3,287 research outputs found

    Satellite communication performance evaluation: Computational techniques based on moments

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    Computational techniques that efficiently compute bit error probabilities when only moments of the various interference random variables are available are presented. The approach taken is a generalization of the well known Gauss-Quadrature rules used for numerically evaluating single or multiple integrals. In what follows, basic algorithms are developed. Some of its properties and generalizations are shown and its many potential applications are described. Some typical interference scenarios for which the results are particularly applicable include: intentional jamming, adjacent and cochannel interferences; radar pulses (RFI); multipath; and intersymbol interference. While the examples presented stress evaluation of bit error probilities in uncoded digital communication systems, the moment techniques can also be applied to the evaluation of other parameters, such as computational cutoff rate under both normal and mismatched receiver cases in coded systems. Another important application is the determination of the probability distributions of the output of a discrete time dynamical system. This type of model occurs widely in control systems, queueing systems, and synchronization systems (e.g., discrete phase locked loops)

    Performance of optimum detector structures for noisy intersymbol interference channels

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    The errors which arise in transmitting digital information by radio or wireline systems because of additive noise from successively transmitted signals interfering with one another are described. The probability of error and the performance of optimum detector structures are examined. A comparative study of the performance of certain detector structures and approximations to them, and the performance of a transversal equalizer are included

    Influence of bandwidth restriction on the signal-to-noise performance of a modulated PCM/NRZ signal, part 2

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    Analyzing effects of bandlimiting on performance of digital transmission corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise by averaging and series expansio

    Timing performance of phased-locked loops in optical pulse position modulation communication systems

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    An optical digital communication system requires that an accurate clock signal be available at the receiver for proper synchronization with the transmitted signal. Phase synchronization is especially critical in M-ary pulse position modulation (PPM) systems where the optimum decision scheme is an energy detector which compares the energy in each of M time slots to decide which of M possible words was sent. Timing errors cause energy spillover into adjacent time slots (a form of intersymbol interference) so that only a portion of the signal energy may be attributed to the correct time slot. This effect decreases the effective signal, increases the effective noise, and increases the probability of error. A timing subsystem for a satellite-to-satellite optical PPM communication link is simulated. The receiver employs direct photodetection, preprocessing of the detected signal, and a phase-locked loop for timing synchronization. The variance of the relative phase error is examined under varying signal strength conditions as an indication of loop performance, and simulation results are compared to theoretical calculations

    Study of information transfer optimization for communication satellites

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    The results are presented of a study of source coding, modulation/channel coding, and systems techniques for application to teleconferencing over high data rate digital communication satellite links. Simultaneous transmission of video, voice, data, and/or graphics is possible in various teleconferencing modes and one-way, two-way, and broadcast modes are considered. A satellite channel model including filters, limiter, a TWT, detectors, and an optimized equalizer is treated in detail. A complete analysis is presented for one set of system assumptions which exclude nonlinear gain and phase distortion in the TWT. Modulation, demodulation, and channel coding are considered, based on an additive white Gaussian noise channel model which is an idealization of an equalized channel. Source coding with emphasis on video data compression is reviewed, and the experimental facility utilized to test promising techniques is fully described

    A study of digital techniques for signal processing

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    Analysis and definition of digital techniques for signal processin

    Optimization of an optically implemented on-board FDMA demultiplexer

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    Performance of a 30 GHz frequency division multiple access (FDMA) uplink to a processing satellite is modelled for the case where the onboard demultiplexer is implemented optically. Included in the performance model are the effects of adjacent channel interference, intersymbol interference, and spurious signals associated with the optical implementation. Demultiplexer parameters are optimized to provide the minimum bit error probability at a given bandwidth efficiency when filtered QPSK modulation is employed