22 research outputs found

    Predicting learning success in online learning environments: Self-regulated learning, prior knowledge and repetition

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    The emergence of new trends sometimes carries the risk that established, well-proven concepts rooted in other disciplines are not properly integrated into new approaches. As Learning Analytics seems to be evolving into a highly multidisciplinary field, we would like to demonstrate the importance of embedding classic theories and concepts into a Learning Analytics, system-data-driven setting. Our results confirm that classical factors that are operationalized with the help of system-generated data outperform more recent survey-based models. Therefore, we want to stress the point that system-generated data should not be left behind in the quickly evolving field of Learning Analytics

    The Development of Interactive Multimedia Using Lectora Inspire Application in Arabic Language Learning

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    Interactive learning media that were used in schools, in general, were still less innovative, only use the media available in the school environment, and do not utilize technology. The aim of this study developed interactive multimedia using Lectora Inspire application in learning Arabic Language class VII at Islamic Junior High School Thawalib Tanjung Limau. The goal to be achieved was to produce interactive multimedia using the Lectora Inspire application that was valid, practical, and effective. The researcher used Research and Development model. The results showed that interactive multimedia using the Lectora Inspire application in Arabic learning that was developed had met valid criteria with the characteristics of media content in accordance with the curriculum, design and layout that was clear, ease of operation of the media. The results of observations and questionnaires show that learning media were already practical with characteristics that have precise contents and goals. In addition, the developed media has also in increasing student activity and learning outcomes, with 85.8% mastery learning. Keywords: Lectora Inspire, Interactive Multimedia, Arabi

    The effect of augmented reality mobile learning in microeconomic course

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    Recently, there has been a surge of interest for students to use technology while engaging in their learning. Augmented reality is one of the technologies found suitable for use in the educational field, such as in science, mathematics, and engineering. However, it is not yet being explored in the Microeconomics course. Therefore, this study investigated the effectiveness of using augmented reality, namely Augmented Reality Mobile Learning in Microeconomic courses (ARMLAAPPS). This study used a quasi-experimental design, and two groups were involved: the control and experimental groups. They are undergoing teaching and learning sessions using ARMLAAPPS and conventional teaching methods. This study indicates that students in the experimental group showed a significantly higher visualization skills level than those in the control group after teaching and learning. Besides, this study also found that ARMLAAPPS can assist in highlighting student-centered learning, stimulating student interest and curiosity, increasing student cognitive, affective, and psychomotor processes, and increasing student involvement in the information-seeking process. Educators are suggested to use augmented reality in their teaching and learning since it has effectively enhanced students’ visualization skills and promoted a better understanding of knowledge


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    The present study endeavored to explore EFL students' perceptions regarding the acceptance and intervention of ARS in enhancing reading comprehension ability at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. The study engaged 30 male undergraduates of English major B.A program. For data collection, the study utilized a qualitative technique using semi-structured interviews and the interview questions were constructed based on the principles of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by Davis (1989). Active Reading Software (ARS) was employed as a technological tool for teaching reading comprehension. The treatment group received intervention from ARS for the duration of four weeks in the computer lab. Qualitative data obtained from the students' interviews were evaluated by means of thematic analysis using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) framework. The results of the thematic analysis pointed out five major themes considered to be the factors that influenced participants’ perceptions towards ARS as a learning tool for improving reading comprehension at the tertiary level. Findings of the present study offer essential implications for language instructors and educational institutions providing technology-integrated courses. Understanding the factors influencing the learners’ perceptions towards the adoption of technological tools in learning is significant for its success. Article visualizations

    Learning-related Soft Skills Among Online Business Students in Higher Education: Grade Level and Managerial Role Difference in Self-Regulation, Motivation, and Social Skill

