2,677 research outputs found

    Attainability in Repeated Games with Vector Payoffs

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    We introduce the concept of attainable sets of payoffs in two-player repeated games with vector payoffs. A set of payoff vectors is called {\em attainable} if player 1 can ensure that there is a finite horizon TT such that after time TT the distance between the set and the cumulative payoff is arbitrarily small, regardless of what strategy player 2 is using. This paper focuses on the case where the attainable set consists of one payoff vector. In this case the vector is called an attainable vector. We study properties of the set of attainable vectors, and characterize when a specific vector is attainable and when every vector is attainable.Comment: 28 pages, 2 figures, conference version at NetGCoop 201

    Matrix Game with Payoffs Represented by Triangular Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Numbers

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    Matrix Game with Payoffs RepresentedDue to the complexity of information or the inaccuracy of decision-makers’ cognition, it is difficult for experts to quantify the information accurately in the decision-making process. However, the integration of the fuzzy set and game theory provides a way to help decision makers solve the problem. This research aims to develop a methodology for solving matrix game with payoffs represented by triangular dual hesitant fuzzy numbers (TDHFNs). First, the definition of TDHFNs with their cut sets are presented. The inequality relations between two TDHFNs are also introduced. Second, the matrix game with payoffs represented by TDHFNs is investigated. Moreover, two TDHFNs programming models are transformed into two linear programming models to obtain the numerical solution of the proposed fuzzy matrix game. Furthermore, a case study is given to to illustrate the efficiency and applicability of the proposed methodology. Our results also demonstrate the advantage of the proposed concept of TDHFNs

    (R1976) A Novel Approach to Solve Fuzzy Rough Matrix Game with Two Players

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    This paper proposes a new method for solving a two-person zero-sum fuzzy matrix game with goals, payoffs, and decision variables represented as triangular fuzzy rough numbers. We created a pair of fully fuzzy rough linear programming problems for players. Triangular fuzzy rough numbers can be used to formulate two fuzzy linear programming problems for the first player in the form of upper approximation intervals and lower approximation intervals. Two problems for the second player can be created in the same way. These problems have been split into five sub-crisp problems for the player first and five sub-crisp problems for the player second. The solution to the game can be obtained by solving these ten fuzzy linear programming problems. To demonstrate the method, a numerical example is provided. Using Wolfram Cloud, optimal strategies and game values are calculated for various parameters. Sensitivity analysis is carried out by altering the values of parameters

    Robust Stackelberg Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games and Extension to Limited Lookahead

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    Stackelberg equilibria have become increasingly important as a solution concept in computational game theory, largely inspired by practical problems such as security settings. In practice, however, there is typically uncertainty regarding the model about the opponent. This paper is, to our knowledge, the first to investigate Stackelberg equilibria under uncertainty in extensive-form games, one of the broadest classes of game. We introduce robust Stackelberg equilibria, where the uncertainty is about the opponent's payoffs, as well as ones where the opponent has limited lookahead and the uncertainty is about the opponent's node evaluation function. We develop a new mixed-integer program for the deterministic limited-lookahead setting. We then extend the program to the robust setting for Stackelberg equilibrium under unlimited and under limited lookahead by the opponent. We show that for the specific case of interval uncertainty about the opponent's payoffs (or about the opponent's node evaluations in the case of limited lookahead), robust Stackelberg equilibria can be computed with a mixed-integer program that is of the same asymptotic size as that for the deterministic setting.Comment: Published at AAAI1