22 research outputs found

    Abstractions and sensor design in partial-information, reactive controller synthesis

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    Automated synthesis of reactive control protocols from temporal logic specifications has recently attracted considerable attention in various applications in, for example, robotic motion planning, network management, and hardware design. An implicit and often unrealistic assumption in this past work is the availability of complete and precise sensing information during the execution of the controllers. In this paper, we use an abstraction procedure for systems with partial observation and propose a formalism to investigate effects of limitations in sensing. The abstraction procedure enables the existing synthesis methods with partial observation to be applicable and efficient for systems with infinite (or finite but large number of) states. This formalism enables us to systematically discover sensing modalities necessary in order to render the underlying synthesis problems feasible. We use counterexamples, which witness unrealizability potentially due to the limitations in sensing and the coarseness in the abstract system, and interpolation-based techniques to refine the model and the sensing modalities, i.e., to identify new sensors to be included, in such synthesis problems. We demonstrate the method on examples from robotic motion planning.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Accepted at American Control Conference 201

    On Deciding Local Theory Extensions via E-matching

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    Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers incorporate decision procedures for theories of data types that commonly occur in software. This makes them important tools for automating verification problems. A limitation frequently encountered is that verification problems are often not fully expressible in the theories supported natively by the solvers. Many solvers allow the specification of application-specific theories as quantified axioms, but their handling is incomplete outside of narrow special cases. In this work, we show how SMT solvers can be used to obtain complete decision procedures for local theory extensions, an important class of theories that are decidable using finite instantiation of axioms. We present an algorithm that uses E-matching to generate instances incrementally during the search, significantly reducing the number of generated instances compared to eager instantiation strategies. We have used two SMT solvers to implement this algorithm and conducted an extensive experimental evaluation on benchmarks derived from verification conditions for heap-manipulating programs. We believe that our results are of interest to both the users of SMT solvers as well as their developers

    A simple abstraction of arrays and maps by program translation

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    We present an approach for the static analysis of programs handling arrays, with a Galois connection between the semantics of the array program and semantics of purely scalar operations. The simplest way to implement it is by automatic, syntactic transformation of the array program into a scalar program followed analysis of the scalar program with any static analysis technique (abstract interpretation, acceleration, predicate abstraction,.. .). The scalars invariants thus obtained are translated back onto the original program as universally quantified array invariants. We illustrate our approach on a variety of examples, leading to the " Dutch flag " algorithm

    Polyhedra to the rescue of array interpolants

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    International audienceWe propose a new approach to the automated verification of the correctness of programs handling arrays. An abstract interpreter supplies auxiliary numeric invariants to an interpolation-based refinement procedure suited to array programs. Experiments show that this combination approach, implemented in an enhanced version of the Booster software model-checker, performs better than the pure interpolation-based approach, at no additional cost

    Using Z3 to Verify Inferences in Fragments of Linear Logic

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    Linear logic is a substructural logic proposed as a refinement of classical and intuitionistic logics, with applications in programming languages, game semantics, and quantum physics. We present a template for Gentzen-style linear logic sequents that supports verification of logic inference rules using automatic theorem proving. Specifically, we use the Z3 Theorem Prover [8] to check targeted inference rules based on a set of inference rules that are presumed to be valid. To demonstrate the approach, we apply it to validate several derived inference rules for two different fragments of linear logic: MLL+Mix (Multiplicative Linear Logic extended with a Mix rule) and MILL (Multiplicative Intuitionistic Linear Logic).Comment: In Proceedings FROM 2023, arXiv:2309.1295

    Использование случайной выборки моделей для решения задачи интерполяции Крейга в рамках ограниченной проверки моделей