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate how undergraduate and graduate business management students, as well as those who had a managerial role in their career and who did not, differ on levels of soft skills (SRL strategies, motivation, and social skills) after gender was controlled. Moreover, we intended to investigate how well soft skills factors influence business students’ successes in an online learning environment after students’ individual characteristics and learning characteristics were controlled. To serve this purpose, this study conducted MANCOVA and hierarchical multiple regression analyses on data collected from 162 students in fully online business courses. First, the results of the study indicated that graduate students had higher level of soft skills than undergraduate students, especially in self-regulation and motivation. Likewise, students with managerial experiences demonstrated a higher level of soft skills. Next, hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the final regression model with all soft skills factors included could predict approximately 34% of the variance in students learning outcomes to a statistically significant level. In addition, goal setting, self-efficacy, and social skills were found to be significant predictors. We suggest that instructors and instructional designers should realize that soft skills are important contributor to the learning outcomes. Therefore, mechanisms to enhance student soft skills should be embedded into the online course in order to improve student learning outcomes. This should be especially a priority for undergraduate online courses because undergraduate students do not demonstrate higher soft skills compared to graduate students

    Arcs Motivation Model: Content Analysis of Applied Articles Between the Years 1997-2018

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    DergiPark: 520477tredARCSmotivasyon modelinin eğitimsel kullanımına ilişkin uygulamalı makalelerin geneleğilimlerini belirlemeyi amaçlayan bu çalışmada, içerik analizi yöntemikullanılmıştır. Çalışmada, Web of Science, ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBİM ve GoogleScholar’da dizinlenen dergilerdeki 128 uygulamalı makale incelenmiş veelektronik ortamda oluşturulan formla sınıflandırılmıştır. Çalışmalar GoogleFormlar ve Microsoft Excel programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir.Çalışmada makalelerinin çoğunluğunun Web of Science’da dizinlenen dergilerdenelde edildiği; en sık 2018 yılında yayın yapıldığı; en fazla sayıda makaleninComputers amp; Education dergisinde yayınlandığı; bilgisayar destekli/webtabanlı eğitim alanının sıklıkla çalışıldığı; en sık nicel yöntemin tercihedildiği; veri toplama aracı olarak en yaygın motivasyon anketi /ölçeği veyaenvanterinin kullanıldığı; örneklem grubu olarak sıklıkla üniversiteöğrencilerinin tercih edildiği; veri analiz tekniğinde ise en yaygın olarak ttestinin kullanıldığı belirlenmiştir.In this study whichaims to determine the general tendencies of the applied articles related toeducational use of ARCS motivational model, content analysis method was used.In this study, 128 applied articles in journals indexed in Web of Science,ERIC, SCOPUS, ULAKBIM and Google Scholar were examined and classified byelectronic form. The studies analyzed with Google Forms and Microsoft Excel. Itis determined that the majority of the articles in the study were obtained fromthe journals indexed in Web of Science; the largest number of publications werepublished in the year 2018; most articles are published in Computers amp;Education; the most studied subject area is computer assisted/web basedtraining; the most used method is quantitative method; the most common datacollection tool is the motivation questionnaire; the most used sample group isuniversity students; and the most commonly used data analysis technique is thet test

    Važnost primjene multimedijske aplikacije stvorene prema ADDIE modelu za poučavanje pisanja i čitanja slova

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    This paper analyzes the impact of multimedia content on success in learning to write and read the letters of the alphabet. For the research purpose and according to the ADDIE model of instructional design, a multimedia application was created for learning to write and read the letters of the alphabet. This paper describes the application interface display, which presents the functions and the parts of the program code. In the focus of the research are the technical possibilities for the use of multimedia application, as well as the impact of its use on the awareness of pupils and teachers on the importance of the introduction of multimedia teaching content. The main research was focused on the effectiveness of learning to write and read the letters of the alphabet and was carried out by comparing the performance of pupils at the end of the school year in two primary schools.U ovom radu ispituje se utjecaj multimedijskoga sadržaja na učenje čitanja i pisanja slova. U svrhu istraživanja izrađena je multimedijska aplikacija za učenje čitanja i pisanja slova, prema ADDIE modelu instrukcijskoga dizajna. U radu je opisana aplikacija prikazom aplikacijskoga sučelja, opisom funkcija i dijelova koda. Istražene su tehničke mogućnosti korištenja multimedijske aplikacije kao i utjecaj njezine uporabe na svijest učenika i nastavnika o važnosti uvođenja multimedijskih nastavnih sadržaja. Glavno se istraživanje odnosi na uspjeh učenja čitanja i pisanja slova, a provedeno je usporedbom postignuća učenika na kraju školske godine u dvije osnovne škole