10 research outputs found

    Decidable Reasoning in Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems

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    Terminological knowledge representation systems (TKRSs) are tools for designing and using knowledge bases that make use of terminological languages (or concept languages). We analyze from a theoretical point of view a TKRS whose capabilities go beyond the ones of presently available TKRSs. The new features studied, often required in practical applications, can be summarized in three main points. First, we consider a highly expressive terminological language, called ALCNR, including general complements of concepts, number restrictions and role conjunction. Second, we allow to express inclusion statements between general concepts, and terminological cycles as a particular case. Third, we prove the decidability of a number of desirable TKRS-deduction services (like satisfiability, subsumption and instance checking) through a sound, complete and terminating calculus for reasoning in ALCNR-knowledge bases. Our calculus extends the general technique of constraint systems. As a byproduct of the proof, we get also the result that inclusion statements in ALCNR can be simulated by terminological cycles, if descriptive semantics is adopted.Comment: See http://www.jair.org/ for any accompanying file

    Information integration: conceptual modeling and reasoning support

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    Distributed First Order Logic

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    Distributed First Order Logic (DFOL) has been introduced more than ten years ago with the purpose of formalising distributed knowledge-based systems, where knowledge about heterogeneous domains is scattered into a set of interconnected modules. DFOL formalises the knowledge contained in each module by means of first-order theories, and the interconnections between modules by means of special inference rules called bridge rules. Despite their restricted form in the original DFOL formulation, bridge rules have influenced several works in the areas of heterogeneous knowledge integration, modular knowledge representation, and schema/ontology matching. This, in turn, has fostered extensions and modifications of the original DFOL that have never been systematically described and published. This paper tackles the lack of a comprehensive description of DFOL by providing a systematic account of a completely revised and extended version of the logic, together with a sound and complete axiomatisation of a general form of bridge rules based on Natural Deduction. The resulting DFOL framework is then proposed as a clear formal tool for the representation of and reasoning about distributed knowledge and bridge rules

    Dynamic Integration of Evolving Distributed Databases using Services

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    This thesis investigates the integration of many separate existing heterogeneous and distributed databases which, due to organizational changes, must be merged and appear as one database. A solution to some database evolution problems is presented. It presents an Evolution Adaptive Service-Oriented Data Integration Architecture (EA-SODIA) to dynamically integrate heterogeneous and distributed source databases, aiming to minimize the cost of the maintenance caused by database evolution. An algorithm, named Relational Schema Mapping by Views (RSMV), is designed to integrate source databases that are exposed as services into a pre-designed global schema that is in a data integrator service. Instead of producing hard-coded programs, views are built using relational algebra operations to eliminate the heterogeneities among the source databases. More importantly, the definitions of those views are represented and stored in the meta-database with some constraints to test their validity. Consequently, the method, called Evolution Detection, is then able to identify in the meta-database the views affected by evolutions and then modify them automatically. An evaluation is presented using case study. Firstly, it is shown that most types of heterogeneity defined in this thesis can be eliminated by RSMV, except semantic conflict. Secondly, it presents that few manual modification on the system is required as long as the evolutions follow the rules. For only three types of database evolutions, human intervention is required and some existing views are discarded. Thirdly, the computational cost of the automatic modification shows a slow linear growth in the number of source database. Other characteristics addressed include EA-SODIA’ scalability, domain independence, autonomy of source databases, and potential of involving other data sources (e.g.XML). Finally, the descriptive comparison with other data integration approaches is presented. It shows that although other approaches may provide better performance of query processing in some circumstances, the service-oriented architecture provide better autonomy, flexibility and capability of evolution

    Semantic validation in spatio-temporal schema integration

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    This thesis proposes to address the well-know database integration problem with a new method that combines functionality from database conceptual modeling techniques with functionality from logic-based reasoners. We elaborate on a hybrid - modeling+validation - integration approach for spatio-temporal information integration on the schema level. The modeling part of our methodology is supported by the spatio-temporal conceptual model MADS, whereas the validation part of the integration process is delegated to the description logics validation services. We therefore adhere to the principle that, rather than extending either formalism to try to cover all desirable functionality, a hybrid system, where the database component and the logic component would cooperate, each one performing the tasks for which it is best suited, is a viable solution for semantically rich information management. First, we develop a MADS-based flexible integration approach where the integrated schema designer has several viable ways to construct a final integrated schema. For different related schema elements we provide the designer with four general policies and with a set of structural solutions or structural patterns within each policy. To always guarantee an integrated solution, we provide for a preservation policy with multi-representation structural pattern. To state the inter-schema mappings, we elaborate on a correspondence language with explicit spatial and temporal operators. Thus, our correspondence language has three facets: structural, spatial, and temporal, allowing to relate the thematic representation as well as the spatial and temporal features. With the inter-schema mappings, the designer can state correspondences between related populations, and define the conditions that rule the matching at the instance level. These matching rules can then be used in query rewriting procedures or to match the instances within the data integration process. We associate a set of putative structural patterns to each type of population correspondence, providing a designer with a patterns' selection for flexible integrated schema construction. Second, we enhance our integration method by employing validation services of the description logic formalism. It is not guaranteed that the designer can state all the inter-schema mappings manually, and that they are all correct. We add the validation phase to ensure validity and completeness of the inter-schema mappings set. Inter-schema mappings cannot be validated autonomously, i.e., they are validated against the data model and the schemas they link. Thus, to implement our validation approach, we translate the data model, the source schemas and the inter-schema mappings into a description logic formalism, preserving the spatial and temporal semantics of the MADS data model. Thus, our modeling approach in description logic insures that the model designer will correctly define spatial and temporal schema elements and inter-schema mappings. The added value of the complete translation (i.e., including the data model and the source schemas) is that we validate not only the inter-schema mappings, but also the compliance of the source schemas to the data model, and infer implicit relationships within them. As the result of the validation procedure, the schema designer obtains the complete and valid set of inter-schema mappings and a set of valid (flexible) schematic patterns to apply to construct an integrated schema that meets application requirements. To further our work, we model a framework in which a schema designer is able to follow our integration method and realize the schema integration task in an assisted way. We design two models, UML and SEAM models, of a system that provides for integration functionalities. The models describe a framework where several tools are employed together, each involved in the service it is best suited for. We define the functionalities and the cooperation between the composing elements of the framework and detail the logics of the integration process in an UML activity diagram and in a SEAM operation model

    Representing and Using Interschema Knowledge in Cooperative Information Systems

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    Managing interschema knowledge is an essential task when dealing with cooperative information systems. We propose a logical approach to the problem of both expressing interschema knowledge, and reasoning about it. In particular, we set up a structured representation language for expressing semantic interdependencies between classes belonging to different database schemas, and present a method for reasoning over such interdependencies. The language and the associated reasoning technique makes it possible to build a logic-based module that can draw useful inferences whenever the need arises of both comparing and combining the knowledge represented in the various schemas. Notable examples of such inferences include checking the coherence of interschema knowledge, and providing integrated access to a cooperative information system