4 research outputs found

    Embedded dynamic programming networks for networks-on-chip

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    PhD ThesisRelentless technology downscaling and recent technological advancements in three dimensional integrated circuit (3D-IC) provide a promising prospect to realize heterogeneous system-on-chip (SoC) and homogeneous chip multiprocessor (CMP) based on the networks-onchip (NoCs) paradigm with augmented scalability, modularity and performance. In many cases in such systems, scheduling and managing communication resources are the major design and implementation challenges instead of the computing resources. Past research efforts were mainly focused on complex design-time or simple heuristic run-time approaches to deal with the on-chip network resource management with only local or partial information about the network. This could yield poor communication resource utilizations and amortize the benefits of the emerging technologies and design methods. Thus, the provision for efficient run-time resource management in large-scale on-chip systems becomes critical. This thesis proposes a design methodology for a novel run-time resource management infrastructure that can be realized efficiently using a distributed architecture, which closely couples with the distributed NoC infrastructure. The proposed infrastructure exploits the global information and status of the network to optimize and manage the on-chip communication resources at run-time. There are four major contributions in this thesis. First, it presents a novel deadlock detection method that utilizes run-time transitive closure (TC) computation to discover the existence of deadlock-equivalence sets, which imply loops of requests in NoCs. This detection scheme, TC-network, guarantees the discovery of all true-deadlocks without false alarms in contrast to state-of-the-art approximation and heuristic approaches. Second, it investigates the advantages of implementing future on-chip systems using three dimensional (3D) integration and presents the design, fabrication and testing results of a TC-network implemented in a fully stacked three-layer 3D architecture using a through-silicon via (TSV) complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. Testing results demonstrate the effectiveness of such a TC-network for deadlock detection with minimal computational delay in a large-scale network. Third, it introduces an adaptive strategy to effectively diffuse heat throughout the three dimensional network-on-chip (3D-NoC) geometry. This strategy employs a dynamic programming technique to select and optimize the direction of data manoeuvre in NoC. It leads to a tool, which is based on the accurate HotSpot thermal model and SystemC cycle accurate model, to simulate the thermal system and evaluate the proposed approach. Fourth, it presents a new dynamic programming-based run-time thermal management (DPRTM) system, including reactive and proactive schemes, to effectively diffuse heat throughout NoC-based CMPs by routing packets through the coolest paths, when the temperature does not exceed chip’s thermal limit. When the thermal limit is exceeded, throttling is employed to mitigate heat in the chip and DPRTM changes its course to avoid throttled paths and to minimize the impact of throttling on chip performance. This thesis enables a new avenue to explore a novel run-time resource management infrastructure for NoCs, in which new methodologies and concepts are proposed to enhance the on-chip networks for future large-scale 3D integration.Iraqi Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MOHESR)

    Politics of Flight : A Philosophical Refuge

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    In this research, the political relationality in-between life and expression is viewed on through Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizomatic anti-methodology. In the first part, the methodological context is elaborated and brought into relation with Arendt and Agamben's work. After Part I Dispositioning a Milieu in which I dispose the conceptual and paradigmatic frameworks of thinking within politics of flight; in Part II Exposition of Milieus the diversity of practices within the politics of flight are mapped out. This provides a politico-philosophical diagnosis in which the relationships between bodies and expression are always carried out in the same way in each chapter: from form of content to form of expression to matter of expression to matter of content. Form of content is the territorial setting in which bodies are assembled in a certain way; these assemblies are strengthened by form of expression. Yet, forms break and degrade, they never fully touch the unthinkable reality. They do not always give room to the voices, gestures and images (matter of expression) that defy the absoluteness of these forms. Yet, I end each chapter with the matter of content; which simply indicates life itself in all its varieties and in all its possible connections to a discourse. Each chapter ‘concludes’ with matter of content, due to the fact that, as I argue, life is the most neglected phenomenon in politics. The ending is however not for the sake of finality; but for the sake of a process. As a feedback loop this ‘recapitulation’ bends back toward the start; toward enforced forms of content and forms of expression, in order to create another form of politics. How do we express endlessness? How do we approach a limbo as a topos of in-between that escapes our discursive vocabulary of here versus there

    Redesigning the World Trade Organization for the twenty-first century

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    Co-published with the Centre for International Governance Innovation and Wilfrid Laurier University PressThis volume is a call to action. It lays out proposals for a blueprint for reform of the WTO as an institution. Contributors focus on five critical areas: transparency, decision- and rule-making procedures, internal management structures, participation by nongovernmental organizations and civil society, and relationships with regional trade agreements. It explains why institutional reform of the WTO is needed and provides innovative, practical proposals for modernizing the WTO to enable it to respond to the challenges of the 21st century

    Statistics of mines and mining in the states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains; Being the Seventh Annual Report of Rossiter W. Raymond, United States Commissioner of Mining Statistics.

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    Statistics on Mining West of the Rocky Mountains. 23 Feb. HED 177, 43-2, v18 , 540p. [1651] Apache hostilities in Arizona now affecting mining there much less