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    One of the most serious problems when doing program analyses is dealing with function calls. While function inlining is the traditional approach to this problem, it nonetheless suffers from the increase in analysis complexity due to the state space explosion. Craig interpolation has been successfully used in recent years in the context of bounded model checking to do function summarization which allows one to replace the complete function body with its succinct summary and, therefore, reduce the complexity. Unfortunately this technique can be applied only to a pair of unsatisfiable formulae.In this work-in-progress paper we present an approach to function summarization based on Craig interpolation that overcomes its limitation by using random model sampling. It captures interesting input/output relations, strengthening satisfiable formulae into unsatisfiable ones and thus allowing the use of Craig interpolation. Preliminary experiments show the applicability of this approach; in our future work we plan to do a full evaluation on real-world examples.Одной из самых сложных проблем при статическом анализе программ является анализ вызовов функций, также известный как межпроцедурный анализ. Классическим способом решения этой проблемы является подстановка тел функций в места вызовов, однако при этом значительно возрастает вычислительная сложность анализа из-за увеличения размера модели программы. Для решения этой проблемы можно использовать различные алгоритмы аппроксимации функций, которые заменяют полное тело функции на ее упрощенное описание, тем самым снижая сложность анализа. В контексте ограниченной проверки моделей в последнее время начала активно использоваться интерполяция Крейга, однако ее использование возможно только для пары несовместных логических формул.В данной статье предлагается подход к аппроксимации функций, основанный на интерполяции Крейга, который лишен данного ограничения за счет усиления интерполяции при помощи случайной выборки моделей. При помощи поиска интересных взаимозависимостей между входными и выходными аргументами функции, случайная выборка моделей позволяет усилить совместные формулы до несовместных, тем самым делая возможным использование интерполяции Крейга. Результаты проведенных предварительных экспериментов подтверждают применимость данного подхода; в дальнейшем планируется провести более подробные исследования его характеристик на реальных примерах.

    Cell morphing: from array programs to array-free Horn clauses

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    International audienceAutomatically verifying safety properties of programs is hard.Many approaches exist for verifying programs operating on Boolean and integer values (e.g. abstract interpretation, counterexample-guided abstraction refinement using interpolants), but transposing them to array properties has been fraught with difficulties.Our work addresses that issue with a powerful and flexible abstractionthat morphes concrete array cells into a finite set of abstractones. This abstraction is parametric both in precision and in theback-end analysis used.From our programs with arrays, we generate nonlinear Horn clauses overscalar variables only, in a common format with clear and unambiguouslogical semantics, for which there exist several solvers. We thusavoid the use of solvers operating over arrays, which are still veryimmature.Experiments with our prototype VAPHOR show that this approach can proveautomatically and without user annotationsthe functional correctness of several classical examples, including \emph{selection sort}, \emph{bubble sort}, \emph{insertion sort}, as well as examples from literature on array analysis

    Spatial Interpolants

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    We propose Splinter, a new technique for proving properties of heap-manipulating programs that marries (1) a new separation logic-based analysis for heap reasoning with (2) an interpolation-based technique for refining heap-shape invariants with data invariants. Splinter is property directed, precise, and produces counterexample traces when a property does not hold. Using the novel notion of spatial interpolants modulo theories, Splinter can infer complex invariants over general recursive predicates, e.g., of the form all elements in a linked list are even or a binary tree is sorted. Furthermore, we treat interpolation as a black box, which gives us the freedom to encode data manipulation in any suitable theory for a given program (e.g., bit vectors, arrays, or linear arithmetic), so that our technique immediately benefits from any future advances in SMT solving and interpolation.Comment: Short version published in ESOP 201

    Quantifier-Free Interpolation of a Theory of Arrays

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    The use of interpolants in model checking is becoming an enabling technology to allow fast and robust verification of hardware and software. The application of encodings based on the theory of arrays, however, is limited by the impossibility of deriving quantifier- free interpolants in general. In this paper, we show that it is possible to obtain quantifier-free interpolants for a Skolemized version of the extensional theory of arrays. We prove this in two ways: (1) non-constructively, by using the model theoretic notion of amalgamation, which is known to be equivalent to admit quantifier-free interpolation for universal theories; and (2) constructively, by designing an interpolating procedure, based on solving equations between array updates. (Interestingly, rewriting techniques are used in the key steps of the solver and its proof of correctness.) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt of computing quantifier- free interpolants for a variant of the theory of arrays with extensionality