovnány se...MUDr. Watcharaphol Alexandre Kamnerdsiri Determinants of Sexual Satisfaction in Czech Men Page 1 of 5 Determinants of Sexual Satisfaction in Czech Men Abstract Very legitimately, medicine as well as medical literature, especially in the field of sexology, focuses on the study and treatment of all disorders and dysfunctions that affect the human race and its sexuality. Through this thesis, we attempted to resist against this general trend and sought anything that would facilitate or promote a man's achievement of an accomplished and happy sexuality. These terms imply a sexuality that satisfies this man. There is indeed nothing more subjective than sexual satisfaction, despite the easy access to pornographic material that tends to introduce some elements of comparison in the mind of each man, however unrealistic. There are many tools to measure sexual satisfaction. However, it has been demonstrated that assessing sexual satisfaction with a single question is nearly as reliable as using more detailed questionnaires. As this thesis is integrated into a much larger research based on a 90-item questionnaire, it was decided to use only one question regarding sexual satisfaction. However, it has been divided into two variants, one on the overall sex life satisfaction, and the other on the recent sexual satisfaction...Department of Psychiatry First Faculty of Medicine and General University HospitalPsychiatrická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Informationsflüsse, Wahlen und Demokratie: Festschrift für Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck

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    Der Band ist dem Verhältnis von Informationen, Wahlen und Demokratie gewidmet. Deutschland, aber auch andere Länder in den Blick nehmend, widmen sich die Autor:innen vor allem den Bürger:innen, ihren Einstellungen, Interessen und Wahlentscheidungen. Auch die Rolle von Kontexten wird beleuchtet, insbesondere von Informationskontexten: Wie und mit wem sprechen Menschen über Politik, wie informieren sie sich über neue und alte Medien, welche Rollen spielen intermediäre Instanzen

    Interview with Bettina Uhlich on “IT Controlling”

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    Controlling kooperativer Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von IT-Dienstleistern

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    Im Zentrum der Dissertation steht die Entwicklung einer Controllingkonzeption für die kooperative Erstellung von IT-Dienstleistungen in Wertschöpfungsnetzwerken. Dabei werden zunächst Spezifika der kooperativen Leistungserstellung und dem Controllingobjekt IT-Dienstleistung erörtert. Wichtige Aspekte sind hierbei die Berücksichtigung verschiedener Kategorien von IT-Dienstleistungen, unterschiedliche Betrachtungsebenen der interorganisationalen Leistungserstellung sowie die Heterogenität der Lebenszyklusphasen eines Wertschöpfungsnetzwerks. Auf Basis dieser Rahmenbedingungen werden konkrete Ziele, Aufgaben und organisationale Anforderungen an das Controlling kooperativer Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke von IT-Dienstleistern identifiziert. Anschließend werden hierzu geeignete Instrumente der Planung, Steuerung und Kontrolle präsentiert. Die praktische Anwendbarkeit des vorgeschlagenen Instrumentensets wird anhand eines fiktiven Fallbeispiels demonstriert. This dissertation presents a concept for networks of IT service providers from a management accounting perspective. Specific attributes of cooperative networks, such as perspectives of interorganizational processes and the life cycle of value networks, and the production of IT services, such as IT service categories, constitute fundamental factors for the development of this concept. Besides, these factors determine goals, tasks and organizational aspects of the management accounting concept. These issues are used to identify appropriate instruments for planning, governing and controlling IT service networks. The practical applicability of these instruments is demonstrated with the help of a fictitious case study

    Jahresbibliographie der Universität München. Band 3 für das Jahr 1971

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    Personen- und Studienverzeichnis : Wintersemester 1986/87

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    Retrodigitalisierte Vorlesungsverzeichnisse der Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität. Teilweise auch enthaltend: - Vorlesungsverzeichnis - Personenverzeichnis - Studienverzeichnis - Personalverzeichni